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the conflict-第2章

小说: the conflict 字数: 每页4000字

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the town; was to feminine charm; and she had gone prepared to give battle。  But she said dejectedly; ‘‘You don't know what a shock you've given me。''

‘‘Yes; I do;'' cried he。  ‘‘I'm ashamed of myself。  But I love you; Jen!  Can't you learn to love me?''

‘‘I hadn't even thought of you in that way;'' said she。  ‘‘I haven't bothered my head about marriage。  Of course; most girls have to think about it; because they must get some one to support them''

‘‘I wish to God you were one of that sort;'' interrupted he。  ‘‘Then I could have some hope。''

‘‘Hope of what;'' said she disdainfully。  ‘‘You don't mean that you'd marry a girl who was marrying you because she had to have food; clothing and shelter?''

‘‘I'd marry the woman I loved。  ThenI'd MAKE her love me。  She simply couldn't help it。''

Jane Hastings shuddered。  ‘‘Thank heaven; I don't have to marry!''  Her eyes flashed。  ‘‘But I wouldn't; even if I were poor。  I'd rather go to work。  Why shouldn't a woman work; anyhow?''

‘‘At what?'' inquired Hull。  ‘‘Except the men who do manual labor; there are precious few men who can make a living honestly and self…respectingly。  It's fortunate the women can hold aloof and remain pure。''

Jane laughed unpleasantly。  ‘‘I'm not so sure that the women who live with men just for shelter are pure;'' said she。

‘‘Jen;'' the young man burst out; ‘‘you're ambitious aren't you?''

‘‘Rather;'' replied she。

‘‘And you like the sort of thing I'm trying to do like it and approve of it?''

‘‘I believe a man ought to succeedget to the top。''

‘‘So do Iif he can do it honorably。''

Jane hesitateddared。  ‘‘To be quite frank;'' said she; ‘‘I worship success and I despise failure。  Success means strength。  Failure means weaknessand I abominate weakness。''

He looked quietly disapproving。  ‘‘You don't mean that。  You don't understand what you're saying。''

‘‘Perfectly;'' she assured him。  ‘‘I'm not a bit good。  Education has taken all the namby…pamby nonsense out of me。''

But he was not really hearing; besides; what had women to do with the realities of life?  They were made to be the property of menthat was the truth; though he would never have confessed it to any woman。  They were made to be possessed。  ‘‘And I must possess this woman;'' he thought; his blood running hot。  He said:

‘‘Why not help me to make a career?  I can do it; Jen; with you to help。''

She had thought of this beforeof making a career for herself; of doing the ‘‘something'' her intense energy craved; through a man。  The ‘‘something'' must be big if it were to satisfy her; and what that was big could a woman do except through a man?  Butthis man。  Her eyes turned thoughtfully upon hima look that encouraged him to go on:

‘‘Politics interest you; Jen。  I've seen that in the way you listen and in the questions you ask。''

She smiledbut not at the surface。  In fact; his political talk had bored her。  She knew nothing about the subject; and; so; had been as one listening to an unknown language。  But; like all women; having only the narrowest range of interests herself and the things that would enable her to show off to advantage; she was used to being bored by the conversational efforts of men and to concealing her boredom。  She had listened patiently and had led the conversation by slow; imperceptible stages round to the interesting personal to the struggle for dominion over this difficult male。

‘‘Anyhow;'' he went on; ‘‘no intelligent person could fail to be interested in politics; once he or she appreciated what it meant。

And people of our class owe it to society to take part in politics。  Victor Dorn is a crank; but he's right about some thingsand he's right in saying that we of the upper class are parasites upon the masses。  They earn all the wealth; and we take a large part of it away from them。  And it's plain stealing unless we give some service in return。  For instance; you and Iwhat have we done; what are we doing that entitles us to draw so much?  Somebody must earn by hard labor all that is produced。  We are not earning。  So''he was looking handsome now in his manly earnestness‘‘Jen; it's up to us to do our shareto stop stealingisn't it?''

She was genuinely interested。  ‘‘I hadn't thought of these things;'' said she。

‘‘Victor Dorn says we ought to go to work like laborers;'' pursued David。  ‘‘But that's where he's a crank。  The truth is; we ought to give the service of leadershipespecially in politics。  And I'm going to do it; Jane Hastings!''

For the first time she had an interest in him other than that of conquest。  ‘‘Just what are you going to do?'' she asked。

‘‘Not upset everything and tear everything to pieces; as Victor Dorn wants to do;'' replied he。  ‘‘But reform the abuses and wrongsmake it so that every one shall have a fair chancemake politics straight and honest。''

This sounded hazy to her。  ‘‘And what will you get out of it?'' asked she。

He colored and was a little uneasy as he thus faced a direct demand for his innermost secretthe secret of selfishness he tried to hide even from himself。  But there was no evading; if he would interest her he must show her the practical advantages of his proposal。  ‘‘If I'm to do any good;'' said he; putting the best face; and really not a bad face; upon a difficult and delicate matter‘‘if I'm to do any good I must win a commanding positionmust get to be a popular leadermust hold high officesandandall that。''

‘‘I understand;'' said she。  ‘‘That sounds attractive。  Yes; David; you ought to make a career。  If I were a man that's the career I'd choose。''

‘‘You can choose it; though you're a woman;'' rejoined he。  ‘‘Marry me; and we'll go up together。  You've no idea how exciting campaigns and elections are。  A little while; and you'll be crazy about it all。  The women are taking part; more and more。''

‘‘Who's Victor Dorn?'' she suddenly asked。

‘‘You must remember him。  It was his father that was killed by the railway the day we all went on that excursion to Indianapolis。''

‘‘Dorn the carpenter;'' said Jane。  ‘‘YesI remember。''  Her face grew dreamy with the effort of memory。  ‘‘I see it all again。  And there was a boy with a very white face who knelt and held his head。''

‘‘That was Victor;'' said Hull。

‘‘YesI remember him。  He was a bad boyalways fighting and robbing orchards and getting kept after school。''

‘‘And he's still a bad boybut in a different way。  He's out against everything civilized and everybody that's got money。''

‘‘What does he do?  Keep a saloon?''

‘‘No; but he spends a lot of time at them。  I must say for him that he doesn't drinkand professes not to believe in drink。  When I pointed out to him what a bad example he set; loafing round saloons; he laughed at me and said he was spending his spare time exactly as Jesus Christ did。  ‘You'll find; Davy; old man;' he said; ‘if you'll take the trouble to read your Bible; that Jesus traveled with publicans and sinnersand a publican is in plain English a saloonkeeper。' ''

‘‘That was very originalwasn't it?'' said Jane。  ‘‘I'm interested in this man。  He'sdifferent。  I like people who are different。''

‘‘I don't think you'd like him; Victor Dorn;'' said David。

‘‘Don't you?''

‘‘Oh; yesin a way。  I admire him;'' graciously。  ‘‘He's really a remarkable fellow; considering his opportunities。''

‘‘He calls you ‘Davy; old man;' '' suggested Jane。

Hull flushed。  ‘‘That's his way。  He's free and easy with every one。  He thinks conventionality is a joke。''

‘‘And it is;'' cried Miss Hastings。

‘‘You'd not think so;'' laughed Hull; ‘‘if he called you Jane or Jenny or my dear Jenny half an hour after he met you。''

‘‘He wouldn't;'' said Miss Hastings in a peculiar tone。

‘‘He would if he felt like it;'' replied Hull。  ‘‘And if you resented it; he'd laugh at you and walk away。  I suspect him of being a good deal of a poseur and a fakir。  All those revolutionary chaps are。  But I honestly think that he really doesn't care a rap for classes or for moneyor for any of the substantial things。''

‘‘He sounds common;'' said Miss Hastings。  ‘‘I've lost interest in him。''  Then in the same breath:  ‘‘How does he live?  Is he a carpenter?''

‘‘He wasfor several years。  You see; he

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