贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > 10,000 dreams interpreted >


10,000 dreams interpreted-第33章

小说: 10,000 dreams interpreted 字数: 每页4000字

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There are those who are not conscientiously doing the right thing。

There will be a gloomy outlook for peace and prosperous work。


To see cornmeal; foretells the consummation of ardent wishes。

To eat it made into bread; denotes that you will unwittingly

throw obstructions in the way of your own advancement。


This is an unfavorable dream if the dreamer is frightened and secretes

himself in a corner for safety。

To see persons talking in a corner; enemies are seeking to destroy you。

The chances are that some one whom you consider a friend will prove

a traitor to your interest。


For a person to dream of being corpulent; indicates to the dreamer

bountiful increase of wealth and pleasant abiding places。

To see others corpulent; denotes unusual activity and prosperous times。

If a man or woman sees himself or herself looking grossly corpulent;

he or she should look well to their moral nature and impulses。

Beware of either concave or convex telescopically or microscopically

drawn pictures of yourself or others; as they forbode evil。


To dream of a corset; denotes that you will be perplexed as to the meaning

of attentions won by you。  If a young woman is vexed over undoing or fastening

her corset; she will be strongly inclined to quarrel with her friends

under slight provocations。


To dream of a Cossack; denotes humiliation of a personal character;

brought about by dissipation and wanton extravagance。


To dream of a cot; foretells some affliction; either through sickness

or accident。  Cots in rows signify you will not be alone in trouble;

as friends will be afflicted also。


To dream of young growing cotton…fields; denotes great business

and prosperous times。  To see cotton ready for gathering;

denotes wealth and abundance for farmers。

For manufacturers to dream of cotton; means that they will be

benefited by the advancement of this article。  For merchants;

it denotes a change for the better in their line of business。

To see cotton in bales; is a favorable indication for better times。

To dream that cotton is advancing; denotes an immediate change from low

to high prices; and all will be in better circumstances。

_Cotton Cap_。

It is a good dream; denoting many sincere friends。

_Cotton Cloth_。

To see cotton cloth in a dream; denotes easy circumstances。

No great changes follow this dream。

For a young woman to dream of weaving cotton cloth;

denotes that she will have a thrifty and enterprising husband。

To the married it denotes a pleasant yet a humble abode。

_Cotton Gin_。

To dream of a cotton gin; foretells you will make some advancement

toward fortune which will be very pleasing and satisfactory。

To see a broken or dilapidated gin; signifies misfortune and trouble

will overthrow success。


To dream of reclining on a couch; indicates that false hopes will

be entertained。  You should be alert to every change of your affairs;

for only in this way will your hopes be realized。


To dream that you are aggravated by a constant cough indicates

a state of low health; but one from which you will recuperate

if care is observed in your habits。

To dream of hearing others cough; indicates unpleasant surroundings

from which you will ultimately emerge。


To dream of counters; foretells that active interest will debar

idleness from infecting your life with unhealthful desires。

To dream of empty and soiled counters; foretells unfortunate

engagements which will bring great uneasiness of mind lest

your interest will be wholly swept away。

_Counterfeit Money_。

To dream of counterfeit money; denotes you will have trouble with

some unruly and worthless person。  This dream always omens evil;

whether you receive it or pass it。


To dream of a counselor; you are likely to be possessed of some ability

yourself; and you will usually prefer your own judgment to that of others。

Be guarded in executing your ideas of right。


To dream of a beautiful and ingenuous countenance; you may safely look

for some pleasure to fall to your lot in the near future; but to behold

an ugly and scowling visage; portends unfavorable transactions。


A counterpane is very good to dream of; if clean and white;

denoting pleasant occupations for women; but if it be soiled

you may expect harassing situations。  Sickness usually

follows this dream。


To dream of counting your children; and they are merry and sweet…looking;

denotes that you will have no trouble in controlling them; and they will

attain honorable places。

To dream of counting money; you will be lucky and always able to pay

your debts; but to count out money to another person; you will meet with loss

of some kind。  Such will be the case; also; in counting other things。

If for yourself; good; if for others; usually bad luck will attend you。


To dream of being in a beautiful and fertile country; where abound

rich fields of grain and running streams of pure water;

denotes the very acme of good times is at hand。  Wealth will pile

in upon you; and you will be able to reign in state in any country。

If the country be dry and bare; you will see and hear of troublous times。

Famine and sickness will be in the land。


Bad; bad; will be the fate of the woman who dreams of being courted。  She will

often think that now he will propose; but often she will be disappointed。

Disappointments will follow illusory hopes and fleeting pleasures。

For a man to dream of courting; implies that he is not worthy of a companion。


Dreaming of one's cousin; denotes disappointments and afflictions。

Saddened lives are predicted by this dream。

To dream of an affectionate correspondence with one's cousin;

denotes a fatal rupture between families。


To dream of seeing cows waiting for the milking hour; promises abundant

fulfilment of hopes and desires。

'45' See Cattle。


To dream of gathering cowslips; portends unhappy ending of seemingly close

and warm friendships; but seeing them growing; denotes a limited competency

for lovers。  This is a sinister dream。

To see them in full bloom; denotes a crisis in your affairs。

The breaking up of happy homes may follow this dream。


To dream of a coxcomb; denotes a low state of mind。

The dreamer should endeavor to elevate his mind to nobler thoughts。


To dream of a cradle; with a beautiful infant occupying it;

portends prosperity and the affections of beautiful children。

To rock your own baby in a cradle; denotes the serious illness

of one of the family。

For a young woman to dream of rocking a cradle is portentous of her downfall。

She should beware of gossiping。


To dream of crabs; indicates that you will have many complicated affairs;

for the solving of which you will be forced to exert the soundest judgment。

This dream portends to lovers a long and difficult courtship。


To dream of seeing a flight of cranes tending northward; indicates gloomy

prospects for business。  To a woman; it is significant of disappointment;

but to see them flying southward; prognosticates a joyful meeting

of absent friends; and that lovers will remain faithful。

To see them fly to the ground; events of unusual moment are at hand。


To dream of seeing crape hanging from a door; denotes that you

will hear of the sudden death of some relative or friend。

To see a person dressed in crape; indicates that sorrow;

other than death; will possess you。  It is bad for business and trade。

To the young; it implies lovers' disputes and

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