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adam bede(亚当[1].比德)-第22章

小说: adam bede(亚当[1].比德) 字数: 每页4000字

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done your day’s work; like good churchmen; and  if  Will   Maskery 

doesn’t     like   to   join   you;   but    to  go   to   a  prayer…meeting        at 

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Treddleston instead; let him; that’s no business of yours; so long as 

he doesn’t hinder you from doing what you like。 And as to people 

saying a few idle words about us; we must not mind that; any more 

than the old church…steeple minds the rooks cawing about it。 Will 

Maskery   comes   to   church   every   Sunday   afternoon;   and   does   his 

wheelwright’s business steadily in the weekdays; and as long as he 

does that he must be let alone。” 

    “Ah;   sir; but  when   he   comes   to   church;   he   sits   an’   shakes   his 

head; an’ looks as sour an’ as coxy when we’re a…singin’ as I should 

like to fetch him a rap across the jowl—God forgi’e me—an’ Mrs。 

Irwine; an’ Your Reverence too; for speakin’ so afore you。 An’ he 

said   as   our   Christmas   singin’   was   no   better   nor   the   cracklin’   o’ 

thorns under a pot。” 

    “Well; he’s got a bad ear for music; Joshua。 When people have 

wooden   heads;   you  know;   it   can’t   be   helped。   He   won’t  bring   the 

other   people   in   Hayslope   round   to   his   opinion;   while   you   go   on 

singing as well as you do。” 

    “Yes;   sir;   but   it   turns   a   man’s   stomach   t’   hear   the   Scripture 

misused i’ that way。 I know as much o’ the words o’ the Bible as he 

does; an’ could say the Psalms right through i’ my sleep if you was 

to pinch me; but I know better nor to take ’em to say my own say 

wi’。   I   might   as   well   take   the   Sacriment…cup   home   and   use   it   at 


    “That’s a very sensible remark of yours; Joshua; but;   as  I   said 


    While Mr。 Irwine was speaking; the sound of a booted step and 

the clink of a spur were heard on the stone floor of the entrance… 

hall;   and   Joshua   Rann   moved   hastily  aside   from   the   doorway   to 

make room for some one who paused there; and said; in a ringing 

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tenor voice; 

    “Godson Arthur—may he come in?” 

    “Come in; come in; godson!” Mrs。 Irwine answered; in the deep 

half…masculine tone which belongs to the vigorous old woman; and 

there entered a young gentleman in a riding…dress; with his right 

arm     in  a   sling;  whereupon     followed    that   pleasant    confusion     of 

laughing interjections; and hand…shakings; and “How are  you’s?” 

mingled with joyous short barks and wagging of tails on the part of 

the canine members of the family; which tells that the visitor is on 

the best terms with the visited。 The young gentleman was Arthur 

Donnithorne;        known      in   Hayslope;     variously;     as   “the   young 

squire;” “the heir;” and “the captain。” He was only a captain in the 

Loamshire       Militia;   but   to  the   Hayslope     tenants    he   was   more 

intensely a captain than all the young gentlemen of the same rank 

in his Majesty’s regulars—he outshone them as the planet Jupiter 

outshines   the   Milky  Way。   If  you   want   to   know  more   particularly 

how he looked; call to your remembrance some tawny…whiskered; 

brown…locked;   clear…complexioned   young   Englishman   whom   you 

have   met  with  in a   foreign   town;   and   been   proud   of  as   a   fellow… 

countryman—well…washed;   high…bred;   white…handed;   yet   looking 

as   if   he   could   deliver   well   from   ’the   left   shoulder   and   floor   his 

man:     I  will   not   be  so   much     of  a   tailor  as   to  trouble    your 

imagination       with   the  difference     of  costume;    and    insist  on   the 

striped waistcoat; long…tailed coat; and low top…boots。 

    Turning round to take a chair; Captain Donnithorne said; “But 

don’t   let   me   interrupt   Joshua’s     business—he       has   something      to 


    “Humbly begging your honour’s pardon;” said Joshua; bowing 

low;   “there  was   one   thing   I   had   to   say   to   his   reverence  as   other 

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things had drove out o’ my head。” 

    “Out with it; Joshua; quickly!” said Mr。 Irwine。 

    “Belike;     sir;  you    havena      heared     as   Thias    Bede’s     dead— 

drownded        this  morning;     or   more    like  overnight;     i’  the  Willow 

Brook; again’ the bridge right i’ front o’ the house。” 

    “Ah!” exclaimed both the gentlemen at once; as if they were a 

good deal interested in the information。 

    “An’ Seth Bede’s been to me this morning to say he wished me 

to   tell  Your     Reverence      as   his  brother     Adam      begged     of  you 

particular t’ allow his father’s grave to be dug by the White Thorn; 

because his mother’s set her heart on it; on account of a dream as 

she had; an’ they’d ha’ come theirselves to ask you; but they’ve so 

much   to   see   after   with   the   crowner;   an’   that;   an’   their   mother’s 

took    on   so;  an’   wants    ’em   to   make    sure    o’  the  spot   for   fear 

somebody else should take it。 An’ if Your Reverence sees well and 

good; I’ll send my boy to tell ’em as soon as I get home; an’ that’s 

why I make bold to trouble you wi’ it; His Honour being present。” 

    “To be sure; Joshua; to be sure; they shall have it。 I’ll ride round 

to Adam myself; and see him。 Send your boy; however; to say they 

shall   have   the   grave;   lest   anything   should   happen   to   detain   me。 

And   now;   good   morning;   Joshua;   go   into   the   kitchen   and   have 

some ale。” 

    “Poor old Thias!” said Mr。 Irwine; when Joshua was gone。 “I’m 

afraid   the   drink   helped   the   brook   to   drown   him。   I   should   have 

been   glad   for   the   load   to   have   been   taken   off   my   friend   Adam’s 

shoulders in a less painful way。 That fine fellow has been propping 

up his father from ruin for the last five or six years。” 

    “He’s   a   regular   trump;   is   Adam;”   said   Captain   Donnithorne。 

“When       I  was   a  little  fellow;  and   Adam     was   a   strapping   lad   of 

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fifteen; and taught me carpentering; I used to think if ever I was a 

rich   sultan;   I   would   make   Adam   my   grand…vizier。   And   I   believe 

now he would bear the exaltation as well as any poor wise man in 

an Eastern story。 If ever I live to be a large…acred man instead of a 

poor devil with a mortgaged allowance of pocket…money; I’ll have 

Adam for my right hand。 He shall manage my woods for me; for he 

seems to have a better notion of those things than any man I ever 

met with; and I know he would make twice the money of them that 

my grandfather does; with that miserable old Satchell to manage; 

who   understands   no   more   about   timber   than   an           old   carp。   I’ve 

mentioned   the   subject   to   my   grandfather   once   or   twice;   but   for 

some   reason      or   other   he   has  a   dislike   to   Adam;   and  I   can   do 

nothing。 But come; Your Reverence; are you  for  a   ride   with  me? 

It’s   splendid   out   of   doors   now。   We   can   go  

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