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a new england girlhood-第13章

小说: a new england girlhood 字数: 每页4000字

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My two brothers liked to play upon my credulity。 When my brother Ben pointed up to the gilded weather…cock on the Old South steeple; and said to me with a very grave face;

〃Did you know that whenever that cock crows every rooster in town crows too?〃 I listened out at the window; and asked;

〃But when will he begin to crow?〃

〃Oh; roosters crow in the night; sometimes; when you are asleep。〃

Then my younger brother would break in with a shout of delight at my stupidity:

〃I'll tell you when; goosie!

'The next day after never; When the dead ducks fly over the river。'〃

But this must have been when I was very small; for I remember thinking that 〃the next day after never〃 would come some time; in millions of years; perhaps。 And how queer it would be to see dead ducks flying through the air!

Witches were seldom spoken of in the presence of us children。 We sometimes overheard a snatch of a witch…story; told in whispers; by the flickering firelight; just as we were being sent off to bed。 But; to the older people; those legends were too much like realities; and they preferred not to repeat them。 Indeed; it was over our town that the last black shadow of the dreadful witchcraft delusion had rested。 Mistress Hale's house was just across the burying…ground; and Gallows Hill was only two miles away; beyond the bridge。 Yet I never really knew what the 〃Salem Witchcraft〃 was until Goodrich's 〃History of the United States〃 was put into my hands as a schoolbook; and I read about it there。

Elves and gnomes and air…sprites and genii were no strangers to us; for my sister Emilieshe who heard me say my hymns; and taught me to writewas mistress of an almost limitless fund of imaginative lore。 She was a very Scheherezade of story…tellers; so her younger sisters thought; who listened to her while twilight grew into moonlight; evening after evening; with fasci… nated wakefulness。

Besides the tales that the child…world of all ages is familiar with;Red Riding…Hood; the Giant…Killer; Cinderella; Aladdin; the 〃Sleeping Beauty;〃 and the rest;she had picked up somewhere most of the folk…stories of Ireland and Scotland; and also the wild legends of Germany; which latter were not then made into the compact volumes known among juvenile readers of to…day as Grimm's 〃Household Tales。〃

Her choice was usually judicious; she omitted the ghosts and goblins that would have haunted our dreams; although I was now and then visited by a nightmare…consciousness of being a bewitched princess who must perform some impossible task; such as turning a whole roomful of straws into gold; one by one; or else lose my head。 But she blended the humorous with the romantic in her selections; so that we usually dropped to sleep in good spirits; if not with a laugh。

That old story of the fisherman who had done the 〃Man of the Sea〃 a favor; and was to be rewarded by having his wish granted; she told in so quaintly realistic a way that I thought it might all have happened on one of the islands out in Massachusetts Bay。 The fisherman was foolish enough; it seemed; to let his wife do all his wishing for him; and she; unsatisfied still; though she had been made first an immensely rich woman; and then a great queen; at last sent her husband to ask that they two might be made rulers over the sun; moon; and stars。

As my sister went on with the story; I could see the waves grow black; and could hear the wind mutter and growl; while the fisherman called for the first; second; and then reluctantly; for the third time:

〃O Man of the Sea; Come listen to me! For Alice my wife; The plague of my life; Has sent me to beg a boon of thee!〃

As his call died away on the sullen wind; the mysterious 〃Man of the Sea〃 rose in his wrath out of the billows; and said;

〃Go back to your old mud hut; and stay there with your wife Alice; and never come to trouble me again。〃

I sympathized with the 〃Man of the Sea〃 in his righteous indignation at the conduct of the greedy; grasping woman; and the moral of the story remained with me; as the story itself did。 I think I understood dimly; even then; that mean avarice and self… seeking ambition always find their true level in muddy earth; never among the stars。

So it proved that my dear mother…sister was preparing me for life when she did not know it; when she thought she was only amusing me。

This sister; though only just entering her teens; was toughening herself by all sorts of unnecessary hardships for whatever might await her womanhood。 She used frequently to sleep in the garret on a hard wooden sea…chest instead of in a bed。 And she would get up before daylight and run over into the burying…ground; barefooted and white…robed (we lived for two or three years in another house than our own; where the oldest graveyard in town was only separated from us by our garden fence); 〃to see if there were any ghosts there;〃 she told us。  Returning noiselessly; herself a smiling phantom; with long; golden…brown hair rippling over her shoulders;she would drop a trophy upon her little sisters' pillow; in the shape of a big; yellow apple that had dropped from 〃the Colonel's〃 〃pumpkin sweeting〃 tree into the graveyard; close to our fence。

She was fond of giving me surprises; of watching my wonder at seeing anything beautiful or strange for the first time。 Once; when I was very little; she made me supremely happy by rousing me before four o'clock in the morning; dressing me hurriedly; and taking me out with her for a walk across the graveyard and through the dewy fields。 The birds were singing; and the sun was just rising; and we were walking toward the east; hand in hand; when suddenly there appeared before us what looked to me like an immense blue wall; stretching right and left as far as I could see。

〃Oh; what is it the wall of?〃 I cried。

It was a revelation she had meant for me。 〃So you did not know it was the sea; little girl!〃 she said。

It was a wonderful illusion to My unaccustomed eyes; and I took in at that moment for the first time something of the real grandeur of the ocean。 Not a sail was in sight; and the blue expanse was scarcely disturbed by a ripple; for it was the high… tide calm。 That morning's freshness; that vision of the sea; I know I can never lose。

》From our garret windowand the garret was my usual retreat when I wanted to get away by myself with my books or my dreamswe had the distant horizon…line of the bay; across a quarter of a mile of trees and mowing fields。 We could see the white breakers dashing against the long narrow island just outside of the harbor; which I; with my childish misconstruction of names; called 〃Breakers' Island〃; supposing that the grown people had made a mistake when they spoke of it as 〃Baker's。〃 But that far… off; shining band of silver and blue seemed so different from the whole great sea; stretching out as if into eternity from the feet of the baby on the shore!

The marvel was not lessened when I began to study geography; and comprehended that the world is round。 Could it really be that we had that endless 〃Atlantic Ocean〃 to look at from our window; to dance along the edge of; to wade into or bathe in; if we chose? The map of the world became more interesting to me than any of the story…books。 In my fanciful explorations I out…traveled Captain Cook; the only voyager around the world with whose name my childhood was familiar。

The field…paths were safe; and I was allowed to wander off alone through them。 I greatly enjoyed the freedom of a solitary explorer among the seashells and wild flowers。

There were wonders everywhere。 One day I picked up a star…fish on the beach (we called it a 〃five…finger〃); and hung him on a tree to dry; not thinking of him as a living creature。 When I went some time after to take him down he had elasped with two or three of his fingers the bough where I laid him; so that he could not be removed without breaking his hardened shell。 My conscience smote me when I saw what an unhappy looking skeleton I had made of him。

I overtook the horse…shoe crab on the sands; but I did not like to turn him over and make him 〃say his prayers;〃 as some of the children did。 I thought it must be wicked。 And then he looked so uncomfortable; imploringly wriggli

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