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a new england girlhood-第5章

小说: a new england girlhood 字数: 每页4000字

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t they were only giving the name of the farmer who owned the land; Whenever there was an unusual barking of dogs in the distance; they said it was 〃over to Green's。〃 That barking of dogs made the place seem very mysterious to me。

Our lane ran parallel with the hill and the mowing fields; and down our lane we were always free to go。 It was a genuine lane; all ups and downs; and too narrow for a street; although at last they have leveled it and widened it; and made a commonplace thoroughfare of it。 I am glad that my baby life knew it in all its queer; original irregularities; for it seemed to have a character of its own; like many of its inhabitants; all the more charming because it was unlike anything but itself。 The hill; too; is lost now; buried under houses。

Our lane came to an end at some bars that let us into another lane;or rather a footpath or cowpath; bordered with cornfields and orchards。 We were still on home ground; for my father's vegetable garden and orchard were here。 After a long straight stretch; the path suddenly took an abrupt turn; widening into a cart road; then to a tumble…down wharf; and there was the river!

An 〃arm of the sea〃 I was told that our river was; and it did seem to reach around the town and hold it in a liquid embrace。 Twice a day the tide came in and filled its muddy bed with a sparkling flood。 So it was a river only half the time; but at high tide it was a river indeed; all that a child could wish; with its boats and its sloops; and now and then that most available craft for a crew of childrena gundalow。 We easily transformed the spelling into 〃gondola;〃 and in fancy were afloat on Venetian waters; under some overhanging balcony; perhaps at the very Palace of the Doges;willingly blind to the reality of a mudscow leaning against some rickety wharf posts; covered with barnacles。

Sometimes a neighbor boy who was the fortunate owner of a boat would row us down the river a fearful; because a forbidden; joy。 The widening waters made us tremble with dread and longing for what might be beyond; for when we had passed under the piers of the bridge; the estuary broadened into the harbor and the open sea。 Then somebody on board would tell a story of children who had drifted away beyond the harbor…bar and the light…house; and were drowned; and our boyish helmsman would begin to look grave and anxious; and would turn his boat and row us back swiftly to the safe gundalow and tumbledown wharf。

The cars rush into the station now; right over our riverside playground。 I can often hear the mirthful shout of boys and girls under the shriek of the steam whistle。 No dream of a railroad had then come to the quiet old town; but it was a wild train of children that ran homeward in the twilight up the narrow lane; with wind…shod feet; and hair flying like the manes of young colts; and light hearts bounding to their own footsteps。 How good and dear our plain; two…story dwelling…house looked to us as we came in sight of it; and what sweet odors stole out to meet us from the white…fenced inclosure of our small garden;from peach… trees and lilac…bushes in bloom; from bergamot and balm and beds of camomile!

Sometimes we would find the pathetic figure of white…haired Larkin Moore; the insane preacher; his two canes lain aside; waiting; in our dooryard for any audience that he could gather: boys and girls were as welcome as anybody。 He would seat us in a row on the green slope; and give us a half hour or so of incoherent exhortation; to which we attended respectfully; if not reverently; for his whole manner showed that; though demented; he was deeply in earnest。 He seemed there in the twilight like a dazed angel who had lost his way; and had half forgotten his errand; which yet he must try to tell to anybody who would listen。

I have heard my mother say that sometimes he would ask if he might take her baby in his arms and sing to it; and that though she was half afraid herself; the babyI like to fancy I was that babyseemed to enjoy it; and played gleefully with the old man's flowing gray locks。

Good Larkin Moore was well known through the two neighboring counties; Essex and Middlesex。 We saw him afterward on the banks of the Merrimack。 He always wore a loose calico tunic over his trousers; and; when the mood came upon him; he started off with two canes;seeming to think he could travel faster as a quadruped than as a biped。 He was entirely harmless; his only wish was to preach or to sing。

A characteristic anecdote used to be told of him: that once; as a stage…coach containing; only a few passengers passed him on the road; he asked the favor of a seat on the top; and was refused。 There were many miles between him and his destination。 But he did not upbraid the ungracious driver; he only swung his two canes a little more briskly; and kept breast of the horses all the way; entering the town side by side with the inhospitable vehiclesa running reproach to the churl on the box。

There was another wanderer; a blind woman; whom my mother treated with great respect on her annual pilgrimages。 She brought with her some printed rhymes to sell; purporting to be composed by herself; and beginning with the verse:

〃I; Nancy Welsh; was born and bred In Essex County; Marblehead。 And when I was an infant quite The Lord deprived me of my sight。〃

I labored under the delusion that blindness was a sort of insanity; and I used to run away when this pilgrim came; for she was not talkative like Larkin Moore。 I fancied she disliked children; and so I shrank from her。

There were other odd estrays going about; who were either well known; or could account for them selves。 The one human phenomenon that filled us little ones with mortal terror was an unknown 〃man with a pack on his back。〃 I do not know what we thought he would do with us; but the sight of one always sent us breathless with fright to the shelter of the maternal wing。 I did not at all like the picture of Christian on his way to the wicket…gate; in 〃Pilgrim's Progress;〃 before I had read the book; because he had 〃a pack on his back。〃 But there was really nothing to be afraid of in those simple; honest old times。 I suppose we children would not have known how happy and safe we were; in our secluded lane; if we had not conjured up a few imaginary fears。

Long as it is since the rural features of our lane were entirely obliterated; my feet often go back and press; in memory; its grass…grown borders; and in delight and liberty I am a child again。 Its narrow limits were once my whole known world。 Even then it seemed to me as if it might lead everywhere; and it was indeed but the beginning of a road which must lengthen and widen beneath my feet forever。



THERE were only two or three houses between ours and the main street; and then our lane came out directly opposite the finest house in town; a three…story edifice of brick; painted white; the 〃Colonel's〃 residence。 There was a spacious garden behind it; from which we caught glimpses and perfumes of unknown flowers。 Over its high walls hung boughs of splendid great yellow sweet apples; which; when they fell on the outside; we children considered as our perquisites。 When I first read about the apples of the Hesperides; my idea of them was that they were like the Colonel's 〃pumpkin…sweetings。〃

Beyond the garden were wide green fields which reached eastward down to the beach。 It was one of those large old estates which used to give to the very heart of our New England coast towns a delightful breeziness and roominess。

A coach…and…pair was one of the appurtenances of this estate; with a coachman on the box; and when he took the family out for an airing we small children thought it was a sort of Cinderella spectacle; prepared expressly for us。

It was not; however; quite so interesting as the Boston stage … coach; that rolled regularly every day past the head of our lane into and out of its headquarters; a big; unpainted stable close at hand。 This stage…coach; in our minds; meant the city;twenty miles off; an immeasurable distance to us then。 Even our elders did not go there very often。

In those early days; towns used to give each other nicknames; like schoolboys。 Ours was

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