贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > 10,000 dreams interpreted >


10,000 dreams interpreted-第105章

小说: 10,000 dreams interpreted 字数: 每页4000字

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An empty tub proclaims unhappiness and waning of fortune。

A broken tub; foretells family disagreements and quarrels。


To dream that you tumble off of any thing; denotes that you are given

to carelessness; and should strive to be prompt with your affairs。

To see others tumbliing;{sic} is a sign that you will profit

by the negligence of others。


To dream of going through a tunnel is bad for those in business

and in love。

To see a train coming towards you while in a tunnel; foretells ill health

and change in occupation。

To pass through a tunnel in a car; denotes unsatisfactory business;

and much unpleasant and expensive travel。

To see a tunnel caving in; portends failure and malignant enemies。

To look into one; denotes that you will soon be compelled to face

a desperate issue。


To dream of a racing turf; signifies that you will have pleasure

and wealth at your command; but your morals will be questioned

by your most intimate friends。

To see a green turf; indicates that interesting affairs will

hold your attention。


To dream of seeing turkeys; signifies abundant gain in business;

and favorable crops to the farmer。

To see them dressed for the market; denotes improvement in your affairs。

To see them sick; or dead; foretells that stringent circumstances

will cause your pride to suffer。

To dream you eat turkey; foretells some joyful occasion approaching。

To see them flying; denotes a rapid transit from obscurity to prominence。

To shoot them as game; is a sign that you will unscrupulously amass wealth。

_Turkish Baths_。

To dream of taking a Turkish bath; foretells that you will seek health far

from your home and friends; but you will have much pleasurable enjoyment

To see others take a Turkish bath; signifies that pleasant companions

will occupy your attention。


To see turnips growing; denotes that your prospects will brighten;

and that you will be much elated over your success。

To eat them is a sign of ill health。  To pull them up; denotes that you

will improve your opportunities and your fortune thereby。

To eat turnip greens; is a sign of bitter disappointment。

Turnip seed is a sign of future advancement。

For a young woman to sow turnip seed; foretells that she will inherit

good property; and win a handsome husband。


To dream of turpentine; foretells your near future holds unprofitable

and discouraging engagements。  For a woman to dream that she binds

turpentine to the wound of another; shows she will gain friendships

and favor through her benevolent acts。


To dream of a torquoise;{sic} foretells you are soon to realize

some desire which will greatly please your relatives。  For a woman

to have one stolen; foretells she will meet with crosses in love。

If she comes by it dishonestly; she must suffer for yielding to hasty

susceptibility in love。


To dream of seeing turtles; signifies that an unusual incident will cause

you enjoyment; and improve your business conditions。

To drink turtle soup; denotes that you will find pleasure

in compromising intrigue。


To see tweezers in a dream; denotes uncomfortable situations will fill

you with discontent; and your companions will abuse you。


To see twine in your dream; warns you that your business is assuming

complications which will be hard to overcome。

'232' See Thread。


To dream of seeing twins; foretells security in business;

and faithful and loving contentment in the home。

If they are sickly; it signifies that you will have disappointment and grief。


To see type in a dream; portends unpleasant transactions with friends。

For a woman to clean type; foretells she will make fortunate speculations

which will bring love and fortune。


To dream that you are affected with this malady; is a warning

to beware of enemies; and look well to your health。

If you dream that there is an epidemic of typhoid; there will be depressions

in business; and usual good health will undergo disagreeable changes。


‘‘_And Solomon awoke; and; behold; it was a dream_。''

First Kings; III。; 15。


To dream that you are ugly; denotes that you will have a difficulty

with your sweetheart; and your prospects will assume a depressed shade。

If a young woman thinks herself ugly; she will conduct herself

offensively toward her lover; which will probably cause a break

in their pleasant associations。


To see an ulcer in your dream; signifies loss of friends and removal

from loved ones。  Affairs will remain unsatisfactory。

To dream that you have ulcers; denotes that you will become unpopular

with your friends by giving yourself up to foolish pleasures。


To dream of carrying an umbrella; denotes that trouble and annoyances

will beset you。

To see others carrying them; foretells that you will be appealed

to for aid by charity。

To borrow one; you will have a misunderstanding; perhaps; with a warm friend。

To lend one; portends injury from false friends。  To lose one;

denotes trouble with some one who holds your confidence。

To see one torn to pieces; or broken; foretells that you will

be misrepresented and maligned。

To carry a leaky one; denotes that pain and displeasure will be felt by you

towards your sweetheart or companions。

To carry a new umbrella over you in a clear shower; or sunshine;

omens exquisite pleasure and prosperity。


If you see your uncle in a dream; you will have news of a sad character soon。

To dream you see your uncle prostrated in mind; and repeatedly

have this dream; you will have trouble with your relations

which will result in estrangement; at least for a time。

To see your uncle dead; denotes that you have formidable enemies。

To have a misunderstanding with your uncle; denotes

that your family relations will be unpleasant; and illness

will be continually present。


To dream of being in an underground habitation; you are in danger

of losing reputation and fortune。

To dream of riding on an underground railway; foretells that you

will engage in some peculiar speculation which will contribute

to your distress and anxiety。

'233' See Cars; etc。


To dream that you are undressing; foretells; scandalous gossip

will overshadow you。

For a woman to dream that she sees the ruler of her country undressed;

signifies sadness will overtake anticipated pleasures。

She will suffer pain through the apprehension of evil to those

dear to her。

To see others undressed; is an omen of stolen pleasures;

which will rebound with grief。


To dream that you are unfortunate; is significant of loss to yourself;

and trouble for others。


To see a uniform in your dream; denotes that you will have influential

friends to aid you in obtaining your desires。

For a young woman to dream that she wears a uniform;

foretells that she will luckily confer her favors upon

a man who appreciated them; and returns love for passion。

If she discards it; she will be in danger of public scandal

by her notorious love for adventure。

To see people arrayed in strange uniforms; foretells the disruption

of friendly relations with some other Power by your own government。

This may also apply to families or friends。  To see a friend

or relative looking sad while dressed in uniform; or as a soldier;

predicts ill fortune or continued absence。

_United States Mail Box_。

To see a United States mail box; in a dream; denotes that you

are about to enter into transactions which will be claimed

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