贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > 10,000 dreams interpreted >


10,000 dreams interpreted-第67章

小说: 10,000 dreams interpreted 字数: 每页4000字

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and change in your home life is foreshadowed; as interests

will be mutual。

If they appear distorted or unnatural; the dream is more

unfortunate than good。


If you dream of light; success will attend you。  To dream of weird light;

or if the light goes out; you will be disagreeably surprised by some

undertaking resulting in nothing。

To see a dim light; indicates partial success。


If you see a lighthouse through a storm; difficulties and grief will

assail you; but they will disperse before prosperity and happiness。

To see a lighthouse from a placid sea; denotes calm joys

and congenial friends。


Lightning in your dreams; foreshadows happiness and prosperity

of short duration。

If the lightning strikes some object near you; and you feel

the shock; you will be damaged by the good fortune of a friend;

or you may be worried by gossipers and scandalmongers。

To see livid lightning parting black clouds; sorrow and difficulties

will follow close on to fortune。

If it strikes you; unexpected sorrows will overwhelm you in business or love。

To see the lightning above your head; heralds the advent of joy and gain。

To see lightning in the south; fortune will hide herself from you for awhile。

If in the southwest; luck will come your way。  In the west;

your prospects will be brighter than formally。  In the north;

obstacles will have to be removed before your prospects will

brighten up。  If in the east; you will easily win favors and fortune。

Lightning from dark and ominous…looking clouds; is always

a forerunner of threats; of loss and of disappointments。

Business men should stay close to business; and women near

their husbands or mothers; children and the sick should be

looked after closely。


To see a lightning…rod; denotes that threatened destruction to some

cherished work will confront you。  To see one change into a serpent;

foretells enemies will succeed in their schemes against you。

If the lightning strikes one; there will be an accident or sudden

news to give you sorrow。

If you are having one put up; it is a warning to beware how you begin

a new enterprise; as you will likely be overtaken by disappointment。

To have them taken down; you will change your plans and

thereby further your interests。  To see many lightning rods;

indicates a variety of misfortunes。


To dream of a lily; denotes much chastisement through illness and death。

To see lilies growing with their rich foliage; denotes early marriage

to the young and subsequent separation through death。

To see little children among the flowers; indicates sickness

and fragile constitutions to these little ones。

For a young woman to dream of admiring; or gathering; lilies;

denotes much sadness coupled with joy; as the one she loves

will have great physical suffering; if not an early dissolution。

If she sees them withered; sorrow is even nearer than she

could have suspected。

To dream that you breathe the fragrance of lilies; denotes that sorrow

will purify and enhance your mental qualities。


To dream of lime; foretells that disaster will prostrate you for a time;

but you will revive to greater and richer prosperity than before。


To dream of a lime…kiln; foretells the immediate future holds

no favor for speculations in love or business


To dream of eating limes; foretells continued sickness and adverse straits。


To dream that you limp in your walk; denotes that a small worry will

unexpectedly confront you; detracting much from your enjoyment。

To see others limping; signifies that you will be naturally offended

at the conduct of a friend。  Small failures attend this dream。

'114' See Cripple and Lamed。


To see linen in your dream; augurs prosperity and enjoyment。

If a person appears to you dressed in linen garments; you will shortly

be the recipient of joyful tidings in the nature of an inheritance。

If you are apparelled in clean; fine linen; your fortune and fullest

enjoyment in life is assured。  If it be soiled; sorrow and ill luck

will be met with occasionally; mingled with the good in your life。

_Linseed Oil_。

To see linseed oil in your dreams; denotes your impetuous extravagance

will be checked by the kindly interference of a friend。


To dream of a lion; signifies that a great force is driving you。

If you subdue the lion; you will be victorious in any engagement。

If it overpowers you; then you will be open to the successful

attacks of enemies。

To see caged lions; denotes that your success depends upon your ability

to cope with opposition。

To see a man controlling a lion in its cage; or out denotes

success in business and great mental power。  You will be favorably

regarded by women。

To see young lions; denotes new enterprises; which will bring

success if properly attended。

For a young woman to dream of young lions; denotes new and fascinating lovers。

For a woman to dream that she sees Daniel in the lions' den; signifies that by

her intellectual qualifications and personal magnetism she will win fortune

and lovers to her highest desire。

To hear the roar of a lion; signifies unexpected advancement

and preferment with women。

To see a lion's head over you; showing his teeth by snarls;

you are threatened with defeat in your upward rise to power。

To see a lion's skin; denotes a rise to fortune and happiness。

To ride one; denotes courage and persistency in surmounting difficulties。

To dream you are defending your children from a lion with a

pen…knife; foretells enemies will threaten to overpower you;

and will well nigh succeed if you allow any artfulness to persuade

you for a moment from duty and business obligations。


To dream of thick; unsightly lips; signifies disagreeable encounters;

hasty decision; and ill temper in the marriage relation。

Full; sweet; cherry lips; indicates harmony and affluence。

To a lover; it augurs reciprocation in love; and fidelity。

Thin lips; signifies mastery of the most intricate subjects。

Sore; or swollen lips; denotes privations and unhealthful desires。


To dream of buying liquor; denotes selfish usurpation of property upon

which you have no legal claim If you sell it; you will be criticised

for niggardly benevolence。

To drink some; you will come into doubtful possession of wealth;

but your generosity will draw around you convivial friends;

and women will seek to entrance and hold you。

To see liquor in barrels; denotes prosperity; but unfavorable

tendency toward making home pleasant。

If in bottles; fortune will appear in a very tangible form。

For a woman to dream of handling; or drinking liquor;

foretells for her a happy Bohemian kind of existence。

She will be good natured but shallow minded。  To treat others;

she will be generous to rivals; and the indifference of lovers

or husband will not seriously offset her pleasures or contentment。


To dream of a disordered liver; denotes a querulous person will be your mate;

and fault…finding will occupy her time; and disquiet will fill your hours。

To dream of eating liver; indicates that some deceitful person

has installed himself in the affection of your sweetheart。


To dream of lizards; foretells attacks upon you by enemies。

If you kill a lizard; you will regain your lost reputation or fortune;

but if it should escape; you will meet vexations and crosses

in love and business。

For a woman to dream that a lizard crawls up her skirt;

or scratches her; she will have much misfortune and sorrow。

Her husband will be a victim to invalidism and she will be left

a widow; and little sustenance will

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