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adam bede(亚当[1].比德)-第139章

小说: adam bede(亚当[1].比德) 字数: 每页4000字

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rapid     imagination。      The    landlord    took    up   the   ornaments      and 

pushed out his lips in a meditative manner。 He wished Hetty well; 

doubtless; but pray; how many of your well…wishers would decline 

to make a little gain out of you? Your landlady is sincerely affected 

at parting with you; respects you highly;   and   will  really  rejoice if 

any one else is   generous   to  you;   but  at  the   same  time she   hands 

you a bill by which she gains as high a percentage as possible。 

    “How      much     money     do   you   want    to  get  home     with;   young 

woman?” said the well…wisher; at length。 

    “Three guineas;” answered Hetty; fixing on the sum she set out 

with;    for   want   of  any   other   standard;   and   afraid   of   asking   too 


    “Well; I’ve ho objections to advance you three guineas;” said the 

landlord; “and if you like to send it me back and get the jewellery 

again;    you    can;  you   know。     The   Green     Man    isn’t  going   to  run 


    “Oh   yes;   I’ll   be   very   glad   if   you’ll   give   me   that;”   said   Hetty; 

relieved     at  the   thought    that   she   would    not   have   to  go   to  the 

jeweller’s and be stared at and questioned。 

    “But if you want the things again; you’ll write before long;” said 

the landlady; “because when two months are up; we shall make up 

our minds as you don’t want ’em。” 

    “Yes;” said Hetty indifferently。 

    The     husband       and    wife    were    equally     content     with    this 

arrangement。   The   husband   thought;   if   the   ornaments   were   not 

redeemed;   he   could   make   a   good   thing   of   it   by   taking   them   to 

London   and   selling   them。   The   wife   thought   she   would   coax   the 

good      man      into   letting    her    keep     them。     And     they     were 

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accommodating   Hetty;   poor   thing—a   pretty;   respectable…looking 

young   woman;   apparently   in   a   sad   case。   They   declined   to   take 

anything   for   her   food   and   bed:   she   was   quite   welcome。   And   at 

eleven o’clock Hetty said “Good…bye” to them with the same quiet; 

resolute   air   she   had   worn   all   the   morning;   mounting   the   coach 

that   was   to   take   her   twenty   miles   back   along   the   way   she   had 


    There is a strength of self…possession which is the sign that the 

last   hope   has   departed。   Despair   no   more   leans        on  others    than 

perfect      contentment;        and    in    despair     pride    ceases     to    be 

counteracted by the sense of dependence。 

    Hetty   felt   that   no   one  could   deliver    her   from    the  evils   that 

would   make   life   hateful   to   her;   and   no   one;   she   said   to   herself; 

should ever know her misery and humiliation。 No; she would not 

confess even to Dinah。 She would wander out of sight; and drown 

herself where her body would never be found; and no one should 

know what had become of her。 

    When she got off this coach; she began to walk again; and take 

cheap rides in carts; and get cheap meals; going on and on without 

distinct   purpose;   yet   strangely;   by   some       fascination;    taking   the 

way she had come; though she was determined not to go back to 

her own country。 Perhaps it was because she had fixed her mind 

on   the   grassy   Warwickshire   fields;   with   the   bushy   tree…studded 

hedgerows   that  made a   hiding…place   even   in   this   leafless   season。 

She went more slowly than she came; often getting over the stiles 

and sitting for hours under the hedgerows; looking before her with 

blank; beautiful eyes; fancying herself at the edge of a hidden pool; 

low   down;   like   that  in   the   Scantlands;   wondering   if  it   were   very 

painful to be drowned; and if there would be anything worse after 

George Eliot                                                         ElecBook Classics 

… Page 504…

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death than what she dreaded in life。 Religious doctrines had taken 

no hold on Hetty’s mind。 She was one of  those numerous   people 

who      have     had     godfathers      and     godmothers;        learned      their 

catechism; been confirmed; and gone to church every Sunday; and 

yet;   for   any   practical   result   of   strength   in   life;   or   trust   in   death; 

have     never    appropriated       a  single    Christian     idea   or   Christian 

feeling。    You     would    misunderstand         her   thoughts     during     these 

wretched days; if you imagined that they were influenced either by 

religious fears or religious hopes。 

    She    chose    to   go   to   Stratford…on…Avon      again;   where     she   had 

gone before by mistake; for she remembered some grassy fields on 

her  former  way   towards   it—fields   among   which   she   thought   she 

might find just the sort of pool she had in her mind。 Yet she took 

care of her money still; she carried her basket; death seemed still a 

long  way  off;   and life   was   so strong   in   her。   She   craved   food   and 

rest—she   hastened   towards   them   at   the           very   moment   she      was 

picturing to herself the bank from which she would leap towards 

death。 It was already five days since she had left Windsor; for she 

had wandered about; always avoiding speech or questioning looks; 

and   recovering   her   air   of   proud   self…dependence   whenever   she 

was under observation; choosing her decent lodging at night; and 

dressing herself neatly in the morning; and setting off on her way 

steadily;   or   remaining   under   shelter   if   it   rained;   as   if   she   had   a 

happy life to cherish。 

    And yet; even in her most self…conscious moments; the face was 

sadly   different   from      that   which   had    smiled   at   itself  in  the   old 

specked       glass;   or  smiled     at  others     when     they   glanced      at  it 

admiringly。   A   hard   and   even   fierce   look   had   come   in   the   eyes; 

though   their   lashes   were   as   long   as   ever;   and   they   had   all   their 

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dark   brightness。   And   the   cheek   was   never   dimpled   with   smiles 

now。   It   was   the   same   rounded;   pouting;   childish   prettiness;   but 

with all love and belief in love departed from it—the sadder for its 

beauty;     like   that   wondrous      Medusa…face;       with   the   passionate; 

passionless lips。 

    At last she was among the fields she had been dreaming of; on a 

long narrow pathway leading towards a wood。 If there should be a 

pool in that wood! It would be better hidden than one in the fields。 

No;   it   was   not   a   wood;   only  a   wild   brake;   where   there   had   once 

been     gravel…pits;     leaving    mounds       and    hollows     studded     with 

brushwood   and   small   trees。   She   roamed   up   and   down;   thinking 

there was perhaps a pool in every hollow before she came to it; till 

her limbs were weary; and she sat down to rest。 The afternoon was 

far advanced; and the leaden sky was darkening; as if the sun were 

setting behind it。 After a little while Hetty started up again; feeling 

that darkness would soon come   on; and   she   must  put  off  finding 

the pool till to…morrow; and make her way to some shelter for the 

night。 She had quite lost h

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