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the conflict-第33章

小说: the conflict 字数: 每页4000字

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rses。  Then she lapsed into quiet and could not be roused to speak。

Jane and Ellen thought she was overwhelmed and had been seized of shyness in this company so superior to any in which she had ever found herself。  Ellen tried to induce her to eat; and; failing; decided that her refraining was not so much firmness in the two meals…a…day system as fear of making a ‘‘break。''  She felt genuinely sorry for the silent girl growing moment by moment more ill…at…ease。  When the luncheon was about half over Selma said abruptly to Jane:

‘‘I must go now。  I've stayed longer than I should。''

‘‘Go?'' cried Jane。  ‘‘Why; we haven't begun to talk yet。''

‘‘Another time;'' said Selma; pushing back her chair。  ‘‘No; don't rise。''  And up she darted; smiling gayly round at the company。  ‘‘Don't anybody disturb herself;'' she pleaded。  ‘‘It'll be useless; for I'll be gone。''

And she was as good as her word。  Before any one quite realized what she was about; she had escaped from the dining…room and from the house。  She almost ran across the lawn and into the woods。  There she drew a long breath noisily。

‘‘Free!'' she cried; flinging out her arms。  ‘‘Ohbut it was DREADFUL!''

Miss Hastings and Miss Clearwater had not been so penetrating as they fancied。  Embarrassment had nothing to do with the silence that had taken possession of the associate editor of the New Day。

She was never self…conscious enough to be really shy。  She hastened to the office; meeting Victor Dorn in the street doorway。  She cried:

‘‘Such an experience!''

‘‘What now?'' said Victor。  He was used to that phrase from the ardent and impressionable Selma。  For her; with her wide…open eyes and ears; her vivid imagination and her thirsty mind; life was one closely packed series of adventures。

‘‘I had an hour to spare;'' she proceeded to explain。  ‘‘I thought it was a chance to further a little scheme I've got for marrying Jane Hastings and David Hull。''

‘‘Um!'' said Victor with a quick change of expression which; however; Selma happened not to observe。

‘‘And;'' she went on; ‘‘I blundered into a luncheon party Jane was giving。  You never sawyou never dreamed of such stylesuch dresses and dishes and flowers and hats!  And I was sitting there with them; enjoying it all as if it were a circus or a ballet; when Oh; Victor; what a silly; what a pitiful waste of time and money!  So much to do in the worldso much that is thrillingly interesting and usefuland those intelligent young people dawdling there at nonsense a child would weary of!  I had to run away。  If I had stayed another minute I should have burst out crying or denouncing themor pleading with them to behave themselves。''

‘‘What else can they do?'' said Victor。  ‘‘They don't know any better。  They've never been taught。  How's the article?''

And he led the way up to the editorial room and held her to the subject of the article he had asked her to write。  At the first opportunity she went back to the subject uppermost in her mind。  Said she:

‘‘I guess you're rightas usual。  There's no hope for any people of that class。  The busy ones are thinking only of making money for themselves; and the idle ones are too enfeebled by luxury to think at all。  No; I'm afraid there's no hope for Hullor for Jane either。''

‘‘I'm not sure about Miss Hastings;'' said Victor。

‘‘You would have been if you'd seen her to…day;'' replied Selma。  ‘‘Oh; she was lovely; Victorreally wonderful to look at。  But so obviously the idler。  And body and soul she belongs to the upper class。  She understands charity; but she doesn't understand justice; and never could understand it。  I shall let her alone hereafter。''

‘‘How harsh you women are in your judgments of each other;'' laughed Dorn; busy at his desk。

‘‘We are just;'' replied Selma。  ‘‘We are not fooled by each other's pretenses。''

Dorn apparently had not heard。  Selma saw that to speak would be to interrupt。  She sat at her own table and set to work on the editorial paragraphs。  After perhaps an hour she happened to glance at Victor。  He was leaning back in his chair; gazing past her out into the open; in his face was an expression she had never seena look in the eyes; a relaxing of the muscles round the mouth that made her think of him as a man instead of as a leader。  She was saying to herself。  ‘‘What a fascinating man he would have been; if he had not been an incarnate cause。''

She felt that he was not thinking of his work。  She longed to talk to him; but she did not venture to interrupt。  Never in all the years she had known him had he spoken to heror to any onea severe or even an impatient word。  His tolerance; his good humor were infinite。  Yetshe; and all who came into contact with him; were afraid of him。  There could come; and on occasion there did comeinto those extraordinary blue eyes an expression beside which the fiercest flash of wrath would be easy to face。

When she glanced at him again; his normal expression had returnedthe face of the leader who aroused in those he converted into fellow…workers a fanatical devotion that was the more formidable because it was not infatuated。  He caught her eye and said:

‘‘Things are in such good shape for us that it frightens me。  I spend most of my time in studying the horizon in the hope that I can foresee which way the storm's coming from and what it will be。''

‘‘What a pessimist you are!'' laughed Selma。

‘‘That's why the Workingmen's League has a thick… and…thin membership of thirteen hundred and fifty;'' replied Victor。  ‘‘That's why the New Day has twenty… two hundred paying subscribers。  That's why we grow faster than the employers can weed our men out and replace them with immigrants and force them to go to other towns for work。''

‘‘Well; anyhow;'' said the girl; ‘‘no matter what happens we can't be weeded out。''

Victor shook his head。  ‘‘Our danger period has just begun;'' he replied。  ‘‘The bosses realize our power。  In the past we've been annoyed a little from time to time。  But they thought us hardly worth bothering with。  In the future we will have to fight。''

‘‘I hope they will prosecute us;'' said Selma。  ‘‘Then; we'll grow the faster。''

‘‘Not if they do it intelligently;'' replied Victor。  ‘‘An intelligent persecutionif it's relentless enough always succeeds。  You forget that this isn't a world of moral ideas but of force。 。 。 。  I am afraid of Dick Kelly。  He is something more than a vulgar boss。  He SEES。  My hope is that he won't be able to make the others see。  I saw him a while ago。  He was extremely polite to memore so than he ever has been before。  He is up to something。  I suspect''

Victor paused; reflecting。  ‘‘What?'' asked Selma eagerly。

‘‘I suspect that he thinks he has us。''  He rose; preparing to go out。  ‘‘Wellif he haswhy; he has。  And we shall have to begin all over again。''

‘‘How stupid they are!'' exclaimed the girl。  ‘‘To fight us who are simply trying to bring about peaceably and sensibly what's bound to come about anyhow。''

‘‘Yesthe rain is bound to come;'' said Victor。  ‘‘And we say; ‘Here's an umbrella and there's the way to shelter。'  And they laugh at OUR umbrella and; with the first drops plashing on their foolish faces; deny that it's going to rain。''

The Workingmen's League; always first in the field with its ticket; had been unusually early that year。  Although it was only the first week in August and the election would not be until the third of October; the League had nominated。  It was a ticket made up entirely of skilled workers who had lived all their lives in Remsen City and who had acquired an independence Victor Dorn was careful not to expose to the falling fire of the opposition any of his men who could be ruined by the loss of a job or could be compelled to leave town in search of work。  The League always went early into campaign because it pursued a much slower and less expensive method of electioneering than either of the old partiesor than any of the ‘‘upper class'' reform parties that sprang up from time to time and died away as they accomplished or failed of their purposesecuring recognition for certain personal ambitions not agreeable to the old established bosses。  Besides; the League was; like the bosses 

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