贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > poor miss finch >


poor miss finch-第26章

小说: poor miss finch 字数: 每页4000字

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believe we should both have said; 〃Thank God; she is blind!〃

〃Have you all forgotten me?〃 she asked。 〃Oscar! where are you? What does
the doctor say?〃

She advanced into the room。 In a moment more; she would have stumbled
against the prostrate man still writhing on the floor。 I laid my hand on
her arm; and stopped her。

She suddenly caught my hand in hers。 〃Why did you tremble;〃 she asked;
〃when you took me by the arm? Why are you trembling now?〃 Her delicate
sense of touch was not to be deceived。 I vainly denied that anything had
happened: my hand had betrayed me。 〃There is something wrong!〃 she
exclaimed; 〃Oscar has not answered me。〃

The doctor came to my assistance。

〃There is nothing to be alarmed about;〃 he said。 〃Mr。 Dubourg is not very
well to…day。〃

She turned on the doctor; with a sudden burst of anger。

〃You are deceiving me!〃 she cried。 〃Something serious has happened to
him。 The truth! tell me the truth! Oh! it's shameful; it's heartless of
both of you to deceive a wretched blind creature like me!〃

The doctor still hesitated。 I told her the truth。

〃Where is he?〃 she asked; seizing me by the two shoulders; and shaking me
in the violence of her agitation。

I entreated her to wait a little; I tried to place her in a chair。 She
pushed me contemptuously away; and went down on the floor on her hands
and knees。 〃I shall find him;〃 she said to herself; 〃I shall find him in
spite of them!〃 She began to crawl over the floor; feeling the empty
space before her with her hand。 It was horrible。 I followed her; and
raised her again; by main force。

〃Don't struggle with her;〃 said the doctor。 〃Let her come here。 He is
quiet now。〃

I looked at Oscar。 The worst of it was over。 He was exhaustedhe was
quite still now。 The doctor's voice guided her to the place。 She sat down
by Oscar on the floor; and laid his head on her lap。 The moment she
touched him; the same effect was produced on her which would be produced
(if our eyes were bandaged) on you or me when the bandage was taken off。
An instant sense of relief diffused itself through her whole being。 She
became her gentler and sweeter self again。 〃I am sorry I lost my temper;〃
she said with the simplicity of a child。 〃But you don't know how hard it
is to be deceived when you are blind。〃 She stooped as she said those
words; and passed her handkerchief lightly over his forehead。 〃Doctor;〃
she asked; 〃will this happen again?〃

〃I hope not。〃

〃Are you sure not?〃

〃I can't say that。〃

〃What has brought it on?〃

〃I am afraid the blow he received on the head has brought it on。〃

She asked no more questions; her eager face passed suddenly into a state
of repose。 Something seemed to have come into her mindafter the
doctor's answer to her own questionwhich absorbed her in herself。 When
Oscar recovered his consciousness; she left it to me to answer the first
natural questions which he put。 When he personally addressed her she
spoke to him kindly; but briefly。 Something in her; at that moment;
seemed to keep her apart; even from _him。_ When the doctor proposed
taking him back to Browndown; she did not insist; as I had anticipated;
on going with them。 She took leave of him tenderlybut still she let him
go。 While he yet lingered near the door; looking back at her; she moved
away slowly to the further end of the room; self…withdrawn into her own
dark worldshut up in her thoughts from him and from us。

The doctor tried to rouse her。

〃You must not think too seriously of this;〃 he said; following her to the
window at which she stood; and dropping his voice so that Oscar could not
hear him。 〃He has himself told you that he feels lighter and better than
he felt before the fit。 It has relieved instead of injuring him。 There is
no danger。 I assure you; on my honor; there is nothing to fear。〃

〃Can you assure me; on your honor; of one other thing;〃 she asked;
lowering her voice on her side。 〃Can you honestly tell me that this is
not the first of other fits that are to come?〃

The doctor parried the question。

〃We will have another medical opinion;〃 he answered; 〃before we decide。
The next time I go to see him; a physician from Brighton shall go with

Oscar; who had thus far waited; wondering at the change in her; now
opened the door。 The doctor returned to him。 They left us。

She sat down on the window…seat; with her elbows on her knees and her
hands grasping her forehead。 A long moaning cry burst from her。 She said
to herself bitterly the one word〃Farewell!〃

I approached her; feeling the necessity of reminding her that I was in
the room。

〃Farewell to what?〃 I asked; taking my place by her side。

〃To his happiness and to mine;〃 she answered; without lifting her head
from her hands。 〃The dark days are coming for Oscar and for me。〃

〃Why should you think that? You heard what the doctor said。〃

〃The doctor doesn't know what I know。〃

〃What do you know?〃

She paused before she answered me。 〃Do you believe in fate?〃 she said;
suddenly breaking the silence。

〃I believe in nothing which encourages people to despair of themselves;〃
I replied。

She went on without heeding me。

〃What caused the fit which seized him in this room? The blow that struck
him on the head。 How did he receive the blow? In trying to defend what
was his and what was mine。 What had he been doing on the day when the
thieves entered the house? He had been working on the casket which was
meant for me。 Do you see those events linked together in one chain? I
believe the fit will be followed by some next event springing out of it。
Something else is coming to darken his life and to darken mine。 There is
no wedding…day near for us。 The obstacles are rising in front of him and
in front of me。 The next misfortune is very near us。 You will see! you
will see!〃 She shivered as she said those words; and; shrinking away from
me; huddled herself up in a corner of the window…seat。

It was useless to dispute with her; and worse than useless to sit there;
and encourage her to say more。 I got up on my feet。

〃There is one thing I believe in;〃 I said cheerfully。 〃I believe in the
breeze on the hills。 Come for a walk!〃

She shrank closer into her corner and shook her head。

〃Let me be!〃 she broke out impatiently。 〃Leave me by myself!〃 She rose;
repenting the words the moment they were utteredshe put her arm round
my neck; and kissed me。 〃I didn't mean to speak so harshly;〃 said the
gentle affectionate creature。 〃Sister! my heart is heavy。 My life to come
never looked so dark to my blind eyes as it looks now。〃 A tear dropped
from those poor sightless eyes on my cheek。 She turned her head aside
abruptly。 〃Forgive me;〃 she murmured; 〃and let me go。〃 Before I could
answer; she hurried away to hide herself in her room。 The sweet girl! How
you would have pitied herhow you would have loved her!

I went out alone for my walk。 She had not infected me with her
superstitious foreboding of ill things to come。 But there was one sad
word that she had said; in which I could not but agree。 After what I had
witnessed in that room; the wedding…day did indeed look further off than


Family Troubles

IN four or five days more; Lucilla's melancholy doubts about Oscar were
confirmed。 He was attacked by a second fit。

The promised consultation with the physician from Brighton took place。
Our new doctor did not encourage us to hope。 The second fit following so
close on the first was; in his opinion; a bad sign。 He gave general
directions for the treatment of Oscar; and left him to decide for himself
whether he would or would not try change of scene。 No change; the
physician appeared to think; would exert any immediate influence on the
recurrence of the epileptic attacks。 The patient's general health might
be benefited; and that was all。 As for the question of the marriage; he
declared without hesitation that we must for the present dismiss all
consideration of it from our minds。

Lucilla received the account of what passed at the visit of the doctors
with a stubborn resignation which it distressed me to see。 〃Remember what
I told you when the first attack seized him;〃 she said。 〃Ou

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