贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > 10,000 dreams interpreted >


10,000 dreams interpreted-第25章

小说: 10,000 dreams interpreted 字数: 每页4000字

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If empty; the reverse。


To dream of seeing canker on anything; is an omen of evil。

It foretells death and treacherous companions for the young。

Sorrow and loneliness to the aged。

Cankerous growths in the flesh; denote future distinctions either

as head of State or stage life。

'31' The last definition is not consistent with other parts of this book;

but I let it stand; as I find it among my automatic writings。


This dream denotes that one's home and country are in danger

of foreign intrusion; from which our youth will suffer from

the perils of war。

For a young woman to hear or see cannons; denotes she will be a soldier's wife

and will have to bid him godspeed as he marches in defense of her and honor。

The reader will have to interpret dreams of this character

by the influences surrounding him; and by the experiences stored

away in his subjective mind。  If you have thought about cannons

a great deal and you dream of them when there is no war; they are

most likely to warn you against struggle and probable defeat。

Or if business is manipulated by yourself successful engagements

after much worry and ill luck may ensue。


This means that secret enemies are uniting against you。  For a maid

to see a cannon…ball; denotes that she will have a soldier sweetheart。

For a youth to see a cannon…ball; denotes that he will be called upon

to defend his country。


To paddle a canoe on a calm stream; denotes your perfect confidence

in your own ability to conduct your business in a profitable way。

To row with a sweetheart; means an early marriage and fidelity。

To row on rough waters you will have to tame a shrew before you

attain connubial bliss。  Affairs in the business world will

prove disappointing after you dream of rowing in muddy waters。

If the waters are shallow and swift; a hasty courtship or stolen pleasures;

from which there can be no lasting good; are indicated。

Shallow; clear and calm waters in rowing; signifies happiness

of a pleasing character; but of short duration。

Water is typical of futurity in the dream realms。  If a pleasant immediate

future awaits the dreamer he will come in close proximity with clear water。

Or if he emerges from disturbed watery elements into waking life the near

future is filled with crosses for him。


To dream of making candy; denotes profit accruing from industry。

To dream of eating crisp; new candy; implies social

pleasures and much love…making among the young and old。

Sour candy is a sign of illness or that disgusting annoyances

will grow out of confidences too long kept。

To receive a box of bonbons; signifies to a young person

that he or she will be the recipient of much adulation。

It generally means prosperity。  If you send a box you will make

a proposition; but will meet with disappointment。


To dream of a canopy or of being beneath one; denotes that false

friends are influencing you to undesirable ways of securing gain。

You will do well to protect those in your care。


For a woman to dream of seeing a cap; she will be invited to take

part in some festivity。

For a girl to dream that she sees her sweetheart with a cap on;

denotes that she will be bashful and shy in his presence。

To see a prisoner's cap; denotes that your courage is failing

you in time of danger。

To see a miner's cap; you will inherit a substantial competency。


To dream that you are a captive; denotes that you may have treachery

to deal with; and if you cannot escape; that injury and misfortune

will befall you。

To dream of taking any one captive; you will join yourself to pursuits

and persons of lowest status。

For a young woman to dream that she is a captive; denotes that she

will have a husband who will be jealous of her confidence in others;

or she may be censured for her indiscretion。


To dream of seeing a captain of any company; denotes your noblest aspirations

will be realized。  If a woman dreams that her lover is a captain; she will

be much harassed in mind from jealousy and rivalry。


To dream of seeing cars; denotes journeying and changing in quick succession。

To get on one shows that travel which you held in contemplation will be made

under different auspices than had been calculated upon。

To miss one; foretells that you will be foiled in an attempt

to forward your prospects。

To get off of one; denotes that you will succeed with some interesting

schemes which will fill you with self congratulations。

To dream of sleeping…cars; indicates that your struggles to amass

wealth is animated by the desire of gratifying selfish and lewd

principles which should be mastered and controlled。

To see street…cars in your dreams; denotes that some person is actively

interested in causing you malicious trouble and disquiet。

To ride on a car; foretells that rivalry and jealousy will

enthrall your happiness。

To stand on the platform of a street…car while it is running; denotes you

will attempt to carry on an affair which will be extremely dangerous;

but if you ride without accident you will be successful。

If the platform is up high; your danger will be more apparent;

but if low; you will barely accomplish your purpose。


It is unlucky to dream you see a cardinal in his robes。

You will meet such misfortunes as will necessitate your removal

to distant or foreign lands to begin anew your ruined fortune。

For a woman to dream this is a sign of her downfall through

false promises。  If priest or preacher is a spiritual adviser

and his services are supposed to be needed; especially in

the hour of temptation; then we find ourselves dreaming of him

as a warning against approaching evil。


If playing them in your dreams with others for social pastime; you will

meet with fair realization of hopes that have long buoyed you up。

Small ills will vanish。  But playing for stakes will involve you

in difficulties of a serious nature。

If you lose at cards you will encounter enemies。

If you win you will justify yourself in the eyes of the law;

but will have trouble in so doing。

If a young woman dreams that her sweetheart is playing at cards;

she will have cause to question his good intentions。

In social games; seeing diamonds indicate wealth; clubs; that your partner

in life will be exacting; and that you may have trouble in explaining

your absence at times; hearts denote fidelity and cosy surroundings;

spades signify that you will be a widow and encumbered with a large estate。


To dream that you are participating in a carnival; portends that you are soon

to enjoy some unusual pleasure or recreation。  A carnival when masks are used;

or when incongruous or clownish figures are seen; implies discord in the home;

business will be unsatisfactory and love unrequited。


To dream of riding in a cart; ill luck and constant work will employ

your time if you would keep supplies for your family。

To see a cart; denotes bad news from kindred or friends。

To dream of driving a cart; you will meet with merited success

in business and other aspirations。

For lovers to ride together in a cart; they will be true in spite

of the machinations of rivals。


To dream of cartridges; foretells unhappy quarrels and dissensions。

Some untoward fate threatens you or some one closely allied to you。

If they are empty; there will be foolish variances in your associations。


To dream of carving a fowl; indicates you will be poorly off

in a worldly way。  Companions will cause you vexation from

continued ill temper。

Carving meat; denotes bad investments; but; if a change is made;

prospects will be brigh

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