贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > 10,000 dreams interpreted >


10,000 dreams interpreted-第62章

小说: 10,000 dreams interpreted 字数: 每页4000字

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For a young woman to dream of losing the key to any personal ornament;

denotes she will have quarrels with her lover; and will suffer much

disquiet therefrom。  If she dreams of unlocking a door with a key;

she will have a new lover and have over…confidence in him。  If she locks

a door with a key; she will be successful in selecting a husband。

If she gives the key away; she will fail to use judgment in conversation

and darken her own reputation。


To dream that you spy upon others through a keyhole;

you will damage some person by disclosing confidence。

If you catch others peeping through a keyhole; you will have

false friends delving into your private matters to advance

themselves over you。

To dream that you cannot find the keyhole; you will unconsciously

injure a friend。


To dream of a kid; denotes you will not be over…scrupulous in your morals

or pleasures。  You will be likely to bring grief to some loving heart。


To dream about your kidneys; foretells you are threatened

with a serious illness; or there will be trouble in marriage

relations for you。

If they act too freely; you will be a party to some racy intrigue。

If they refuse to perform their work; there will be a sensation;

and to your detriment。  If you eat kidney…stew; some officious person

will cause you disgust in some secret lover affair。


To dream of killing a defenseless man; prognosticates sorrow

and failure in affairs。

If you kill one in defense; or kill a ferocious beast; it denotes

victory and a rise in position。


To dream of a king; you are struggling with your might;

and ambition is your master。

To dream that you are crowned king; you will rise above your

comrades and co…workers。

If you are censured by a king; you will be reproved for a neglected duty。

For a young woman to be in the presence of a king; she will

marry a man whom she will fear。  To receive favors from a king;

she will rise to exalted positions and be congenially wedded。


To dream that you see children kissing; denotes happy reunions

in families and satisfactory work。

To dream that you kiss your mother; you will be very successful

in your enterprises; and be honored and beloved by your friends。

To kiss a brother or sister; denotes much pleasure and good

in your association。

To kiss your sweetheart in the dark; denotes dangers and immoral engagements。

To kiss her in the light; signifies honorable intentions occupy

your mind always in connection with women。

To kiss a strange woman; denotes loose morals and perverted integrity。

To dream of kissing illicitly; denotes dangerous past…times。 The indulgence

of a low passion may bring a tragedy into well…thought…of homes。

To see your rival kiss your sweetheart; you are in danger

of losing her esteem。

For married people to kiss each other; denotes that harmony is prized

in the home life。

To dream of kissing a person on the neck; denotes passionate inclinations

and weak mastery of self。

If you dream of kissing an enemy; you will make advance towards

reconciliation with an angry friend。

For a young woman to dream that some person sees her kiss her lover;

indicates that spiteful envy is entertained for her by a false friend。

For her to see her lover kiss another; she will be disappointed in her

hopes of marriage。


To dream of a kitchen; denotes you will be forced to meet emergencies which

will depress your spirits。  For a woman to dream that her kitchen is clear。

and orderly; foretells she will become the mistress of interesting fortunes。


To dream of flying a kite; denotes a great show of wealth; or business;

but with little true soundness to it all。

To see the kite thrown upon the ground; foretells disappointment and failure。

To dream of making a kite; you will speculate largely on small

means and seek to win the one you love by misrepresentations。

To see children flying kites; denotes pleasant and light occupation。

If the kite ascends beyond the vision high hopes and aspirations

will resolve themselves into disappointments and loss。


For a woman to dream of a beautiful fat; white kitten;

omens artful deception will be practised upon her; which will

almost ensnare her to destruction; but her good sense and

judgment will prevail in warding off unfortunate complications。

If the kittens are soiled; or colored and lean; she will be

victimized into glaring indiscretions。

To dream of kittens; denotes abominable small troubles and vexations

will pursue and work you loss; unless you kill the kitten; and then

you will overcome these worries。

To see snakes kill kittens; you have enemies who in seeking to injure

you will work harm to themselves。

'106' See Cats。


To see a knapsack while dreaming; denotes you will find your

greatest pleasure away from the associations of friends。

For a woman to see an old dilapidated one; means poverty

and disagreeableness for her。


To dream that your knees are too large; denotes sudden ill luck for you。

If they are stiff and pain you; swift and fearful calamity awaits you。

For a woman to dream that she has well…formed and smooth knees;

predicts she will have many admirers; but none to woo her in wedlock。

If they are soiled; sickness from dissipation is portended。

If they are unshapely; unhappy changes in her fortune will

displace ardent hopes。

To dream of knees is an unfortunate omen。


To dream of a knife is bad for the dreamer; as it portends separation

and quarrels; and losses in affairs of a business character。

To see rusty knives; means dissatisfaction; and complaints

of those in the home; and separation of lovers。

Sharp knives and highly polished; denotes worry。

Foes are ever surrounding you。

Broken knives; denotes defeat whatever the pursuit; whether in

love or business。

To dream that you are wounded with a knife; foretells domestic troubles;

in which disobedient children will figure largely。  To the unmarried;

it denotes that disgrace may follow。

To dream that you stab another with a knife; denotes baseness of character;

and you should strive to cultivate a higher sense of right。

_Knife Grinder_。

To dream of a knife grinder; foretells unwarrantable liberties

will be taken with your possessions。  For a woman; this omens

unhappy unions and much drudgery。


For a woman to dream of knitting; denotes that she will possess

a quiet and peaceful home; where a loving companion and dutiful

children delight to give pleasure。

For a man to be in a kniting…mill; indicates thrift and a solid

rise in prospects。

For a young woman to dream of knitting; is an omen of a hasty

but propitious marriage。

For a young woman to dream that she works in a knitting…mill;

denotes that she will have a worthy and loyal lover。

To see the mill in which she works dilapidated; she will meet

with reverses in fortune and love。


To dream of using a knocker; foretells you will be forced to ask

aid and counsel of others。


To hear knocking in your dreams; denotes that tidings of a grave nature

will soon be received by you。  If you are awakened by the knocking;

the news will affect you the more seriously。


To dream of seeing knots; denotes much worry over the most trifling affairs。

If your sweetheart notices another; you will immediately find cause

to censure him。

To tie a knot; signifies an independent nature; and you will refuse

to be nagged by ill…disposed lover or friend。


To see Krishna in your dreams; denotes that your greatest joy

will be in pursuit of occult knowledge; and you will school

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