贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > 10,000 dreams interpreted >


10,000 dreams interpreted-第18章

小说: 10,000 dreams interpreted 字数: 每页4000字

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is ominous of grave misunderstandings or disappointments。


To see bantam chickens in your dream; denotes your fortune will

be small; yet you will enjoy contentment。  If they appear sickly;

or exposed to wintry storms; your interests will be impaired。


To dream of baptism; signifies that your character needs strengthening by

the practice of temperance in advocating your opinions to the disparagement

of your friends。

To dream that you are an applicant; signifies that you will humiliate

your inward self for public favor。

To dream that you see John the Baptist baptizing Christ in the Jordan;

denotes that you will have a desperate mental struggle between yielding

yourself to labor in meagre capacity for the sustenance of others;

or follow desires which might lead you into wealth and exclusiveness。

To see the Holy Ghost descending on Christ; is significant of resignation

to duty and abnegation of self。

If you are being baptized with the Holy Ghost and fire;

means that you will be thrown into a state of terror over being

discovered in some lustful engagement。


To dream of tending a bar; denotes that you will resort to some questionable

mode of advancement。

Seeing a bar; denotes activity in communities; quick uplifting of fortunes;

and the consummation of illicit desires。


To dream of a barber; denotes that success will come through struggling

and close attention to business。  For a young woman to dream of a barber;

foretells that her fortune will increase; though meagerly。


To wander in the night barefoot with torn garments; denotes that you

will be crushed in expectation; and evil influences will surround

your every effort。


The dreamer will obtain his highest desires; and every effort

will be crowned with success。  Decay in anything denotes loss。


For a man to dream of a barmaid; denotes that his desires run

to low pleasures; and he will scorn purity。

For a young woman to dream that she is a barmaid; foretells that she

will be attracted to fast men; and that she will prefer irregular

pleasures to propriety。


If well filled with ripe and matured grain; and perfect ears of corn;

with fat stock surrounding it; it is an omen of great prosperity。

If empty; the reverse may be expected。


'19' See Cask。


To see a barometer in a dream; foretells a change will soon take

place in your affairs; which will prove profitable to you。

If it is broken; you will find displeasing incidents in

your business; arising unexpectedly。


To see baseball in your dream; denotes you will be easily contented;

and your cheerfulness will make you a popular companion。

For a young woman to dream that she is playing baseball;

means much pleasure for her; but no real profit or comfort。


To dream that you are in a basement; foretells that you

will see prosperous opportunities abating; and with them;

pleasure will dwindle into trouble and care。

'20' See Cellar。


For a young woman to dream of bathing in a basin; foretells her womanly

graces will win her real friendships and elevations。


To dream of seeing or carrying a basket; signifies that you

will meet unqualified success; if the basket is full;

but empty baskets indicate discontent and sorrow。


To dream of basting meats while cooking; denotes you will

undermine your own expectations by folly and selfishness。

For a woman to baste her sewing; omens much vacation owing

to her extravagance。

_Bass Voice_。

To dream that you have a bass voice; denotes you will detect some discrepancy

in your business; brought about by the deceit of some one in your employ。

For the lover; this foretells estrangements and quarrels。


For a young person to dream of taking a bath; means much solicitude

for one of the opposite sex; fearing to lose his good opinion through

the influence of others。

For a pregnant woman to dream this; denotes miscarriage or accident。

For a man; adultery。  Dealings of all kinds should be carried on

with discretion after this dream。

To go in bathing with others; evil companions should be avoided。

Defamation of character is likely to follow。  If the water

is muddy; evil; indeed death; and enemies are near you。

For a widow to dream of her bath; she has forgotten her former ties;

and is hurrying on to earthly loves。  Girls should shun male companions。

Men will engage in intrigues of salacious character。

A warm bath is generally significant of evil。  A cold; clear bath is

the fore…runner of joyful tidings and a long period of excellent health。

Bathing in a clear sea; denotes expansion of business and satisfying

research after knowledge。


To see white roses in a bathroom; and yellow ones in a box;

denote that sickness will interfere with pleasure; but more

lasting joys will result from this disappointment。

For a young woman to dream of a bathroom; foretells that her inclinations

trend too much toward light pleasures and frivolities。


Awful is the fate of the unfortunate dreamer of this ugly animal。

Sorrows and calamities from hosts of evil work against you。

Death of parents and friends; loss of limbs or sight;

may follow after a dream of these ghoulish monsters。

A white bat is almost a sure sign of death。  Often the death

of a child follows this dream。


Battle signifies striving with difficulties; but a final victory

over the same。

If you are defeated in battle; it denotes that bad deals made

by others will mar your prospects for good。


To dream of a bayonet; signifies that enemies will hold you in their power;

unless you get possession of the bayonet。

_Bay Tree_。

A palmy leisure awaits you in which you will meet many pleasing varieties

of diversions。  Much knowledge will be reaped in the rest from work。

It is generally a good dream for everybody。


For a sailor to see a beacon…light; portends fair seas and

a prosperous voyage。

For persons in distress; warm attachments and unbroken;

will arise among the young。

To the sick; speedy recovery and continued health。

Business will gain new impetus。  To see it go out in time

of storm or distress; indicates reverses at the time when you

thought Fortune was deciding in your favor。


To dream of beads; foretells attention from those in elevated position will

be shown you。  To count beads; portends immaculate joy and contentment。

To string them; you will obtain the favor of the rich。

To scatter them; signifies loss of caste among your acquaintances。


This is a bad dream。  To see them growing; omens worries

and sickness among children。

Dried beans; means much disappointment in worldly affairs。

Care should be taken to prevent contagious diseases from spreading。

To dream of eating them; implies the misfortune or illness

of a well loved friend。


Bear is significant of overwhelming competition in pursuits of every kind。

To kill a bear; portends extrication from former entanglements。

A young woman who dreams of a bear will have a threatening rival

or some misfortune。


To dream of seeing a beard; denotes that some uncongenial person will oppose

his will against yours; and there will be a fierce struggle for mastery;

and you are likely to lose some money in the combat。

Gray beard; signifies hard luck and quarrels。

To see beard on women; foretells unpleasant associations

and lingering illness。

For some one to pull your beard; denotes that you will run a narrow

risk if you do not lose property。


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