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adam bede(亚当[1].比德)-第190章

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two friends turned out on their starlight walk together。 

    “There’s   that   poor   fool;   Vixen;   whimpering   for   me   at   home;” 

said    Bartle。   “I  can   never   bring   her   here    with   me   for  fear   she 

should be struck with Mrs。 Poyser’s eye; and the poor bitch might 

go limping for ever after。” 

    “I’ve never any need to drive Gyp back;” said Adam; laughing。 

“He   always   turns   back   of   his   own   head   when   he   finds   out   I’m 

coming here。” 

    “Aye; aye;” said Bartle。  “A  terrible   woman!—made   of  needles; 

made   of   needles。   But   I   stick   to   Martin—I   shall   always     stick  to 

Martin。   And   he   likes   the   needles;   God   help   him!   He’s   a   cushion 

made on purpose for ’em。” 

    “But she’s a downright good…natur’d woman; for all that;” said 

Adam; “and as true as the daylight。 She’s a bit cross wi’ the dogs 

when they offer to come in th’ house; but if they depended on her; 

George Eliot                                                         ElecBook Classics 

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                                    Adam Bede                                       692 

she’d   take   care  and   have   ’em   well   fed。   If   her   tongue’s   keen;   her 

heart’s tender: I’ve seen that in times o’ trouble。 She’s one o’ those 

women as are better than their word。” 

    “Well; well;” said Bartle; “I don’t say th’ apple isn’t sound at the 

core; but it sets my teeth on edge—it sets my teeth on edge。” 

George Eliot                                                          ElecBook Classics 

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                                    Adam Bede                                      693 

                                Chapter LIV 

                        The Meeting on the Hill 

           dam understood Dinah’s haste to go away; and drew hope 

Arather  than   discouragement  from   it。   She   was   fearful   lest 

           the strength of her feeling towards him should hinder her 

from waiting and listening faithfully for the ultimate guiding voice 

from within。 

    “I wish I’d asked her to write to me; though;” he thought。 “And 

yet   even   that   might   disturb   her   a   bit;   perhaps。   She   wants   to   be 

quite   quiet   in   her   old   way   for   a   while。   And   I’ve   no   right   to   be 

impatient   and   interrupting   her   with   my         wishes。    She’s   told   me 

what   her   mind   is;   and   she’s   not   a   woman   to   say   one   thing   and 

mean another。 I’ll wait patiently。” 

    That was Adam’s   wise  resolution;   and it  throve   excellently  for 

the   first   two   or   three   weeks   on   the   nourishment   it   got   from   the 

remembrance of Dinah’s confession that Sunday afternoon。 There 

is a wonderful amount of sustenance in the first few words of love。 

But     towards     the   middle     of  October      the   resolution     began    to 

dwindle       perceptibly;      and     showed      dangerous        symptoms        of 

exhaustion。   The   weeks   were   unusually   long:   Dinah   must   surely 

have   had   more   than   enough   time   to   make   up   her   mind。   Let   a 

woman say  what  she   will after  she   has   once   told   a man   that  she 

loves   him;   he   is   a  little  too   flushed   and  exalted    with   that   first 

draught she offers him to care much about the taste of the second。 

He treads the earth with a very elastic step as he walks away from 

her;   and makes light  of  all difficulties。   But   that   sort   of   glow   dies 

George Eliot                                                         ElecBook Classics 

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                                   Adam Bede                                      694 

out: memory gets sadly diluted with time; and is not strong enough 

to revive us。 Adam was no longer so confident as he had been。 He 

began to fear that perhaps Dinah’s old life would have too strong a 

grasp upon her for any new feeling to triumph。 If she had not felt 

this;   she   would    surely    have   written    to  him    to  give   him   some 

comfort; but it appeared that she held it right to discourage him。 

As Adam’s confidence waned; his patience waned with it; and he 

thought   he   must   write   himself。   He   must   ask   Dinah   not   to   leave 

him in painful doubt longer than was needful。 He sat up late one 

night to write her a letter; but the next morning he burnt it; afraid 

of its effect。 It would be worse   to  have   a   discouraging  answer  by 

letter than from her own lips; for her presence reconciled him to 

her will。 

    You perceive how it was: Adam was hungering for the sight of 

Dinah;   and   when   that   sort   of   hunger   reaches   a   certain   stage;   a 

lover   is   likely   to   still   it   though   he   may   have   to   put   his   future   in 


    But what harm could he do by going to Snowfield? Dinah could 

not be displeased with him for it。 She had not forbidden him to go。 

She     must   surely    expect    that  he   would    go   before   long。   By   the 

second   Sunday   in   October   this   view   of   the   case   had   become   so 

clear   to   Adam   that   he   was   already   on   his   way   to   Snowfield;   on 

horseback this time; for his hours were precious now; and he had 

borrowed Jonathan Burge’s good nag for the journey。 

    What   keen   memories   went   along   the   road   with   him!   He   had 

often    been    to  Oakbourne       and   back    since   that   first  journey   to 

Snowfield; but beyond Oakbourne the grey stone walls; the broken 

country;   the   meagre   trees;   seemed   to   be   telling   him   afresh   the 

story of that painful past which he knew so well by heart。 But no 

George Eliot                                                         ElecBook Classics 

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                                     Adam Bede                                         695 

story   is   the   same   to   us   after   a   lapse   of   time—or   rather;   we   who 

read     it  are   no   longer     the   same     interpreters—and          Adam      this 

morning        brought     with     him    new     thoughts      through     that    grey 

country; thoughts which gave an altered significance to its story of 

the past。 

    That   is   a   base   and   selfish;   even   a   blasphemous;   spirit   which 

rejoices   and   is   thankful   over   the   past   evil   that   has     blighted     or 

crushed another; because it has been made a source of unforeseen 

good   to   ourselves。   Adam   could   never   cease   to   mourn   over   that 

mystery of human sorrow which had been brought so close to him; 

he   could   never   thank   God        for   another’s     misery。    And    if   I  were 

capable of that narrow…sighted joy in Adam’s behalf; I should still 

know   he   was   not   the   man   to   feel   it   for   himself。   He   would   have 

shaken   his   head   at   such   a   sentiment   and   said;   “Evil’s   evil;   and 

sorrow’s sorrow; and you can’t alter it’s natur by wrapping it up in 

other   words。      Other   folks     were    not   created    for   my   sake;    that   I 

should think all square when things turn out well for me。” 

    But   it   is  not   ignoble   to   feel  that   the   fuller   life  which   a   sad 

experience   has   brought   us   is   worth   our   own   personal   share   of 

pain。 Surely it is not  possible   to  feel   otherwise;   any  more   than   it 

would   be   possible   for   a   man   with   cataract   to   regret   the   painful 

process   by   which   his   dim   blurred   sight   of   men   as   trees   walking 

had     been    exchanged       for   clear   outline     and   effulgent     day。   The 

growth   of   higher   feeling   within   us   is   like   t

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