贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > 10,000 dreams interpreted >


10,000 dreams interpreted-第63章

小说: 10,000 dreams interpreted 字数: 每页4000字

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To see Krishna in your dreams; denotes that your greatest joy

will be in pursuit of occult knowledge; and you will school

yourself to the taunts of friends; and cultivate a philosophical

bearing toward life and sorrow。


‘‘_And he dreamed yet another dream; and told it to his brethren;

and said; ‘Behold; I have dreamed a dream more; and; behold; the sun

and the moon and the eleven stars made obeisance to me_。'

''Gen。 xxxvii; 9。


To dream of a label; foretells you will let an enemy see the inside

of your private affairs; and will suffer from the negligence。


To dream that you watch domestic animals laboring under heavy burdens;

denotes that you will be prosperous; but unjust to your servants;

or those employed by you。

To see men toiling; signifies profitable work; and robust health。

To labor yourself; denotes favorable outlook for any new enterprise;

and bountiful crops if the dreamer is interested in farming。


To dream of being in a laboratory; denotes great energies wasted in unfruitful

enterprises when you might succeed in some more practical business。

If you think yourself an alchemist; and try to discover a process

to turn other things into gold; you will entertain far…reaching and

interesting projects; but you will fail to reach the apex of your ambition。

Wealth will prove a myth; and the woman you love will hold a false

position towards you。


If you dream of a labyrinth; you will find yourself entangled

in intricate and perplexing business conditions; and your wife

will make the home environment intolerable; children and sweethearts

will prove ill…tempered and unattractive。

If you are in a labyrinth of night or darkness; it foretells passing;

but agonizing sickness and trouble。

A labyrinth of green vines and timbers; denotes unexpected happiness

from what was seemingly a cause for loss and despair。

In a network; or labyrinth of railroads; assures you of long

and tedious journeys。  Interesting people will be met;

but no financial success will aid you on these journeys。


See to it; if you are a lover; that your sweetheart wears lace;

as this dream brings fidelity in love and a rise in position。

If a woman dreams of lace; she will be happy in the realization

of her most ambitious desires; and lovers will bow to her edict。

No questioning or imperiousness on their part。

If you buy lace; you will conduct an expensive establishment;

but wealth will be a solid friend。

If you sell laces; your desires will outrun your resources。

For a young girl to dream of making lace; forecasts that she will win

a handsome; wealthy husband。  If she dreams of garnishing her wedding garments

with lace; she will be favored with lovers who will bow to her charms;

but the wedding will be far removed from her。


To dream of a ladder being raised for you to ascend to some height;

your energetic and nervy qualifications will raise you into prominence

in business affairs。

To ascend a ladder; means prosperity and unstinted happiness。

To fall from one; denotes despondency and unsuccessful transactions

to the tradesman; and blasted crops to the farmer。

To see a broken ladder; betokens failure in every instance。

To descend a ladder; is disappointment in business; and unrequited desires。

To escape from captivity; or confinement; by means of a ladder;

you will be successful; though many perilous paths may intervene。

To grow dizzy as you ascend a ladder; denotes that you will not wear

new honors serenely。  You are likely to become haughty and domineering

in your newly acquired position。

'107' See Hill; Ascend; or Fall。


To see a ladle in your dreams; denotes you will be fortunate in the selection

of a companion。  Children will prove sources of happiness。

If the ladle is broken or uncleanly; you will have a grievous loss。


To dream of a lagoon; denotes that you will be drawn into a whirlpool

of doubt and confusion through misapplication of your intelligence。


For a young woman to dream that she is alone on a turbulent and muddy lake;

foretells many vicissitudes are approaching her; and she will regret

former extravagances; and disregard of virtuous teaching。

If the water gets into the boat; but by intense struggling she reaches

the boat…house safely; it denotes she will be under wrong persuasion;

but will eventually overcome it; and rise to honor and distinction。

It may predict the illness of some one near her。

If she sees a young couple in the same position as herself;

who succeed in rescuing themselves; she will find that some friend

has committed indiscretions; but will succeed in reinstating

himself in her favor。

To dream of sailing on a clear and smooth lake; with happy

and congenial companions; you will have much happiness;

and wealth will meet your demands。

A muddy lake; surrounded with bleak rocks and bare trees;

denotes unhappy terminations to business and affection。

A muddy lake; surrounded by green trees; portends that the moral in your

nature will fortify itself against passionate desires; and overcoming

the same will direct your energy into a safe and remunerative channel。

If the lake be clear and surrounded by barrenness; a profitable existence

will be marred by immoral and passionate dissipation。

To see yourself reflected in a clear lake; denotes coming joys

and many ardent friends。

To see foliaged trees reflected in the lake; you will enjoy to a satiety

Love's draught of passion and happiness。

To see slimy and uncanny inhabitants of the lake rise up and menace you;

denotes failure and ill health from squandering time; energy and health

on illicit pleasures。  You will drain the utmost drop of happiness;

and drink deeply of Remorse's bitter concoction。


To dream of lambs frolicing{sic} in green pastures; betokens chaste

friendships and joys。  Bounteous and profitable crops to the farmers;

and increase of possessions for others。

To see a dead lamb; signifies sadness and desolation。

Blood showing on the white fleece of a lamb; denotes that innocent ones

will suffer from betrayal through the wrong doing of others。

A lost lamb; denotes that wayward people will be under your influence;

and you should be careful of your conduct。

To see lamb skins; denotes comfort and pleasure usurped from others。

To slaughter a lamb for domestic uses; prosperity will be gained

through the sacrifice of pleasure and contentment。

To eat lamb chops; denotes illness; and much anxiety over

the welfare of children。

To see lambs taking nourishment from their mothers; denotes happiness

through pleasant and intelligent home companions; and many lovable

and beautiful children。

To dream that dogs; or wolves devour lambs; innocent people will suffer

at the hands of insinuating and designing villains。

To hear the bleating of lambs; your generosity will be appealed to。

To see them in a winter storm; or rain; denotes disappointment

in expected enjoyment and betterment of fortune。

To own lambs in your dreams; signifies that your environments

will be pleasant and profitable。

If you carry lambs in your arms; you will be encumbered with

happy cares upon which you will lavish a wealth of devotion;

and no expense will be regretted in responding to appeals

from the objects of your affection。

To shear lambs; shows that you will be cold and mercenary。

You will be honest; but inhumane。

For a woman to dream that she is peeling the skin from a lamb;

and while doing so; she discovers that it is her child;

denotes that she will cause others sorrow which will also rebound

to her grief and loss。

          ‘‘Fair prototype

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