贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > 10,000 dreams interpreted >


10,000 dreams interpreted-第113章

小说: 10,000 dreams interpreted 字数: 每页4000字

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If the woods appear green; the change will be lucky。

If stripped of verdure; it will prove calamitous。

To see woods on fire; denotes that your plans will reach

satisfactory maturity。  Prosperity will beam with favor upon you。

To dream that you deal in firewood; denotes that you will win

fortune by determined struggle。


To dream of a wood…pile; denotes unsatisfactory business

and misunderstandings in love。


To dream of wool; is a pleasing sign of prosperous opportunities

to expand your interests。

To see soiled; or dirty wool; foretells that you will seek employment

with those who detest your principles。


To dream that you are hard at work; denotes that you will win

merited success by concentration of energy。

To see others at work; denotes that hopeful conditions will surround you。

To look for work; means that you will be benefited by

some unaccountable occurrence。

_Work house_。'244'

To dream that you are in a workhouse denotes that some event

will work you harm and loss。

'244' See Prison。


To see workshops in your dreams; foretells that you will use

extraordinary schemes to undermine your enemies。


To dream of worms; denotes that you will be oppressed by the low intriguing

of disreputable persons。

For a young woman to dream they crawl on her; foretells that her

aspirations will always tend to the material。  If she kills or throws

them off; she will shake loose from the material lethargy and seek

to live in morality and spirituality。

To use them in your dreams as fish bait; foretells that by your ingenuity

you will use your enemies to good advantage。


To dream that you are wounded; signals distress and an unfavorable

turn in business。

To see others wounded; denotes that injustice will be accorded

you by your friends。

To relieve or dress a wound; signifies that you will have occasion

to congratulate yourself on your good fortune。


To dream that you see a wreath of fresh flowers; denotes that

great opportunities for enriching yourself will soon present

themselves before you。

A withered wreath bears sickness and wounded love。

To see a bridal wreath; foretells a happy ending to uncertain engagements。


To see a wreck in your dream; foretells that you will be harassed

with fears of destitution or sudden failure in business。

'245' See other like words。


To dream that you are writing; foretells that you will make a mistake

which will almost prove your undoing。

To see writing; denotes that you will be upbraided for your careless

conduct and a lawsuit may cause you embarrassment。

To try to read strange writing; signifies that you will escape

enemies only by making no new speculation after this dream。

'246' See Letters。


‘‘_The Prophet that hath a dream let him tell a dream_。''Jer。  XXIII。; 28。


To see a yacht in a dream; denotes happy recreation away

from business and troublesome encumbrances。  A stranded one;

represents miscarriage of entertaining engagements。


To dream of a Yankee; foretells that you will remain loyal

and true to your promise and duty; but if you are not careful

you will be outwitted in some transaction。

_Yard Stick_。

To dream of a yard stick; foretells much anxiety will possess you;

though your affairs assume unusual activity。


To dream of yarn; denotes success in your business and an industrious

companion in your home。

For a young woman to dream that she works with yarn; foretells that she

will be proudly recognized by a worthy man as his wife。


If you yawn in your dreams; you will search in vain for

health and contentment。

To see others yawning; foretells that you will see some of your friends

in a miserable state。  Sickness will prevent them from their usual labors。


To feel in a dream that you are yearning for the presence of anyone;

denotes that you will soon hear comforting tidings from your absent friends。

For a young woman to think her lover is yearning for her; she will have

the pleasure of soon hearing some one making a long…wished…for proposal。

If she lets him know that she is yearning for him; she will be left alone

and her longings will grow apace。

_Yellow Bird_。

To see a yellow bird flitting about in your dreams; foretells that some

great event will cast a sickening fear of the future around you。

To see it sick or dead; foretells that you will suffer for

another's wild folly。

_Yew Tree_。

To dream of a yew tree; is a forerunner of illness and disappointment。

If a young woman sits under one; she will have many fears to rend her over

her fortune and the faithfulness of her lover。  If she sees her lover

standing by one; she may expect to hear of his illness; or misfortune。

To admire one; she will estrange herself from her relatives by a mesalliance。

To visit a yew tree and find it dead and stripped of its foliage;

predicts a sad death in your family。  Property will not console

for this loss。


To dream you yield to another's wishes; denotes that you will throw

away by weak indecision a great opportunity to elevate yourself。

If others yield to you; exclusive privileges will be accorded

you and you will be elevated above your associates。

To receive poor yield for your labors; you may expect cares and worries。


To dream of seeing a yoke; denotes that you will unwillingly

conform to the customs and wishes of others。

To yoke oxen in your dreams; signifies that your judgment and

counsels will be accepted submissively by those dependent upon you。

To fail to yoke them; you will be anxious over some prodigal friend。


To dream of seeing young people; is a prognostication of reconciliation

of family disagreements and favorable times for planning new enterprises。

To dream that you are young again; foretells that you will make mighty

efforts to recall lost opportunities; but will nevertheless fail。

For a mother to see her son an infant or small child again;

foretells that old wounds will be healed and she will take on her

youthful hopes and cheerfulness。  If the child seems to be dying;

she will fall into ill fortune and misery will attend her。

To see the young in school; foretells that prosperity and usefulness

will envelope you with favors。  _Yule Log_。

To dream of a yule log; foretells that your joyous anticipations

will be realized by your attendance at great festivities。


‘‘_Then thou scarest me with dreams; and terrifying me through visions;

so that my soul chooseth strangling; and death rather than my life_。''

Job xvii。;14…15。


To dream of a zebra; denotes that you will be interested in varying

and fleeting enterprises。

To see one wild in his native country; foretells that you will

pursue a chimerical fancy which will return you unsatisfactory

pleasure upon possession。


To dream of the zenith; foretells elaborate prosperity;

and your choice of suitors will be successful。


To dream of soft zephyrs; denotes that you will sacrifice fortune

to obtain the object of your affection and will find reciprocal

affection in your wooing。

If a young woman dreams that she is saddened by the whisperings

of the zephyrs; she will have a season of disquietude by the compelled

absence of her lover。


To work with or to see zinc in your dreams; indicates substantial

and energetic progress。  Business will assume a brisk tone

in its varying departments。

To dream of zinc ore promises the approach of eventful success。



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