贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > poor miss finch >


poor miss finch-第6章

小说: poor miss finch 字数: 每页4000字

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any questions; except at the risk of making mischief in our little
household; on the first day of my joining it。 I kept my eyes wide open;
and waited for events。 I also committed a blunder at startingI offered
Lucilla my hand to lead her。 She burst out laughing。

〃My dear Madame Pratolungo! I know my way better than you do。 I roam all
over the neighborhood; with nothing to help me but this。〃

She held up a smart ivory walking…cane; with a bright silk tassel
attached。 With her cane in one hand; and her chemical bottle in the
otherand her roguish little hat on the top of her headshe made the
quaintest and prettiest picture I had seen for many a long day。 〃_You_
shall guide _me_; my dear;〃 I saidand took her arm。 We went on down the

Nothing in the least like a mysterious figure passed us in the twilight。
The few scattered laboring people; whom I had already seen; I saw
againand that was all。 Lucilla was silentsuspiciously silent as I
thought; after what Zillah had told me。 She had; as I fancied; the look
of a person who was listening intently。 Arrived at the cottage of the
rheumatic woman; she stopped and went in; while I waited outside。 The
affair of the embrocation was soon over。 She was out again in a
minuteand this time; she took my arm of her own accord。

〃Shall we go a little farther?〃 she said。 〃It is so nice and cool at this
hour of the evening。〃

Her object in view; whatever it might be; was evidently an object that
lay beyond the village。 In the solemn; peaceful twilight we followed the
lonely windings of the valley along which I had passed in the morning。
When we came opposite the little solitary house; which I had already
learnt to know as 〃Browndown;〃 I felt her hand unconsciously tighten on
my arm。 〃Aha!〃 I said to myself。 〃Has Browndown anything to do with

〃Does the view look very lonely to…night?〃 she asked; waving her cane
over the scene before us。

The true meaning of that question I took to be; 〃Do you see anybody
walking out to…night?〃 It was not my business to interpret her meaning;
before she had thought fit to confide her secret to me。 〃To my mind; my
dear;〃 was all I said; 〃it is a very beautiful view。〃

She fell silent again; and absorbed herself in her own thoughts。 We
turned into a new winding of the valleyand there; walking towards us
from the opposite direction; was a human figure at lastthe figure of a
solitary man!

As we got nearer to each other I perceived that he was a gentleman;
dressed in a light shooting…jacket; and wearing a felt hat of the conical
Italian shape。 A little nearerand I saw that he was young。 Nearer
stilland I discovered that he was handsome; though in rather an
effeminate way。 At the same moment; Lucilla heard his footstep。 Her color
instantly rose; and once again I felt her hand tighten involuntarily
round my arm。 (Good! Here was the mysterious object of Zillah's warning
to me found at last!)

I have; and I don't mind acknowledging it; an eye for a handsome man。 I
looked at him as he passed us。 Now I solemnly assure you; I am not an
ugly woman。 Nevertheless; as our eyes met; I saw the strange gentleman's
face suddenly contract; with an expression which told me plainly that I
had produced a disagreeable impression on him。 With some difficultyfor
my companion was holding my arm; and seemed to be disposed to stop
altogetherI quickened my pace so as to get by him rapidly; showing him;
I dare say; that I thought the change in his face when I looked at him;
an impertinence on his part。 However that may be; after a momentary
interval; I heard his step behind。 The man had turned; and had followed

He came close to me; on the opposite side to Lucilla; and took off his

〃I beg your pardon; ma'am;〃 he said。 〃You looked at me just now。〃

At the first sound of his voice; I felt Lucilla start。 Her hand began to
tremble on my arm with some sudden agitation; inconceivable to me。 In the
double surprise of discovering this; and of finding myself charged so
abruptly with the offense of looking at a gentleman; I suffered the most
exceptional of all losses (where a woman is concerned)the loss of my

He gave me no time to recover myself。 He proceeded with what he had to
sayspeaking; mind; in the tone of a perfectly well…bred man; with
nothing wild in his look; and nothing odd in his manner。

〃Excuse me; if I venture on asking you a very strange question;〃 he went
on。 〃Did you happen to be at Exeter; on the third of last month?〃

(I must have been more or less than woman; if I had not recovered the use
of my tongue now!)

〃I never was at Exeter in my life; sir;〃 I answered。 〃May I ask; on my
side; why you put the question to me?〃

Instead of replying; he looked at Lucilla。

〃Pardon me; once more。 Perhaps this young lady?〃

He was plainly on the point of inquiring next; whether Lucilla had been
at Exeterwhen he checked himself。 In the breathless interest which she
felt in what was going on; she had turned her full face upon him。 There
was still light enough left for her eyes to tell their own sad story; in
their own mute way。 As he read the truth in them; the man's face changed
from the keen look of scrutiny which it had worn thus far; to an
expression of compassionI had almost said; of distress。 He again took
off his hat; and bowed to me with the deepest respect。

〃I beg your pardon;〃 he said; very earnestly。 〃I beg the young lady's
pardon。 Pray forgive me。 My strange behavior has its excuseif I could
bring myself to explain it。 You distressed me; when you looked at me。 I
can't explain why。 Good evening。〃

He turned away hastily; like a man confused and ashamed of himselfand
left us。 I can only repeat that there was nothing strange or flighty in
his manner。 A perfect gentleman; in full possession of his sensesthere
is the unexaggerated and the just description of him。

I looked at Lucilla。 She was standing; with her blind face raised to the
sky; lost in herself; like a person wrapped in ecstasy。

〃Who is that man?〃 I asked。

My question brought her down suddenly from heaven to earth。 〃Oh!〃 she
said reproachfully; 〃I had his voice still in my earsand now I have
lost it! 'Who is he?' 〃 she added; after a moment; repeating my question。
〃Nobody knows。 Tell mewhat is he like。 Is he beautiful? He _must_ be
beautiful; with that voice!〃

〃Is this the first time you have heard his voice?〃 I inquired。

〃Yes。 He passed us yesterday; when I was out with Zillah。 But he never
spoke。 What is he like? Do; pray tell mewhat is he like?〃

There was a passionate impatience in her tone which warned me not to
trifle with her。 The darkness was coming。 I thought it wise to propose
returning to the house。 She consented to do anything I liked; as long as
I consented; on my side; to describe the unknown man。

All the way back; I was questioned and cross…questioned till I felt like
a witness under skillful examination in a court of law。 Lucilla appeared
to be satisfied; so far; with the results。 〃Ah!〃 she exclaimed; letting
out the secret which her old nurse had confided to me。 〃_You_ can use
your eyes。 Zillah could tell me nothing。〃

When we got home again; her curiosity took another turn。 〃Exeter?〃 she
said; considering with herself。 〃He mentioned Exeter。 I am like youI
never was there。 What will books tell us about Exeter?〃 She despatched
Zillah to the other side of the house for a gazetteer。 I followed the old
woman into the corridor; and set her mind at ease; in a whisper。 〃I have
kept what you told me a secret;〃 I said。 〃The man was out in the
twilight; as you foresaw。 I have spoken to him; and I am quite as curious
as the rest of you。 Get the book。〃

Lucilla had (to confess the truth) infected me with her idea; that the
gazetteer might help us in interpreting the stranger's remarkable
question relating to the third of last month; and his extraordinary
assertion that I had distressed him when I looked at him。 With the nurse
breathless on one side of me; and Lucilla breathless on the other; I
opened the book at the letter 〃E;〃 and found the place; and read aloud
these lines; as follows:

〃EXETER: A city and seaport in Devonshire。 Formerl

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