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poor miss finch-第72章

小说: poor miss finch 字数: 每页4000字

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in Oscar's nature had shown itself on the surface in past times; to the
concealment of its stronger and its nobler side。 There had been something
hidden in this supersensitive man; who had shrunk under all the small
trials of his life in our village; which had proved firm enough; when the
greatness of the need called on it; to sustain the terrible disaster that
had fallen on him。 The nearer I got to the end of my journey; the more
certain I felt that I was only now learning (bitterly as he had
disappointed me) to estimate Oscar's character at its true value。
Inspired by this conviction; I began already to face our hopeless
prospects boldly。 As long as I had life and strength to help her; I
determined that Lucilla should _not_ lose the man; whose best qualities I
had failed to discover until he had made up his mind to turn his back on
her for ever。

When I reached the rectory; I was informed that Mr。 Finch wished to speak
to me。 My anxiety about Lucilla made me unwilling to submit to any delay
in seeing her。 I sent a message; informing the rector that I would be
with him in a few minutesand ran up…stairs into Lucilla's room。

〃Has it been a very long day; my dear?〃 I asked; when our first greetings
were over。

〃It has been a delightful day;〃 she answered joyously。 〃Grosse took me
out for a walk; before he went back to London。 Can you guess where our
walk led us?〃

A chilly sense of misgiving seized me。 I drew back from her。 I looked at
her lovely face without the slightest admiration of itworse still; with
downright distrust of it。

〃Where did you go?〃 I asked。

〃To Browndown; of course!〃

An exclamation escaped me(〃Infamous Grosse!〃 spit out between my teeth
in my own language)。 I could _not_ help it。 I should have died if I had
repressed itI was in such a rage。

Lucilla laughed。 〃There! there! It was my fault; I insisted on speaking
to Oscar。 As soon as I had my own way; I behaved perfectly。 I never asked
to have the bandage taken off; I was satisfied with only speaking to him。
Dear old Grossehe isn't half as hard on me as you and my fatherwas
with us; all the time。 It has done me so much good。 Don't be sulky about
it; you darling Pratolungo! My 'surgeon optic' sanctions my imprudence。 I
won't ask you to go with me to Browndown to…morrow; Oscar is coming to
return my visit。〃

Those last words decided me。 I had had a weary time of it since the
morning; but (for me) the day was not at an end yet。 I said to myself; 〃I
will have it out with Mr。 Nugent Dubourg; before I go to my bed

〃Can you spare me for a little while?〃 I asked。 〃I must go to the other
side of the house。 Your father wishes to speak to me。

Lucilla started。 〃About what?〃 she inquired eagerly。

〃About business in London;〃 I answeredand left her; before her
curiosity could madden me (in the state I was in at that moment) with
more questions。

I found the rector prepared to favor me with his usual flow of language。
Fifty Mr。 Finches could not have possessed themselves of my attention in
the humour I was in at that moment。 To the reverend gentleman's
amazement; it was I who beganand not he。

〃I have just left Lucilla; Mr。 Finch。 I know what has happened。〃

〃Wait a minute; Madame Pratolungo! One thing is of the utmost importance
to begin with。 Do you thoroughly understand that I am; in no sense of the
word; to blame?〃

〃Thoroughly;〃 I interposed。 〃Of course; they would not have gone to
Browndown; if you had consented to let Nugent Dubourg into the house。〃

〃Stop!〃 said Mr。 Finch; elevating his right hand。 〃My good creature; you
are in a state of hysterical precipitation。 I will be heard! I did more
than refuse my consent。 When the man GrosseI insist on your composing
yourselfwhen the man Grosse came and spoke to me about it; I did more;
I say; infinitely more; than refuse my consent。 You know my force of
languagedon't be alarmed! I said; 'Sir! As pastor and parent; My Foot
is down'〃

〃I understand; Mr。 Finch。 Whatever you said to Herr Grosse was quite
useless; he entirely ignored your personal point of view。〃

〃Madame Pratolungo!〃

〃He found Lucilla dangerously agitated by her separation from Oscar: he
asserted; what he calls; his professional freedom of action。〃

〃Madame Pratolungo!〃

〃You persisted in closing your doors to Nugent Dubourg。 _He_ persisted;
on his sideand took Lucilla to Browndown。〃

Mr。 Finch got on his feet; and asserted himself at the full pitch of his
tremendous voice。

〃Silence!〃 he shouted; with a smack of his open hand on the table at his

I didn't care。 _I_ shouted。 _I_ came down; with a smack of my hand; on
the opposite side of the table。

〃One question; sir; before I leave you;〃 I said。 〃Since your daughter
went to Browndown; you have had many hours at your disposal。 Have you
seen Mr。 Nugent Dubourg?〃

The Pope of Dimchurch suddenly collapsed; in full fulmination of his
domestic Bulls。

〃Pardon me;〃 he replied; adopting his most elaborately polite manner。
〃This requires considerable explanation。〃

I declined to wait for considerable explanation。 〃You have not seen him?〃
I said。

〃I have _not_ seen him;〃 echoed Mr。 Finch。 〃My position towards Nugent
Dubourg is very remarkable; Madame Pratolungo。 In my parental character;
I should like to wring his neck。 In my clerical character; I feel it
incumbent on me to pauseand write to him。 You feel the responsibility?
You understand the distinction?〃

I understood that he was afraid。 Answering him by an inclination of the
head (I hate a coward!) I walked silently to the door。

Mr。 Finch returned my bow with a look of helpless perplexity。 〃Are you
going to leave me?〃 he inquired blandly。

〃I am going to Browndown。〃

If I had said that I was going to a place which the rector had frequent
occasion to mention in the stronger passages of his sermons; Mr。 Finch's
face could hardly have shown more astonishment and alarm than it
exhibited when I replied to him in those terms。 He lifted his persuasive
right hand; he opened his eloquent lips。 Before the coming overflow of
language could reach me; I was out of the room; on my way to Browndown。


Is there no Excuse for Him?

OSCAR'S dismissed servant (left; during the usual month of warning; to
take care of the house) opened the door to me when I knocked。 Although
the hour was already a late one in primitive Dimchurch; the man showed no
signs of surprise at seeing me。

〃Is Mr。 Nugent Dubourg at home?〃

〃Yes; ma'am。〃 He lowered his voice; and added; 〃I think Mr。 Nugent
expected to see you to…night。〃

Whether he intended it; or not; the servant had done me a good turnhe
had put me on my guard。 Nugent Dubourg understood my character better
than I had understood his。 He had foreseen what would happen; when I
heard of Lucilla's visit on my return to the rectoryand he had; no
doubt; prepared himself accordingly。 I was conscious of a certain nervous
trembling (I own) as I followed the servant to the sitting…room。 At the
moment; however; when he opened the door; this ignoble sensation left me
as suddenly as it had come。 I felt myself Pratolungo's widow again; when
I entered the room。

A reading…lamp; with its shade down; was the only light on the table。
Nugent Dubourg; comfortably reposing in an easychair; sat by the lamp;
with a cigar in his mouth; and a book in his hand。 He put down the book
on the table as he rose to receive me。 Knowing; by this time; what sort
of man I had to deal with; I was determined not to let even the merest
trifles escape me。 It might have its use in helping me to understand him;
if I knew how he had been occupying his mind while he was expecting me to
arrive。 I looked at the book。 It was _Rousseau's Confessions。_

He advanced with his pleasant smile; and offered his hand as if nothing
had happened to disturb our ordinary relations towards each other。 I drew
back a step; and looked at him。

〃Won't you shake hands with me?〃 he asked。

〃I will answer that directly;〃 I said。 〃Where is your brother?〃

〃I don't know。〃

〃When you _do_ know; Mr。 Nugent Dubourg; and when you have brought your
brother back to this house; I will take your

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