贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > 10,000 dreams interpreted >


10,000 dreams interpreted-第98章

小说: 10,000 dreams interpreted 字数: 每页4000字

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Sponges seen in a dream; denote that deception is being practised upon you。

To use one in erasing; you will be the victim of folly。


To dream of spools of thread; indicates some long and arduous tasks;

but which when completed will meet your most sanguine expectations。

If they are empty; there will be disappointments for you。


To see; or use; spoons in a dream; denotes favorable signs of advancement。

Domestic affairs will afford contentment。

To think a spoon is lost; denotes that you will be suspicious

of wrong doing。

To steal one; is a sign that you will deserve censure for your contemptible

meanness in your home。

To dream of broken or soiled spoons; signifies loss and trouble。


To dream that spring is advancing; is a sign of fortunate undertakings

and cheerful companions。

To see spring appearing unnaturally; is a foreboding of disquiet and losses。


To dream of wearing spurs; denotes that you will engage

in some unpleasant controversy。

To see others with them on; foretells that enmity is working you trouble。


To dream that spies are harassing you; denotes dangerous

quarrels and uneasiness。

To dream that you are a spy; denotes that you will make unfortunate ventures。


To dream that you are looking through a spy…glass; denotes that changes

will soon occur to your disadvantage。

To see a broken or imperfect one; foretells unhappy dissensions

and loss of friends。


To dream of squalls; foretells disappointing business and unhappiness。


To dream that you see some person with squinting eyes; denotes that you

will be annoyed with unpleasant people。

For a man to dream that his sweetheart; or some good…looking girl;

squints her eyes at him; foretells that he is threatened with loss

by seeking the favors of women。  For a young woman to have this dream

about men; she will be in danger of losing her fair reputation。


To dream of seeing squirrels; denotes that pleasant friends will soon

visit you。  You will see advancement in your business also。

To kill a squirrel; denotes that you will be unfriendly and disliked。

To pet one; signifies family joy。

To see a dog chasing one; foretells disagreements and

unpleasantness among friends。


To dream of a stable; is a sign of fortune and advantageous surroundings。

To see a stable burning denotes successful changes; or it may be seen

in actual life。


To see stags in your dream; foretells that you will have honest

and true friends; and will enjoy delightful entertainments。

_Stage Driver_。

To dream of a stage driver; signifies you will go on a strange

journey in quest of fortune and happiness。


To see stain on your hands; or clothing; while dreaming;

foretells that trouble over small matters will assail you。

To see a stain on the garments of others; or on their flesh;

foretells that some person will betray you。


To dream of passing up a stairs; foretells good fortune and much happiness。

If you fall down stairs; you will be the object of hatred and envy。

To walk down; you will be unlucky in your affairs; and your lovemaking

will be unfavorable。

To see broad; handsome stairs; foretells approaching riches and honors。

To see others going down stairs; denotes that unpleasant conditions

will take the place of pleasure。

To sit on stair steps; denotes a gradual rise in fortune and delight。


To dream of a stall; denotes impossible results from some enterprise

will be expected by you。


To dream of a stallion; foretells prosperous conditions are approaching you;

in which you will hold a position which will confer honor upon you。

To dream you ride a fine stallion; denotes you will rise to position

and affluence in a phenomenal way; however; your success will warp

your morality and sense of justice。  To see one with the rabies;

foretells that wealthy surroundings will cause you to assume arrogance;

which will be distasteful to your friends; and your pleasures

will be deceitful。


To dream that you stammer in your conversation; denotes that worry

and illness will threaten your enjoyment。  To hear others stammer;

foretells that unfriendly persons will delight in annoying you

and giving you needless worry。


To dream that you are a standard…bearer; denotes that your occupation

will be pleasant; but varied。

To see others acting as standard…bearers; foretells that you

will be jealous and envious of some friend。


To dream of looking upon clear; shining stars; foretells good

health and prosperity。  If they are dull or red; there is trouble

and misfortune ahead。

To see a shooting or falling star; denotes sadness and grief。

To see stars appearing and vanishing mysteriously; there will be some strange

changes and happenings in your near future。

If you dream that a star falls on you; there will be a bereavement

in your family。

To see them rolling around on the earth; is a sign of formidable danger

and trying times。


To dream of being in a starving condition; portends unfruitful labors

and a dearth of friends。

To see others in this condition; omens misery and dissatisfaction

with present companions and employment。


To see statues in dreams; signifies estrangement from a loved one。

Lack of energy will cause you disappointment in realizing wishes。


To dream of stealing; or of seeing others commit this act;

foretells bad luck and loss of character。

To be accused of stealing; denotes that you will be misunderstood

in some affair; and suffer therefrom; but you will eventually find

that this will bring you favor。

To accuse others; denotes that you will treat some person

with hasty inconsideration。


To see a steeple rising from a church; is a harbinger of

sickness and reverses。

A broken one; points to death in your circle; or friends。

To climb a steeple; foretells that you will have serious difficulties;

but will surmount them。

To fall from one; denotes losses in trade and ill health。


To dream that you ascend steps; denotes that fair prospects

will relieve former anxiety。

To decend them; you may look for misfortune。

To fall down them; you are threatened with unexpected failure

in your affairs。

'211' See Stairs。


To dream of a step…sister; denotes you will have unavoidable care

and annoyance upon you。


To dream of a stethoscope; foretells calamity to your hopes and enterprises。

There will be troubles and recriminations in love。


To dream of sticks; is an unlucky omen。


To dream of a stillborn infant; denotes that some distressing

incident will come before your notice。


To dream of walking on stilts; denotes that your fortune is

in an insecure condition。

To fall from them; or feel them break beneath you; you will be precipitated

into embarrassments by trusting your affairs to the care of others。


To feel that any insect stings you in a dream; is a foreboding

of evil and unhappiness。

For a young woman to dream that she is stung; is ominous of sorrow

and remorse from over…confidence in men。


To dream of stockings; denotes that you will derive pleasure

from dissolute companionship。

For a young woman to see her stockings ragged; or worn;

foretells that she will be guilty of unwise; if not immoral conduct。

To dream that she puts on fancy stockings; she will be 

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