贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > poor miss finch >


poor miss finch-第27章

小说: poor miss finch 字数: 每页4000字

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with a stubborn resignation which it distressed me to see。 〃Remember what
I told you when the first attack seized him;〃 she said。 〃Our summer…time
is ended; our winter is come。〃

Her manner; while she spoke; was the manner of a person who is waiting
without hopewho feels deliberately that calamity is near。 She only
roused herself when Oscar came in。 He was; naturally enough; in miserable
spirits; under the sudden alteration in all his prospects。 Lucilla did
her best to cheer him; and succeeded。 On my side; I tried vainly to
persuade him to leave Browndown and amuse himself in some gayer place。 He
shrank from new faces and new scenes。 Between these two unelastic young
people; I felt even my native good spirits beginning to sink。 If we had
been all three down in the bottom of a dry well in a wilderness; we could
hardly have surveyed a more dismal prospect than the prospect we were
contemplating now。 By good luck; Oscar; like Lucilla; was passionately
fond of music。 We turned to the piano as our best resource in those days
of our adversity。 Lucilla and I took it in turns to play; and Oscar
listened。 I have to report that we got through a great deal of music。 I
have also to acknowledge that we were very dull。

As for Reverend Finch; he talked his way through his share of the
troubles that were trying us now; at the full compass of his voice。

If you had heard the little priest in those days; you would have supposed
that nobody could feel our domestic misfortunes as _he_ felt them; and
grieve over them as _he_ grieved。 He was a sight to see; on the day of
the medical consultation; strutting up and down his wife's sitting…room;
and haranguing his audiencecomposed of his wife and myself。 Mrs。 Finch
sat in one corner; with the baby and the novel; and the petticoat and the
shawl。 I occupied the other corner; summoned to 〃consult with the
rector。〃 In plain words; summoned to hear Mr。 Finch declare that he was
the person principally overshadowed by the cloud which hung on the

〃I despair; Madame PratolungoI assure you; I despairof conveying any
idea of how _I_ feel under this most melancholy state of things。 You have
been very good; you have shown the sympathy of a true friend。 But you
cannot possibly understand how this blow has fallen on Me。 I am crushed。
Madame Pratolungo!〃 (he appealed to me; in my corner); 〃Mrs。 Finch!〃 (he
appealed to his wife; in _her_ corner)〃I am crushed。 There is no other
word to express it but the word I have used。 Crushed。〃 He stopped in the
middle of the room。 He looked expectantly at mehe looked expectantly at
his wife。 His face and manner said plainly; 〃If both these women faint; I
shall consider it a natural and becoming proceeding on their parts; after
what I have just told them。〃 I waited for the lead of the lady of the
house。 Mrs。 Finch did not roll prostrate; with the baby and the novel; on
the floor。 Thus encouraged; I presumed to keep my seat。 The rector still
waited for us。 I looked as miserable as I could。 Mrs。 Finch cast her eyes
up reverentially at her husband; as if she thought him the noblest of
created beings; and silently put her handkerchief to her eyes。 Mr。 Finch
was satisfied; Mr。 Finch went on。 〃My health has sufferedI assure you;
Madame Pratolungo; MY health has suffered。 Since this sad occurrence; my
stomach has given way。 My balance is lostmy usual regularity is gone。 I
am subjectentirely through this miserable businessto fits of morbid
appetite。 I want things at wrong timesbreakfast in the middle of the
night; dinner at four in the morning。 I want something now!〃 Mr。 Finch
stopped; horror…struck at his condition; pondering with his eyebrows
fiercely knit; and his hand pressed convulsively on the lower buttons of
his rusty black waistcoat。 Mrs。 Finch's watery blue eyes looked across
the room at me; in a moist melancholy of conjugal distress。 The rector;
suddenly enlightened after his consultation with his stomach; strutted to
the door; flung it wide open; and called down the kitchen stairs with a
voice of thunder; 〃Poach me an egg!〃 He came back into the roomheld
another consultation; keeping his eyes severely fixed on mestrutted
back in a furious hurry to the doorand bellowed a counter…order down
the kitchen…stairs; 〃No egg! Do me a red herring!〃 He came back for the
second time; with his eyes closed and his hand laid distractedly on his
head。 He appealed alternately to Mrs。 Finch and to me。 〃See for
yourselvesMrs。 Finch! Madame Pratolungo!see for yourselves what a
state I am in。 It's simply pitiable。 I hesitate about the most trifling
things。 First; I think I want a poached eggthen; I think I want a red
herringnow I don't know what I want。 Upon my word of honor as a
clergyman and a gentleman; I don't know what I want! Morbid appetite all
day; morbid wakefulness all nightwhat a condition! I can't rest。 I
disturb my wife at night。 Mrs。 Finch! I disturb you at night。 How many
timessince this misfortune fell upon usdo I turn in bed before I fall
off to sleep? Eight times? Are you certain of it? Don't exaggerate! Are
you certain you counted! Very well: good creature! I never rememberI
assure you; Madame Pratolungo; I never remembersuch a complete upset as
this before。 The nearest approach to it was some years since; at my
wife's last confinement but four。 Mrs。 Finch! was it at your last
confinement but four? or your last but five? Your last but four? Are you
sure。 Are you certain you are not misleading our friend here? Very well:
good creature! Pecuniary difficulties; Madame Pratolungo; were at the
bottom of it on that last occasion。 I got over the pecuniary
difficulties。 How am I to get over this? My plans for Oscar and Lucilla
were completely arranged。 My relations with my wedded children were
pleasantly laid out。 I saw my own future; I saw the future of my family。
What do I see now? All; so to speak; annihilated at a blow。 Inscrutable
Providence!〃 He paused; and lifted his eyes and hands devotionally to the
ceiling。 The cook appeared with the red herring。 〃Inscrutable
Providence〃proceeded Mr。 Finch; a tone lower。 〃Eat it; dear;〃 said Mrs。
Finch; 〃while it's hot。〃 The rector paused again。 His unresting tongue
urged him to proceed; his undisciplined stomach clamored for the herring。
The cook uncovered the dish。 Mr。 Finch's nose instantly sided with Mr。
Finch's stomach。 He stopped at 〃Inscrutable Providence〃and peppered his

Having reported how the rector spoke; in the presence of the disaster
which had fallen on the family; I have only to complete the picture by
stating next what he did。 He borrowed two hundred pounds of Oscar; and
left off commanding red herrings in the day and disturbing Mrs。 Finch at
night; immediately afterwards。

The dull autumn days ended; and the long nights of winter began。

No change for the better appeared in our prospects。 The doctors did their
best for Oscarwithout avail。 The horrible fits came back; again and

again。 Day after day; our dull lives went monotonously on。 I almost began
now to believe; with Lucilla; that a crisis of some sort must be at hand。
〃This cannot last;〃 I used to say to myselfgenerally when I was very
hungry。 〃Something will happen before the year comes to an end。〃

The month of December began; and something happened at last。 The family
troubles at the rectory were matched by family troubles of my own。 A
letter arrived for me from one of my younger sisters at Paris。 It
contained alarming news of a person very dear to mealready mentioned in
the first of these pages as my good Papa。

Was the venerable author of my being dangerously ill of a mortal disease?
Alas! he was not exactly thatbut the next worst thing to it。 He was
dangerously in love with a disreputable young woman。 At what age? At the
age of seventy…five! What can we say of my surviving parent? We can only
say; This is a vigorous nature; Papa has an evergreen heart。

I am grieved to trouble you with my family concerns。 But they mix
themselves up intimately; as you will see in due time; with the concerns
of Oscar and Lucilla。 It is my unhappy destiny that I cannot possibly
take you through the present narrative; without sooner or la

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