贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > poor miss finch >


poor miss finch-第77章

小说: poor miss finch 字数: 每页4000字

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began to talk of Oscar once more; I put on my hat; and set forth on a
domestic errand (of the kind usually entrusted to Zillah); solely for the
purpose of keeping out of the way; and putting off to the last moment the
hateful necessity of telling more lies。 The weather stood my friend。 It
threatened to rain; and Lucilla; on that account; refrained from
proposing to accompany me。

My errand took me to a farm…house on the road which led to Brighton。
After settling my business; I prolonged my walk; though the rain was
already beginning to fall。 I had nothing on me that would spoil; and; in
my present frame of mind; a wet gown was a preferable alternative to
returning to the rectory。

After I had walked about a mile further on; the solitude of the road was
enlivened by the appearance of an open carriage approaching me from the
direction of Brighton。 The hood was up to protect the person inside from
the rain。 The person looked out as I passed; and stopped the carriage in
a voice which I instantly recognized as the voice of Grosse。 Our gallant
oculist insisted (in the state of the weather) on my instantly taking
shelter by his side and returning with him to the house。

〃This is an unexpected pleasure;〃 I said。 〃I thought you had arranged not
to see Lucilla again till the end of the week。〃

Grosse's eyes glared at me through his spectacles with a dignity and
gravity worthy of Mr。 Finch himself。

〃Shall I tell you something?〃 he said。 〃You see sitting at your side a
lost surgeon…optic。 I shall die soon。 Put on my tombs; if you please; The
malady which killed this German mans wasLofely Feench。 When I am away
from hergif me your sympathies: I so much want itI sweat with
anxiousness for young Miss。 Your damn…mess…fix about those two brodders
is a sort of perpetual blisters on my mind。 Instead of snoring peaceably
all night in my nice big English beds; I roll wide awake on my pillows;
fidgeting for Feench。 I am here to…day before my time。 For what? For to
try her eyesyou think? Goot Madam; you think wrong! It is not her eyes
which troubles me。 Her eyes will do。 It is Youand the odders at your
rectory…place。 You make me nervous…anxious about my patients。 I am afraid
some of you will let the mess…fix of those brodder…twins find its way to
her pretty ears; and turn her poor little mind topsy…turvies when I am
not near to see to it in time。 Will you let her be comfortable…easy for
two months more? Ach Gott! if I could only be certain…sure of _that;_ I
might leave those weak new eyes of hers to cure themselves; and go my
ways back to London again。〃

I had intended to remonstrate with him pretty sharply for taking Lucilla
to Browndown。 After what he had now said; it was useless to attempt
anything of that sortand doubly useless to hope that he would let me
extricate myself from my difficulties by letting me tell her the truth。

〃Of course you are the best judge;〃 I said。 〃But you little know what
these precautions of yours cost the unfortunate people who are left to
carry them out。〃

He took me up sharply at those words。

〃You shall judge for yourself;〃 he said; 〃if it is not worth the cost。 If
her eyes satisfy meFeench shall learn to see to…day。 You shall stand
by; you obstinate womans; and judge if it is goot to add shock and
agitation to the exhaustions and irritabilities and bedevilments of all
sorts which our poor Miss must suffer in learning to see; after being
blind for all her life。 No more of it now; till we get to the
rectory…place。〃 By way of changing the subject for the present; he put a
question to me which I felt it necessary to answer with some caution。
〃How is my nice boys?my bright…clever Nugent?〃 he asked。

〃Very well。〃

There I stopped; not feeling at all sure of the ground I was treading on。

〃Mind this!〃 Grosse went on。 〃My bright…boy…Nugent keeps her
comfortable…easy。 My bright…boy…Nugent is worth all the rest of you
togedder。 I insist on his making his visits to young Miss at the
rectory…place; in spite of that windy…talky…puff…bag…Feench…father of
hers。 I say positivelyNugent shall come into the house。〃

There was no help for it now。 I was obliged to tell him that Nugent had
left Browndown; and that I was the person who had sent him away。

For a moment; I was really in doubt whether the skilled hand of the great
surgeon would not be ignobly employed in boxing my ears。 No perversion of
spelling can possibly report the complicated German…English jargon in
which his fury poured itself out on my devoted head。 Let it be enough to
say that he declared Nugent's abominable personation of his brother to be
vitally importantso long as Oscar was absentto his successful
treatment of the sensitive and excitable patient whom we had placed under
his care。 I vainly assured him that Nugent's object in leaving Dimchurch
was to set matters right again by bringing his brother back。 Grosse
flatly declined to allow himself to be influenced by any speculative
consideration of that sort。 He said (and swore) that my meddling had
raised a serious obstacle in his way; and that nothing but his own tender
regard for Lucilla prevented him from 〃turning the coachmans back;〃 and
leaving us henceforth to shift for ourselves。

When we reached the rectory gate; he had cooled a little。 As we crossed
the garden; he reminded me that I stood pledged to be present when the
bandage was taken off。

 〃Now mind!〃 he said。 〃You are going to see; if it is goot or bad to tell
her that she has had those nice white arms of hers round the wrong
brodder。 You are going to tell me afterwards; if you dare say to her; in
plain English words; 'Blue…Face is the man。'

We found Lucilla in the sitting…room。 Grosse briefly informed her that he
had nothing particular to occupy him in London; and that he had advanced
the date of his visit on that account。 〃You want something to do; my
lofe; on this soaky…rainy day。 Show Papa…Grosse what you can do with your
eyes; now you have got them back again。〃 With those words; he unfastened
the bandage; and; taking her by the chin; examined her eyesfirst
without his magnifying glass; then with it。

〃Am I going on well?〃 she asked anxiously。

〃Famous…well! You go on (as my goot friends say in America) first…class。
Now use your eyes for yourself。 Gif one lofing look to Grosse first。
Thensee! see! see!〃

There was no mistaking the tone in which he spoke to her。

He was not only satisfied about her eyeshe was triumphant。 〃Soh!〃 he
grunted; turning to me。 〃Why is Mr。 Sebrights not here to look at this?〃

I eagerly approached Lucilla。 There was still a little dimness left in
her eyes。 I noticed also that they moved to and fro restlessly; and (at
times) wildly。 But; oh; the bright change in her! the new life of beauty
which the new sense had bestowed on her already! Her smile; always
charming; now caught light from her lips; and spread its gentle
fascination over all her face。 It was impossible not to long to kiss her。
I advanced to congratulate; to embrace her。 Grosse stepped forward; and
checked me。

〃No;〃 he said。 〃Walk your ways to the odder end of the roomsand let us
see if _she_ can go to _you。_〃

Like all other people; knowing no more of the subject than I knew; I had
no idea of the pitiably helpless manner in which the restored sense of
sight struggles to assert itself; in persons who have been blind for
life。 In such cases; the effort of the eyes that are first learning to
see; is like the effort of the limbs when a child is first learning to
walk。 But for Grosse's odd way of taking it; the scene which I was now to
witness would have been painful in the last degree。 My poor
Lucillainstead of filling me with joy; as I had anticipatedwould I
really believe have wrung my heart; and have made me burst out crying。

〃Now!〃 said Grosse; laying one hand on Lucilla's arm; while he pointed to
me with the other。 〃There she stands。 Can you go to her?〃

〃Of course I can!〃

〃I lay you a bet…wager you can _not!_ Ten thausand pounds to six pennies。
Done…done。 Now try!〃

She answered by a little gesture of defiance; and took three hasty steps
forward。 Bewildered and frightened; she stopped suddenly at the third

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