贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > found at blazing star >


found at blazing star-第6章

小说: found at blazing star 字数: 每页4000字

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interference between him and his enemy?  He would go home and send

her back the handkerchief she had given him。  But here the

unromantic reflection that although he had washed it that very

afternoon in the solitude of his own cabin; he could not possibly

iron it; but must send it 〃rough dried;〃 stayed his indignant feet。

Two or three days; a week; a fortnight even; of this hopeless

resentment filled Cass's breast。  Then the news of Kanaka Joe's

acquittal in the State Court momentarily revived the story of the

ring; and revamped a few stale jokes in the camp。  But the interest

soon flagged; the fortunes of the little community of Blazing Star

had been for some months failing; and with early snows in the

mountain and wasted capital in fruitless schemes on the river;

there was little room for the indulgence of that lazy and original

humor which belonged to their lost youth and prosperity。  Blazing

Star truly; in the grim figure of their slang; was 〃played out。〃

Not dug out; worked out; or washed out; but dissipated in a year of

speculation and chance。

Against this tide of fortune Cass struggled manfully; and even

evoked the slow praise of his companions。  Better still; he won a

certain praise for himself; in himself; in a consciousness of

increased strength; health; power; and self…reliance。  He began to

turn his quick imagination and perception to some practical

account; and made one or two discoveries which quite startled his

more experienced but more conservative companions。  Nevertheless;

Cass's discoveries and labors were not of a kind that produced

immediate pecuniary realization; and Blazing Star; which consumed

so many pounds of pork and flour daily; did not unfortunately

produce the daily equivalent in gold。  Blazing Star lost its

credit。  Blazing Star was hungry; dirty; and ragged。  Blazing Star

was beginning to set。

Participating in the general ill luck of the camp; Cass was not

without his own individual mischances。  He had resolutely

determined to forget Miss Porter and all that tended to recall the

unlucky ring; but; cruelly enough; she was the only thing that

refused to be forgottenwhose undulating figure reclined opposite

to him in the weird moonlight of his ruined cabin; whose voice

mingled with the song of the river by whose banks he toiled; and

whose eyes and touch thrilled him in his dreams。  Partly for this

reason; and partly because his clothes were beginning to be patched

and torn; he avoided Red Chief and any place where he would be

likely to meet her。  In spite of this precaution he had once seen

her driving in a pony carriage; but so smartly and fashionably

dressed that he drew back in the cover of a wayside willow that she

might pass without recognition。  He looked down upon his red…

splashed clothes and grimy; soil…streaked hands; and for a moment

half hated her。  His comrades seldom spoke of herinstinctively

fearing some temptation that might beset his Spartan resolutions;

but he heard from time to time that she had been seen at balls and

parties; apparently enjoying those very frivolities of her sex she

affected to condemn。

It was a Sabbath morning in early spring that he was returning from

an ineffectual attempt to enlist a capitalist at the county town to

redeem the fortunes of Blazing Star。  He was pondering over the

narrowness of that capitalist; who had evidently but illogically

connected Cass's present appearance with the future of that

struggling camp; when he became so foot…sore that he was obliged to

accept a 〃lift〃 from a wayfaring teamster。  As the slowly lumbering

vehicle passed the new church on the outskirts of the town; the

congregation were sallying forth。  It was too late to jump down and

run away; and Cass dared not ask his new…found friend to whip up

his cattle。  Conscious of his unshorn beard and ragged garments; he

kept his eyes fixed upon the road。  A voice that thrilled him

called his name。  It was Miss Porter; a resplendent vision of silk;

laces; and Easter flowersyet actually running; with something of

her old dash and freedom; beside the wagon。  As the astonished

teamster drew up before this elegant apparition; she panted:

〃Why did you make me run so far; and why didn't you look up?〃

Cass; trying to hide the patches on his knees beneath a newspaper;

stammered that he had not seen her。

〃And you did not hold down your head purposely?〃

〃No;〃 said Cass。

〃Why have you not been to Red Chief?  Why didn't you answer my

message about the ring?〃 she asked; swiftly。

〃You sent nothing but the ring;〃 said Cass; coloring; as he glanced

at the teamster。

〃Why; THAT was a message; you born idiot。〃

Cass stared。  The teamster smiled。  Miss Porter gazed anxiously at

the wagon。  〃I think I'd like a ride in there; it looks awfully

good。〃  She glanced mischievously around at the lingering and

curious congregation。

〃May I?〃

But Cass deprecated that proceeding strongly。  It was dirty; he was

not sure it was even WHOLESOME; she would be SO uncomfortable; he;

himself; was only going a few rods farther; and in that time she

might ruin her dress

〃Oh; yes;〃 she said; a little bitterly; 〃certainly; my dress must

be looked after。  Andwhat else?〃

〃People might think it strange; and believe I had invited you;〃

continued Cass; hesitatingly。

〃When I had only invited myself?  Thank you。  Good…by。〃

She waved her hand and stepped back from the wagon。  Cass would

have given worlds to recall her; but he sat still; and the vehicle

moved on in moody silence。  At the first cross road he jumped down。

〃Thank you;〃 he said to the teamster。  〃You're welcome;〃 returned

that gentleman; regarding him curiously; 〃but the next time a gal

like that asks to ride in this yer wagon; I reckon I won't take the

vote of any deadhead passenger。  Adios; young fellow。  Don't stay

out late; ye might be run off by some gal; and what would your

mother say?〃  Of course the young man could only look unutterable

things and walk away; but even in that dignified action he was

conscious that its effect was somewhat mitigated by a large patch

from a material originally used as a flour sack; which had repaired

his trousers; but still bore the ironical legend; 〃Best Superfine。〃

The summer brought warmth and promise and some blossom; if not

absolute fruition; to Blazing Star。  The long days drew Nature into

closer communion with the men; and hopefulness followed the

discontent of their winter seclusion。  It was easier; too; for

Capital to be wooed and won into making a picnic in these mountain

solitudes than when high water stayed the fords and drifting snow

the Sierran trails。  At the close of one of these Arcadian days

Cass was smoking before the door of his lonely cabin when he was

astounded by the onset of a dozen of his companions。  Peter

Drummond; far in the van; was waving a newspaper like a victorious

banner。  〃All's right now; Cass; old man!〃 he panted as he stopped

before Cass and shoved back his eager followers。

〃What's all right?〃 asked Cass; dubiously。

〃YOU!  You kin rake down the pile now。  You're hunky!  You're on

velvet。  Listen!〃

He opened the newspaper and read; with annoying deliberation; as


〃LOST。If the finder of a plain gold ring; bearing the engraved

inscription; 'May to Cass;' alleged to have been picked up on the

high road near Blazing Star on the 4th March; 186…; will apply to

Bookham & Sons; bankers; 1007 Y Street; Sacramento; he will be

suitably rewarded either for the recovery of the ring; or for such

facts as may identify it; or the locality where it was found。〃

Cass rose and frowned savagely on his comrades。  〃No! no!〃 cried a

dozen voices; assuringly。  〃It's all right!  Honest Injun!  True as

gospel!  No joke; Cass!〃

〃Here's the paper; Sacramento 'Union' of yesterday。  Look for

yourself;〃 said Drummond; handing him the well…worn journal

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