贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > the life of thomas telford >


the life of thomas telford-第40章

小说: the life of thomas telford 字数: 每页4000字

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construction。  The navigations brought lime; coal; manure; and

merchandise; almost to the farmers' doors; and provided them at the

same time with ready means of conveyance for their produce to good

markets。  Farms in remote situations were thus placed more on an

equality with those in the neighbourhood of large towns; rents rose

in consequence; and the owners of land everywhere became the

advocates and projectors of canals。

The dividends paid by the first companies were very high; and it

was well known that the Duke's property was bringing him in immense

wealth。  There was; therefore; no difficulty in getting the shares

in new projects readily subscribed for: indeed Mr。 Telford relates

that at the first meeting of the Ellesmere projectors; so eager

were the public; that four times the estimated expense was

subscribed without hesitation。  Yet this navigation passed through

a difficult country; necessarily involving very costly works; and

as the district was but thinly inhabited; it did not present a very

inviting prospect of dividends。*'1'  But the mania had fairly set

in; and it was determined that the canal should be made。  And

whether the investment repaid the immediate proprietors or not; it

unquestionably proved of immense advantage to the population of the

districts through which it passed; and contributed to enhance the

value of most of the adjoining property。

The Act authorising the construction of the canal was obtained in

1793; and Telford commenced operations very shortly after his

appointment in October of the same year。  His first business was to

go carefully over the whole of the proposed line; and make a careful

working survey; settling the levels of the different lengths;

and the position of the locks; embankments; cuttings; and aqueducts。

In all matters of masonry work he felt himself master of the

necessary details; but having had comparatively small experience of

earthwork; and none of canal…making; he determined to take the

advice of Mr。 William Jessop on that part of the subject; and he

cordially acknowledges the obligations he was under to that eminent

engineer for the kind assistance which he received from him on many


The heaviest and most important part of the undertaking was in

carrying the canal through the rugged country between the rivers

Dee and Ceriog; in the vale of Llangollen。  From Nantwich to

Whitchurch the distance is 16 miles; and the rise 132 feet;

involving nineteen locks; and from thence to Ellesmere; Chirk;

Pont…Cysylltau; and the river Dee; 1 3/4 mile above Llangollen; the

distance is 38 1/4 miles; and the rise 13 feet; involving only two

locks。  The latter part of the undertaking presented the greatest

difficulties; as; in order to avoid the expense of constructing

numerous locks; which would also involve serious delay and heavy

expense in working the navigation; it became necessary to contrive

means for carrying the canal on the same level from one side of the

respective valleys of the Dee and the Ceriog to the other; and

hence the magnificent aqueducts of Chirk and Pont…Cysylltau;

characterised by Phillips as 〃among the boldest efforts of human

invention in modem times。〃*'2'  The Chirk Aqueduct carries the canal

across the valley of the Ceriog; between Chirk Castle and the

village of that name。  At this point the valley is above 700 feet

wide; the banks are steep; with a flat alluvial meadow between

them; through which the river flows。 The country is finely

wooded。  Chirk Castle stands on an eminence on its western side;

with the Welsh mountains and Glen Ceriog as a background; the whole

composing a landscape of great beauty; in the centre of which

Telford's aqueduct forms a highly picturesque object。

'Image' Chirk Aqueduct

The aqueduct consists of ten arches of 40 feet span each。

The level of the water in the canal is 65 feet above the meadow;

and 70 feet above the level of the river Ceriog。  The proportions

of this work far exceeded everything of the kind that had up to

that time been attempted in England。  It was a very costly structure;

but Telford; like Brindley; thought it better to incur a considerable

capital outlay in maintaining the uniform level of the canal; than

to raise and lower it up and down the sides of the valley by locks

at a heavy expense in works; and a still greater cost in time and

water。 The aqueduct is a splendid specimen of the finest class of

masonry; and Telford showed himself a master of his profession by

the manner in which he carried out the whole details of the

undertaking。  The piers were carried up solid to a certain height;

above which they were built hollow; with cross walls。  The spandrels

also; above the springing of the arches; were constructed with

longitudinal walls; and left hollow。*'3'  The first stone was laid

on the 17th of June; 1796; and the work was completed in the year

1801; the whole remaining in a perfect state to this day。

The other great aqueduct on the Ellesmere Canal; named Pont…Cysylltau;

is of even greater dimensions; and a far more striking object in

the landscape。  Sir Walter Scott spoke of it to Southey as 〃the

most impressive work of art he had ever seen。〃  It is situated about

four miles to the north of Chirk; at the crossing of the Dee; in

the romantic vale of Llangollen。  The north bank of the river is

very abrupt; but on the south side the acclivity is more gradual。

The lowest part of the valley in which the river runs is 127 feet

beneath the water…level of the canal; and it became a question with

the engineer whether the valley was to be crossed; as originally

intended; by locking down one side and up the otherwhich would

have involved seven or eight locks on each sideor by carrying it

directly across by means of an aqueduct。

The execution of the proposed locks would have been very costly;

and the working of them in carrying on the navigation would

necessarily have involved a great waste of water; which was a

serious objection; inasmuch as the supply was estimated to be no

more than sufficient to provide for the unavoidable lockage and

leakage of the summit level。  Hence Telford was strongly in favour

of an aqueduct; but; as we have already seen in the case of that at

Chirk; the height of the work was such as to render it impracticable

to construct it in the usual manner; upon masonry piers and arches

of sufficient breadth and strength to afford room for a puddled

water…way; which would have been extremely hazardous as well as

expensive。  He was therefore under the necessity of contriving some

more safe and economical method of procedure; and he again resorted

to the practice which he had adopted in the construction of the

Chirk Aqueduct; but on a much larger scale。

'Image' Pont…CyslltauSide view of Cast Iron Trough

It will be understood that many years elapsed between the period at

which Telford was appointed engineer to the Ellesmere Canal and the

designing of these gigantic works。  He had in the meantime been

carefully gathering experience from a variety of similar

undertakings on which he was employed; and bringing his

observations of the strength of materials and the different forms

of construction to bear upon the plans under his consideration for

the great aqueducts of Chirk and Pont…Cysylltau。  In 1795 he was

appointed engineer to the Shrewsbury Canal; which extends from that

town to the collieries and ironworks in the neighbourhood of

Wrekin; crossing the rivers Roden and Tern; and Ketley Brook; after

which it joins the Dorrington and Shropshire Canals。  Writing to his

Eskdale friend; Telford said : 〃Although this canal is only

eighteen miles long; yet there are many important works in its

courseseveral locks; a tunnel about half a mile long; and two

aqueducts。  For the most considerable of these last; I have just

recommended an aqueduct of iron。  It has been approved; and will be

executed under my direc

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