贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > the life of thomas telford >


the life of thomas telford-第4章

小说: the life of thomas telford 字数: 每页4000字

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mostly unenclosed; and it was possible; in fine weather; to get

from place to place; in one way or another; with the help of a

guide。 In the absence of bridges; guides were necessary to point

out the safest fords as well as to pick out the least miry tracks。

The most frequented lines of road were struck out from time to time

by the drivers of pack…horses; who; to avoid the bogs and sloughs;

were usually careful to keep along the higher grounds; but; to

prevent those horsemen who departed from the beaten track being

swallowed up in quagmires; beacons were erected to warn them

against the more dangerous places。*'2'

In some of the older…settled districts of England; the old roads

are still to be traced in the hollow Ways or Lanes; which are to

be met with; in some places; eight and ten feet deep。  They were

horse…tracks in summer; and rivulets in winter。  By dint of

weather and travel; the earth was gradually worn into these deep

furrows; many of which; in Wilts; Somerset; and Devon; represent

the tracks of roads as old as; if not older than; the Conquest。

When the ridgeways of the earliest settlers on Dartmoor; above

alluded to; were abandoned; the tracks were formed through the

valleys; but the new roads were no better than the old ones。

They were narrow and deep; fitted only for a horse passing along

laden with its crooks; as so graphically described in the ballad

of 〃The Devonshire Lane。〃*'3'

Similar roads existed until recently in the immediate neighbourhood

of Birmingham; now the centre of an immense traffic。  The sandy

soil was sawn through; as it were; by generation after generation

of human feet; and by packhorses; helped by the rains; until in

some places the tracks were as much as from twelve to fourteen

yards deep; one of these; partly filled up; retaining to this day

the name of Holloway Head。  In the neighbourhood of London there

was also a Hollow way; which now gives its name to a populous

metropolitan parish。  Hagbush Lane was another of such roads。

Before the formation of the Great North Road; it was one of the

principal bridle…paths leading from London to the northern parts of

England; but it was so narrow as barely to afford passage for more

than a single horseman; and so deep that the rider's head was

beneath the level of the ground on either side。

The roads of Sussex long preserved an infamous notoriety。

Chancellor Cowper; when a barrister on circuit; wrote to his wife

in 1690; that 〃the Sussex ways are bad and ruinous beyond

imagination。 I vow 'tis melancholy consideration that mankind will

in habit such a heap of dirt for a poor livelihood。  The country is

a sink of about fourteen miles broad; which receives all the water

that falls from two long ranges of hills on both sides of it;

and not being furnished with convenient draining; is kept moist

and soft by the water till the middle of a dry summer; which is only

able to make it tolerable to ride for a short time。〃

It was almost as difficult for old persons to get to church in

Sussex during winter as it was in the Lincoln Fens; where they were

rowed thither in boats。  Fuller saw an old lady being drawn to

church in her own coach by the aid of six oxen。  The Sussex roads

were indeed so bad as to pass into a by…word。  A contemporary

writer says; that in travelling a slough of extraordinary miryness;

it used to be called 〃the Sussex bit of the road;〃 and he

satirically alleged that the reason why the Sussex girls were so

long…limbed was because of the tenacity of the mud in that county;

the practice of pulling the foot out of it 〃by the strength of the

ancle〃 tending to stretch the muscle and lengthen the bone!*'4'

But the roads in the immediate neighbourhood of London long

continued almost as bad as those in Sussex。  Thus; when the poet

Cowley retired to Chertsey; in 1665; he wrote to his friend Sprat

to visit him; and; by way of encouragement; told him that he

might sleep the first night at Hampton town; thus occupying; two

days in the performance of a journey of twenty…two miles in the

immediate neighbourhood of the metropolis。  As late as 1736 we

find Lord Hervey; writing from Kensington; complaining that

〃the road between this place and London is grown so infamously bad

that we live here in the same solitude as we would do if cast on

a rock in the middle of the ocean; and all the Londoners tell us

that there is between them and us an impassable gulf of mud。〃

Nor was the mud any respecter of persons; for we are informed that

the carriage of Queen Caroline could not; in bad weather;

be dragged from St。 James's Palace to Kensington in less than two

hours; and occasionally the royal coach stuck fast in a rut;

or was even capsized in the mud。  About the same time; the streets

of London themselves were little better; the kennel being still

permitted to flow in the middle of the road; which was paved with

round stones;flag…stones for the convenience of pedestrians

being as yet unknown。  In short; the streets in the towns and the

roads in the country were alike rude and wretched;indicating a

degree of social stagnation and discomfort which it is now

difficult to estimate; and almost impossible to describe。

Footnotes for chapter I

*'1' Brunetto Latini; the tutor of Dante; describes a journey made

by him from London to Oxford about the end of the thirteenth

century; resting by the way at Shirburn Castle。  He says;

〃Our journey from London to Oxford was; with some difficulty and

danger; made in two days; for the roads are bad; and we had to

climb hills of hazardous ascent; and which to descend are equally

perilous。  We passed through many woods; considered here as

dangerous places; as they are infested with robbers; which indeed

is the case with most of the roads in England。  This is a

circumstance connived at by the neighbouring barons; on

consideration of sharing in the booty; and of these robbers serving

as their protectors on all occasions; personally; and with the

whole strength of their band。  However; as our company was

numerous; we had less to fear。  Accordingly; we arrived the first

night at Shirburn Castle; in the neighbourhood of Watlington; under

the chain of hills over which we passed at Stokenchurch。〃  This

passage is given in Mr。 Edward's work on  'Libraries' (p。 328);

as supplied to him by Lady Macclesfield。

*'2' See Ogilby's 'Britannia Depicta;' the traveller's ordinary

guidebook between 1675 and 1717; as Bradshaw's Railway Time…book is

now。  The Grand Duke Cosmo; in his 'Travels in England in 1669;'

speaks of the country between Northampton and Oxford as for the

most part unenclosed and uncultivated; abounding in weeds。  From

Ogilby's fourth edition; published in 1749; it appears that the

roads in the midland and northern districts of England were still;

for the most part; entirely unenclosed。

*'3' This ballad is so descriptive of the old roads of the

south…west of England that we are tempted to quote it at length。

It was written by the Rev。 John Marriott; sometime vicar of

Broadclist; Devon; and Mr。 Rowe; vicar of Crediton; says; in his

'Perambulation of Dartmoor;' that he can readily imagine the

identical lane near Broadclist; leading towards Poltemore; which

might have sat for the portrait。

    In a Devonshire lane; as I trotted along

    T'other day; much in want of a subject for song;

    Thinks I to myself; half…inspired by the rain;

    Sure marriage is much like a Devonshire lane。

    In the first place 'tis long; and when once you are in it;

    It holds you as fast as a cage does a linnet;

    For howe'er rough and dirty the road may be found;

    Drive forward you must; there is no turning round。

    But tho' 'tis so long; it is not very wide;

    For two are the most that together can ride;

    And e'en then; 'tis a chance but they get in a pother;

    And jostle and cross and run foul of each other。


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