贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > 10,000 dreams interpreted >


10,000 dreams interpreted-第108章

小说: 10,000 dreams interpreted 字数: 每页4000字

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perplexity and grievous doubts。

To hear the voice of distress; or a warning one calling to you;

implies your own serious misfortune or that of some one close to you。

If the voice is recognized; it is often ominous of accident or illness;

which may eliminate death or loss。


To see a volcano in your dreams; signifies that you will be

in violent disputes; which threaten your reputation as a fair

dealing and honest citizen。

For a young woman; it means that her selfishness and greed will lead

her into intricate adventures。


To dream of vomiting; is a sign that you will be afflicted with a malady

which will threaten invalidism; or you will be connected with a racy scandal。

To see others vomiting; denotes that you will be made aware of the false

pretenses of persons who are trying to engage your aid。

For a woman to dream that she vomits a chicken; and it hops off; denotes she

will be disappointed in some pleasure by the illness of some relative。

Unfavorable business and discontent are also predicted。

If it is blood you vomit; you will find illness a hurried and

unexpected visitor。  You will be cast down with gloomy forebodings;

and children and domesticity in general will ally to work you discomfort。


If you dream of casting a vote on any measure; you will be engulfed

in a commotion which will affect your community。

To vote fraudulently; foretells that your dishonesty will overcome

your better inclinations。


To dream of vouchers; foretells that patient toil will defeat

idle scheming to arrest fortune from you。

To sign one; denotes that you have the aid and confidence of those around you;

despite the evil workings of enemies。

To lose one; signifies that you will have a struggle for your

rights with relatives。


To dream that you are making or listening to vows; foretells complaint will

be made against you of unfaithfulness in business; or some love contract。

To take the vows of a church; denotes you will bear yourself with unswerving

integrity through some difficulty。

To break or ignore a vow; foretells disastrous consequences

will attend your dealings。


To make a voyage in your dreams; foretells that you will receive

some inheritance besides that which your labors win for you。

A disastrous voyage brings incompetence; and false loves。


To dream of vultures; signifies that some scheming person

is bent on injuring you; and will not succeed unless you see

the vulture wounded; or dead。

For a woman to dream of a vulture; signifies that she will be overwhelmed

with slander and gossip。


‘‘_Therefore night shall be unto you; that ye shalt not have

a vision; and it shall be dark unto you; that ye shall not divine;

and the sun shall go down over the prophets; and the day shall

be dark over them_。''Mich。  iii。; 6。


If you wade in clear water while dreaming; you will partake of evanescent;

but exquisite joys。  If the water is muddy; you are in danger of illness;

or some sorrowful experiences。

To see children wading in clear water is a happy prognostication;

as you will be favored in your enterprises。

For a young woman to dream of wading in clear foaming water;

she will soon gain the desire nearest her heart。

'237' See Bathing。


Wadding; if seen in a dream; brings consolation to the sorrowing;

and indifference to unfriendly criticism。


Wafer; if seen in a dream; purports an encounter with enemies。

To eat one; suggests impoverished fortune。

For a young woman to bake them; denotes that she will be tormented

and distressed by fears of remaining in the unmarried state。


To dream of making a wager; signifies that you will resort to dishonest

means to forward your schemes。

If you lose a wager; you will sustain injury from base connections

with those out of your social sphere。

To win one; reinstates you in favor with fortune。

If you are not able to put up a wager; you will be discouraged

and prostrated by the adverseness of circumstances。


Wages; if received in dreams; brings unlooked for good to persons

engaging in new enterprises。

To pay out wages; denotes that you will be confounded by dissatisfaction。

To have your wages reduced; warns you of unfriendly interest

that is being taken against you。

An increase of wages; suggests unusual profit in any undertaking。


To dream of a wagon; denotes that you will be unhappily mated;

and many troubles will prematurely age you。

To drive one down a hill; is ominous of proceedings which will fill

you with disquiet; and will cause you loss。

To drive one up hill; improves your worldly affairs。

To drive a heavily loaded wagon; denotes that duty will hold you

in a moral position; despite your efforts to throw her off。

To drive into muddy water; is a gruesome prognostication;

bringing you into a vortex of unhappiness and fearful foreboding。

To see a covered wagon; foretells that you will be encompassed

by mysterious treachery; which will retard your advancement。

For a young woman to dream that she drives a wagon near

a dangerous embankment; portends that she will be driven

into an illicit entanglement; which will fill her with terror;

lest she be openly discovered and ostracised。  If she drives

across a clear stream of water; she will enjoy adventure without

bringing opprobrium upon herself。

A broken wagon represents distress and failure。


To see a wagtail in a dream; foretells that you will be the victim

of unpleasant gossip; and your affairs will develop unmistakable loss。


To dream of a waif; denotes personal difficulties; and especial

ill…luck in business。


A wail falling upon your ear while in the midst of a dream;

brings fearful news of disaster and woe。

For a young woman to hear a wail; foretells that she will be deserted

and left alone in distress; and perchance disgrace。

'238' See Weeping。

_Waist and Shirt…Waist_。

To dream of a round full waist; denotes that you will be favored

by an agreeable dispensation of fortune。

A small; unnatural waist; foretells displeasing success

and recriminating disputes。

For a young woman to dream of a nice; ready…made shirt…waist; denotes

that she will win admiration through her ingenuity and pleasing manners。

To dream that her shirt…waist is torn; she will be censured for her

illicit engagements。  If she is trying on a shirt…waist; she will encounter

rivalry in love; but if she succeeds in adjusting the waist to her person;

she will successfully combat the rivalry and win the object of her love。


To dream of a waiter; signifies you will be pleasantly entertained

by a friend。  To see one cross or disorderly; means offensive people

will thrust themselves upon your hospitality。


To dream that you attend a wake; denotes that you will sacrifice

some important engagement to enjoy some ill…favored assignation。

For a young woman to see her lover at a wake; foretells that she

will listen to the entreaties of passion; and will be persuaded

to hazard honor for love。


To dream of walking through rough brier; entangled paths; denotes that you

will be much distressed over your business complications; and disagreeable

misunderstandings will produce coldness and indifference。

To walk in pleasant places; you will be the possessor of fortune and favor。

To walk in the night brings misadventure; and unavailing

struggle for contentment。

For a young woman to find herself walking rapidly in her dreams;

denotes that she will inherit some property; and will possess


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