贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > 10,000 dreams interpreted >


10,000 dreams interpreted-第73章

小说: 10,000 dreams interpreted 字数: 每页4000字

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you to advance their own interests。

To see a dead monkey; signifies that your worst enemies will soon be removed。

If a young woman dreams of a monkey; she should insist on an early marriage;

as her lover will suspect unfaithfulness。

For a woman to dream of feeding a monkey; denotes that she will be betrayed

by a flatterer。


To dream of being pursued by a monster; denotes that sorrow and misfortune

hold prominent places in your immediate future。

To slay a monster; denotes that you will successfully cope with enemies

and rise to eminent positions。


To dream of seeing the moon with the aspect of the heavens remaining normal;

prognosticates success in love and business affairs。

A weird and uncanny moon; denotes unpropitious lovemaking;

domestic infelicities and disappointing enterprises of

a business character。

The moon in eclipse; denotes that contagion will ravage your community。

To see the new moon; denotes an increase in wealth and congenial

partners in marriage。

For a young woman to dream that she appeals to the moon to know

her fate; denotes that she will soon be rewarded with marriage

to the one of her choice。  If she sees two moons; she will lose

her lover by being mercenary。  If she sees the moon grow dim;

she will let the supreme happiness of her life slip for want

of womanly tact。

To see a blood red moon; indicates war and strife; and she will see

her lover march away in defence of his country。


To dream that you visit a morgue searching for some one; denotes that you

will be shocked by news of the death of a relative or friend。

To see many corpses there; much sorrow and trouble will come

under your notice。


To see the morning dawn clear in your dreams; prognosticates a near

approach of fortune and pleasure。

A cloudy morning; portends weighty affairs will overwhelm you。


To see morocco in your dreams; foretells that you will receive substantial

aid from unexpected sources。  Your love will be rewarded by faithfulness。


To dream that you give a mortgage on your property; denotes that you

are threatened with financial upheavals; which will throw you

into embarrassing positions。

To take; or hold one; against others; is ominous of adequate wealth

to liquidate your obligations。

To find yourself reading or examining mortgages; denotes great possibilities

before you of love or gain。

To lose a mortgage; if it cannot be found again; implies loss and worry。


If you find yourself morose in dreams; you will awake to find the world;

as far as you are concerned; going fearfully wrong。

To see others morose; portends unpleasant occupations

and unpleasant companions。


To dream that you feel mortified over any deed committed by yourself;

is a sign that you will be placed in an unenviable position

before those to whom you most wish to appear honorable and just。

Financial conditions will fall low。

To see mortified flesh; denotes disastrous enterprises and

disappointment in love。


To dream that you see Moses; means personal gain and a connubial alliance

which will be a source of sweet congratulation to yourself。


To see mosquitoes in your dreams; you will strive in vain

to remain impregnable to the sly attacks of secret enemies。

Your patience and fortune will both suffer from these designing persons。

If you kill mosquitoes; you will eventually overcome obstacles

and enjoy fortune and domestic bliss。


To dream of moss; denotes that you will fill dependent positions;

unless the moss grows in rich soil; when you will be favored with honors。


To see a moth in a dream; small worries will lash you

into hurried contracts; which will prove unsatisfactory。

Quarrels of a domestic nature are prognosticated。


To see your mother in dreams as she appears in the home;

signifies pleasing results from any enterprise。

To hold her in conversation; you will soon have good news from interests

you are anxious over。

For a woman to dream of mother; signifies pleasant duties

and connubial bliss。

To see one's mother emaciated or dead; foretells sadness caused

by death or dishonor。

To hear your mother call you; denotes that you are derelict in your duties;

and that you are pursuing the wrong course in business。

To hear her cry as if in pain; omens her illness; or some affliction

is menacing you。


To dream of your mother…in…law; denotes there will be pleasant

reconciliations for you after some serious disagreement。

For a woman to dispute with her mother…in…law; she will find

that quarrelsome and unfeeling people will give her annoyance。


For a young woman to dream of crossing a mountain in company

with her cousin and dead brother; who was smiling; denotes she

will have a distinctive change in her life for the better; but there

are warnings against allurements and deceitfulness of friends。

If she becomes exhausted and refuses to go further; she will be

slightly disappointed in not gaining quite so exalted a position

as was hoped for by her。

If you ascend a mountain in your dreams; and the way is pleasant

and verdant; you will rise swiftly to wealth and prominence。

If the mountain is rugged; and you fail to reach the top;

you may expect reverses in your life; and should strive to overcome

all weakness in your nature。  To awaken when you are at a dangerous

point in ascending; denotes that you will find affairs taking

a flattering turn when they appear gloomy。


To dream that you wear mourning; omens ill luck and unhappiness。

If others wear it; there will be disturbing influences among

your friends causing you unexpected dissatisfaction and loss。

To lovers; this dream foretells misunderstanding and probable separation。


For a woman to dream of a mouse; denotes that she will have an enemy

who will annoy her by artfulness and treachery。


To see a mouse…trap in dreams; signifies your need to be careful of character;

as wary persons have designs upon you。

To see it full of mice; you will likely fall into the hands of enemies。

To set a trap; you will artfully devise means to overcome your opponents。

'130' See Mice。


To dream that you walk in mud; denotes that you will have cause to lose

confidence in friendships; and there will be losses and disturbances

in family circles。

To see others walking in mud; ugly rumors will reach you of some friend

or employee。  To the farmer; this dream is significant of short crops

and unsatisfactory gains from stock。

To see mud on your clothing; your reputation is being assailed。

To scrape it off; signifies that you will escape the calumny of enemies。


To dream of wearing a muff; denotes that you will be well provided

for against the vicissitudes of fortune。

For a lover to see his sweetheart wearing a muff; denotes that a worthier

man will usurp his place in her affections。


If a mulatto appears to you in a dream; beware of making new friendships

or falling into associations with strange women; as you are threatened

with loss of money and of high moral standing。

'131' See Negro。


To see mulberries in your dreams; denotes that sickness will prevent

you from obtaining your desires; and you will be called upon often

to relieve suffering。

To eat them; signifies bitter disappointments。


If you dream that your are riding on a mule; it denotes that you

are engaging in pursuits which will cause you the greatest anxiety;

but if you reach your destination without interrupti

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