贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > poor miss finch >


poor miss finch-第108章

小说: poor miss finch 字数: 每页4000字

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moment we meet。 I have been shockingly treated by youand I have got my
arm round your waist and my head on your shoulder; and I wouldn't let go
of you for the world!〃 Her face saddened again; her voice suddenly
altered its tone。 〃Tell me;〃 she went on; 〃how is it that appearances
were so terribly against you? Oscar satisfied me; at Ramsgate; that I
ought to give you up; that I ought never to see you again。 I took his
viewthere is no denying it; my dearI agreed with him in detesting
you; for a little while。 But; when the blindness came back; I could keep
it up no longer。 Little by little; as the light died out; my heart
_would_ turn to you again。 When I heard your letter read; when I knew
that you were near meit was just like the old times; I was mad to see
you。 And here I amsatisfied; before you explain it to me; that you have
been the victim of some terrible mistake。〃

I tried; in grateful acknowledgment of those generous words; to enter on
my justification there and then。 It was impossible。 I could think of
nothing; I could speak of nothing; but the dreadful discovery of her

〃Give me a few minutes;〃 I said; 〃and you shall hear it all。 I can't talk
of myself; yetI can only talk of you。 Oh; Lucilla; why did you keep
away from Grosse? Come with me to him to…day。 Let him try what he can do。
At once; my lovebefore it is too late!〃

〃It _is_ too late;〃 she said。 〃I have been to another oculista
stranger。 He said; what Mr。 Sebright said: he doubted if there was ever
any chance for me: he thought the operation ought never to have been

〃Why did you go to a stranger?〃 I asked。 〃Why did you give up Grosse!〃

〃You must ask Oscar;〃 she answered。 〃It was at his desire that I kept
away from Grosse。〃

Hearing this; I penetrated for myself the motive which had actuated
Nugentas I afterwards found it indicated in the Journal。 If he had let
Lucilla go to Grosse; our good German might have noticed that her
position was preying on her mind; and might have seen his reasons for
exposing the deception that Nugent was practicing on her。 For the rest; I
still persisted in entreating Lucilla to go back with me to our old

〃Remember our conversation on this very subject;〃 she rejoined; shaking
her head decisively。 〃I mean at the time when the operation was going to
be performed。 I told you I was used to being blind。 I said I only wanted
to recover my sight; to see Oscar。 And when I did see himwhat happened?
The disappointment was so dreadful; I wished myself blind again。 Don't
start! don't cry out as if you were shocked! I mean what I say。 You
people who can see; attach such an absurd importance to your eyes! Don't
you recollect my saying that; when we last talked about it?〃

I recollected perfectly。 She had said those words。 She had declared that
she had never honestly envied any of us the use of our eyes。 She had even
reviled our eyes; comparing them contemptuously with _her_ touch;
deriding them as deceivers who were constantly leading us wrong。 I
acknowledged all thiswithout being in the least reconciled to the
catastrophe that had happened。 If she would only have listened to me; I
should still have gone on obstinately pleading with her。 But she flatly
refused to listen。 〃We have very little time to spare;〃 she said。 〃Let us
talk of something more interesting before I am obliged to leave you。〃

〃Obliged to leave me?〃 I repeated。 〃Are you not your own mistress?〃

Her face clouded over; her manner became embarrassed。

〃I cannot honestly tell you that I am a prisoner;〃 she answered。 〃I can
only say I am watched。 When Oscar is away from me; Oscar's cousina sly;
suspicious; false womanalways contrives to put herself in his place。 I
heard her say to her husband that she believed I should break my marriage
engagement unless I was closely looked after。 I don't know what I should
do; but for one of the servants in the house; who is an excellent
creaturewho sympathizes with me; and helps me。〃 She stopped; and lifted
her head inquiringly。 〃Where _is_ the servant?〃 she asked。

I had forgotten the woman who had brought her into the room。 She must
have delicately left us together after leading Lucilla in。 When I looked
up; she was not to be seen。

〃The servant is no doubt waiting down…stairs;〃 I said。 〃Go on。〃

〃But for that good creature;〃 Lucilla resumed; 〃I should never have got
here。 She brought me your letter; and read it to me; and wrote my reply。
I arranged with her to slip out at the first opportunity。 One chance was
in our favorwe had only the cousin to keep an eye on us。 Oscar was not
in the house。〃

She suddenly checked herself at the last word。 A slight sound at the
lower end of the room; which had passed unnoticed by me; had caught her
delicate ear; 〃What is that noise?〃 she asked。 〃Anybody in the room with

I looked up once more。 While she was talking of the false Oscar; the true
Oscar was standing listening to her; at the other end of the room。

When he discovered that I was looking at him; he entreated me by a
gesture not to betray his presence。 He had evidently heard what we had
been saying to each other; before I detected himfor he touched his
eyes; and lifted his hands pityingly in allusion to Lucilla's blindness。
Whatever his mood might be; that melancholy discovery must surely have
affected himLucilla's influence over him now; _could_ only be an
influence for good。 I signed to him to remainand told Lucilla that
there was nothing to be alarmed about。 She went on。

〃Oscar left us for London early this morning;〃 she said。 〃Can you guess
what he has gone for? He has gone to get the Marriage Licensehe has
given notice of the marriage at the church。 My last hope is in you。 In
spite of everything that I can say to him; he has fixed the day for the
twenty…firstin two days more! I have done all I could to put it off; I
have insisted on every possible delay。 Oh; if you knew!〃 Her rising
agitation stifled her utterance at the moment。 〃I mustn't waste the
precious minutes; I must get back before Oscar returns;〃 she went on;
rallying again。 〃Oh; my old friend; you are never at a loss; you always
know what to do! Find me some way of putting off my marriage。 Suggest
something which will take them by surprise; and force them to give me

I looked towards the lower end of the room。 Listening in breathless
interest; Oscar had noiselessly advanced half…way towards us。 At a sign
from me; he checked himself and came no farther。

〃Do you really mean; Lucilla; that you no longer love him?〃 I said。

〃I can tell you nothing about it;〃 she answered〃except that some
dreadful change has come over me。 While I had my sight; I could partly
account for itI believed that the new sense had made a new being of me。
But now I have lost my sight againnow I am once more what I have been
all my lifestill the same horrible insensibility possesses me。 I have
so little feeling for him; that I sometimes find it hard to persuade
myself that he really _is_ Oscar。 You know how I used to adore him。 You
know how enchanted I should once have been to marry him。 Think of what I
must suffer; feeling towards him as I feel now!〃

I looked up again。 Oscar had stolen nearer; I could see his face plainly。
The good influence of Lucilla was beginning to do its good work! I saw
the tears rising in his eyes; I saw love and pity taking the place of
hatred and revenge。 The Oscar of my old recollections was standing before
me once more!

〃I don't want to go away;〃 Lucilla went on; 〃I don't want to leave him。
All I ask for; is a little more time。 Time _must_ help me to get back
again to my old self。 My blind days have been the days of my whole life。
Can a few weeks of sight have deprived me of the feelings which have been
growing in me for years? I won't believe it! I can find my way about the
house; I can tell things by my touch; I can do all that I did in my
blindness; just as well as ever; now I am blind again。 The feeling for
_him_ will come back to me like the rest。 Only give me time! only give me

At the last word; she started to her feet in sudden alarm。 〃There is some
one in the room;〃 she said。 〃Some one who 

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