贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > poor miss finch >


poor miss finch-第64章

小说: poor miss finch 字数: 每页4000字

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paternal emotion; 〃Bless you; my child!〃

At the sound of her husband's magnificent voice; Mrs。 Finch became
herself again。 She said meekly; 〃How d'ye do; Lucilla?〃and sat down in
a corner; and suckled the baby。

Mr。 Finch set in for one of his harangues。

〃My advice has been neglected; Lucilla。 My paternal influence has been
repudiated。 My Moral Weight has been; so to speak; set aside。 I don't
complain。 Understand me_I_ simply state sad facts。〃 (Here he became
aware of my existence。) 〃Good morning; Madame Pratolungo; I hope I see
you well?There has been variance between us; Lucilla。 I come; my child;
with healing on my wings (healing being understood; for present purposes;
as reconciliation)I come; and bring Mrs。 Finch with medon't speak;
Mrs。 Finch!to offer my heartfelt wishes; my fervent prayers; on this
the most eventful day in my daughter's life。 No vulgar curiosity has
turned my steps this way。 No hint shall escape my lips; touching any
misgivings which I may still feel as to this purely worldly interference
with the ways of an inscrutable Providence。 I am here as parent and
peacemaker。 My wife accompanies medon't speak; Mrs。 Finch!as
step…parent and step…peacemaker。 (You understand the distinction; Madame
Pratolungo? Thank you。 Good creature。) Shall I preach forgiveness of
injuries from the pulpit; and not practice that forgiveness at home? Can
I remain; on this momentous occasion; at variance with my child? Lucilla!
I forgive you。 With full heart and tearful eyes; I forgive you。 (You have
never had any children; I believe; Madame Pratolungo? Ah! you cannot
possibly understand this。 Not your fault。 Good creature。 Not your fault。)
The kiss of peace; my child; the kiss of peace。〃 He solemnly bent his
bristly head; and deposited the kiss of peace on Lucilla's forehead。 He
sighed superbly; and in a burst of magnanimity; held out his hand next to
me。 〃My Hand; Madame Pratolungo。 Compose yourself。 Don't cry。 God bless
you。 Mrs。 Finch; deeply affected by her husband's noble conduct; began to
sob hysterically。 The baby; disarranged in his proceedings by the
emotions of his mama; set up a sympathetic scream。 Mr。 Finch crossed the
room to them; with domestic healing on his wings。 〃This does you credit;
Mrs。 Finch; but; under the circumstances; it must not be continued。
Control yourself; in consideration of the infant。 Mysterious mechanism of
Nature!〃 cried the rector; raising his prodigious voice over the louder
and louder screeching of the baby。 〃Marvelous and beautiful sympathy
which makes the maternal sustenance the conducting medium; as it were; of
disturbance between the mother and child。 What problems confront us; what
forces environ us; even in this mortal life! Nature! Maternity!
Inscrutable Providence!〃

〃Inscrutable Providence〃 was the rector's fatal phraseit always brought
with it an interruption; and it brought one now。 Before Mr。 Finch
(brimful of pathetic apostrophes) could burst into more exclamations; the
door opened; and Oscar walked into the room。

Lucilla instantly recognized his footstep。

〃Any signs; Oscar; of Herr Grosse?〃 she asked。

〃Yes。 His chaise has been seen on the road。 He will be here directly。〃

Giving that answer; and passing by my chair to place himself on the other
side of Lucilla; Oscar cast at me one imploring looka look which said
plainly; 〃Don't desert me when the time comes!〃 I nodded my head to show
that I understood him and felt for him。 He sat down in the vacant chair
by Lucilla; and took her hand in silence。 It was hard to say which of the
two felt the position; at that trying moment; most painfully。 I don't
think I ever saw any sight so simply and irresistibly touching as the
sight of those two poor young creatures sitting hand in hand; waiting the
event which was to make the happiness or the misery of their future

〃Have you seen anything of your brother?〃 I asked; putting the question
in as careless a tone as my devouring anxiety would allow me to assume。

〃Nugent has gone to meet Herr Grosse。〃

Oscar's eyes once more encountered mine; as he replied in those terms; I
saw again the imploring look more marked in them than ever。 It was plain
to him; as it was plain to me; that Nugent had gone to meet the German;
with the purpose of making Herr Grosse the innocent means of bringing him
into the house。

Before I could speak again; Mr。 Finch; recovering himself after the
interruption which had silenced him; saw his opportunity of setting in
for another harangue。 Mrs。 Finch had left off sobbing; the baby had left
off screaming; the rest of us were silent and nervous。 In a word; Mr。
Finch's domestic congregation was entirely at Mr。 Finch's mercy。 He
strutted up to Oscar's chair。 Was he going to propose to read _Hamlet?_
No! He was going to invoke a blessing on Oscar's head。

〃On this interesting occasion;〃 began the rector in his pulpit tones;
〃now that we are all united in the same room; all animated by the same
hopeI could wish; as pastor and parent (God bless you; Oscar: I look on
you as a son。 Mrs。 Finch; follow my example; look on him as a son!)I
could wish; as pastor and parent; to say a few pious and consoling

The doorthe friendly; admirable; judicious doorstopped the coming
sermon; in the nick of time; by opening again。 Herr Grosse's squat figure
and owlish spectacles appeared on the threshold。 And behind him (exactly
as I had anticipated) stood Nugent Dubourg。

Lucilla turned deadly pale: she had heard the door open; she knew by
instinct that the surgeon had come。 Oscar got up; stole behind my chair;
and whispered to me; 〃For God's sake; get Nugent out of the room!〃 I gave
him a reassuring squeeze of the hand; and; putting Jicks down on the
floor; rose to welcome our good Grosse。

The child; as it happened; was beforehand with me。 She and the
illustrious oculist had met in the garden at one of the German's
professional visits to Lucilla; and had taken an amazing fancy to each
other。 Herr Grosse never afterwards appeared at the rectory without some
unwholesome eatable thing in his pocket for Jicks; who gave him in return
as many kisses as he might ask for; and further distinguished him as the
only living creature whom she permitted to nurse the disreputable doll。
Grasping this same doll now; with both hands; and using it head…foremost;
as a kind of battering…ram; Jicks plunged in front of me; and butted with
all her might at the surgeon's bandy legs; insisting on a monopoly of his
attention before he presumed to speak to any other person in the room。
While he was lifting her to a level with his face; and talking to her in
his wonderful broken Englishwhile the rector and Mrs。 Finch were making
the necessary apologies for the child's conductNugent came round from
behind Herr Grosse; and drew me mysteriously into a corner of the room。
As I followed him; I saw the silent torture of anxiety expressed in
Oscar's face as he stood by Lucilla's chair。 It did me good; it strung up
my resolution to the right pitch; it made me feel myself a match; and
more than a match; for Nugent Dubourg。

〃I am afraid I behaved in a very odd manner; when we met in the village?〃
he said。 〃The fact is; I am not at all well。 I have been in a strange
feverish state lately。 I don't think the air of this place suits me。〃
There he stopped; keeping his eyes steadily fixed on mine; trying to read
my mind in my face。

〃I am not surprised to hear you say that;〃 I answered。 〃I have noticed
that you have not been looking well lately。〃

My tone and manner (otherwise perfectly composed) expressed polite
sympathyand nothing more。 I saw I puzzled him。 He tried again。

〃I hope I didn't say or do anything rude?〃 he went on。

〃Oh; no!〃

〃I was excitedpainfully excited。 You are too kind to admit it; I am
sure I owe you my apologies?〃

〃No; indeed! you were certainly excited; as you say。 But we are all in
the same state to…day。 The occasion; Mr。 Nugent; is your sufficient

Not the slightest sign in my face of any sort of suspicion of him
rewarded the close and continued scrutiny with which he regarded me。 I
saw in his perplexed expression; the certain assurance that I 

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