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adam bede(亚当[1].比德)-第70章

小说: adam bede(亚当[1].比德) 字数: 每页4000字

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bird on the   nest; and   was  uncommon   nimble at  running  to  fetch 

anything。 If Hetty gets married; theed’st like to ha’ Dinah wi’ thee 


    “It’s no use thinking o’ that;” said Mrs。 Poyser。 “You might  as 

well   beckon   to   the   flying   swallow   as   ask   Dinah   to   come   an’   live 

here   comfortable;   like   other   folks。   If   anything   could   turn   her;  I 

should ha’ turned her; for I’ve talked to her for a hour on end; and 

scolded her too; for she’s my own sister’s child; and it behoves me 

to do what I can for her。 But eh; poor thing; as soon as she’d said 

us ‘good…bye’ an’ got into the cart; an’ looked back at me with her 

pale face; as is welly like her Aunt Judith come back from heaven; 

I begun to be frightened to think o’ the set…downs I’d given her; for 

it   comes   over   you   sometimes   as   if   she’d   a   way   o’   knowing   the 

rights o’ things more nor other folks have。 But I’ll niver give in as 

that’s   ’cause  she’s a   Methodist;   no   more   nor   a   white   calf’s   white 

’cause it eats out o’ the same bucket wi’ a black un。” 

    “Nay;” said Mr。 Poyser; with as near an approach to a snarl as 

his   good…nature   would   allow;   “I’m   no   opinion   o’   the   Methodists。 

It’s on’y tradesfolks as turn Methodists; you nuver knew a farmer 

bitten wi’ them maggots。 There’s maybe a workman now an’ then; 

as isn’t over…cliver at ’s work; takes to preachin’ an’ that; like Seth 

Bede。   But  you  see   Adam;   as   has   got   one   o’   the   best   head…pieces 

hereabout;   knows   better;   he’s   a   good   Churchman;   else   I’d   never 

encourage him for a sweetheart for Hetty。” 

    “Why;   goodness   me;”   said   Mrs。   Poyser;   who   had   looked   back 

George Eliot                                                          ElecBook Classics 

… Page 252…

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while her husband was speaking; “look where Molly is with them 

lads! They’re the field’s length  behind   us。   How could  you  let  ’em 

do   so;   Hetty?   Anybody   might   as   well   set   a   pictur’   to   watch   the 

children as you。 Run back and tell ’em to come on。” 

    Mr。 and Mrs。 Poyser were now at the end of the second field; so 

they   set   Totty   on   the   top   of   one   of   the   large   stones   forming   the 

true   Loamshire   stile;   and   awaited   the   loiterers   Totty   observing 

with complacency; “Dey naughty; naughty boys—me dood。” 

    The    fact  was    that   this  Sunday     walk    through     the  fields   was 

fraught   with   great   excitement   to   Marty   and   Tommy;   who   saw   a 

perpetual drama   going   on   in   the   hedgerows;   and   could   no   more 

refrain from stopping and peeping than if they had been a couple 

of   spaniels    or   terriers。  Marty   was     quite   sure   he  saw   a   yellow… 

hammer on the boughs of the great ash; and while he was peeping; 

he missed the sight of a white…throated stoat; which had run across 

the    path   and    was   described     with   much     fervour    by   the   junior 

Tommy。 Then there was a little greenfinch; just fledged; fluttering 

along   the   ground;   and   it  seemed   quite   possible   to   catch  it;   till   it 

managed to flutter under the blackberry bush。 Hetty could not be 

got to give any heed to these things; so Molly was called on for her 

ready sympathy; and peeped with open mouth wherever she was 

told; and said “Lawks!” whenever she was expected to wonder。 

    Molly hastened on with some alarm when Hetty had come back 

and called to them that her aunt was angry; but Marty ran on first; 

shouting; “We’ve found the speckled turkey’s nest; Mother!” with 

the   instinctive   confidence   that   people   who   bring   good   news   are 

never in fault。 

    “Ah;”   said   Mrs。   Poyser;   really   forgetting   all   discipline   in   this 

pleasant surprise; “that’s a good lad; why; where is it?” 

George Eliot                                                         ElecBook Classics 

… Page 253…

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   “Down   in   ever   such   a   hole;   under   the   hedge。   I  saw   it   first; 

looking after the greenfinch; and she sat on th’ nest。” 

   “You didn’t frighten her; I hope;” said   the   mother;   “else  she’ll 

forsake it。” 

   “No; I went away as still as still; and whispered to Molly—didn’t 

I; Molly?” 

   “Well; well; now come on;” said Mrs。 Poyser; “and walk before 

Father   and   Mother;   and   take   your   little   sister   by   the   hand。   We 

must go straight on now。 Good boys don’t look after the birds of a 


   “But; Mother;” said Marty; “you said you’d give half…a…crown to 

find the speckled turkey’s nest。 Mayn’t I have the half…crown put 

into my money…box?” 

   “We’ll see about that; my lad; if you walk along now; like a good 


   The     father   and    mother    exchanged      a  significant    glance    of 

amusement        at  their  eldest…born’s     acuteness;    but   on   Tommy’s 

round face there was a cloud。 

   “Mother;” he said; half…crying; “Marty’s got ever so much more 

money in his box nor I’ve got in mine。” 

   “Munny; me want half…a…toun in my bots;” said Totty。 

   “Hush; hush; hush;” said Mrs。 Poyser; “did ever anybody hear 

such naughty children? Nobody shall ever see their money…boxes 

any more; if they don’t make haste and go on to church。” 

   This dreadful threat had the desired effect; and through the two 

remaining fields the three pair of small legs trotted on without any 

serious interruption; notwithstanding a small pond full of tadpoles; 

alias “bullheads;” which the lads looked at wistfully。 

   The   damp   hay   that   must   be   scattered   and   turned   afresh   to… 

George Eliot                                                     ElecBook Classics 

… Page 254…

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morrow  was   not  a   cheering  sight  to  Mr。   Poyser;   who   during   hay 

and     corn   harvest    had    often   some    mental     struggles    as   to  the 

benefits   of   a   day   of   rest;   but  no   temptation   would   have   induced 

him to carry on any field…work; however early in the morning; on a 

Sunday;      for   had   not   Michael     Holdsworth      had    a  pair   of  oxen 

“sweltered” while he was ploughing on Good Friday? That was a 

demonstration that work on sacred days was a wicked thing; and 

with wickedness of any sort Martin Poyser was quite clear that he 

would have nothing to do; since money got by such means would 

never prosper。 

    “It a’most makes your fingers itch to be at the hay now the sun 

shines     so;”   he    observed;     as   they    passed    through      the   “Big 

Meadow。”   “But   it’s   poor   foolishness   to   think   o’   saving   by   going 

against your conscience。 There’s that Jim Wakefield; as they used 

to call ‘Gentleman Wakefield;’ used to do the same of a Sunday as 

o’ week…days; and took no heed to right or wrong; as if there was 

nayther   God   nor   devil。   An’   what’s   he   come   to?   Why;   I   saw   him 

myself last market…day a…carrying a basket wi’ oranges in ’t。” 

    “Ah; to be sure;” said Mrs。 Poyser; emphatically; “you make but 

a poor trap to catch luck if you go and bait it wi’ wickedness。 The 

money as is got so’s like to burn holes i’ your pocket。 I’d niver wish 

us to leave our lads a sixpence but what was got i’ the rightful way。 

And as for the weather; there’s One above makes it; and we must 

put up wi’t: it’s nothing of a plague to what the wenches are。” 

    Notwithstanding   th

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