贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > crome yellow(克罗姆·耶娄) >


crome yellow(克罗姆·耶娄)-第9章

小说: crome yellow(克罗姆·耶娄) 字数: 每页4000字

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Denis;   who   got   up   hurriedly   and   with   some   embarrassment   as   he   came 

into the room。 

     〃Do go on; do go on;〃 said Mr。 Barbecue…Smith。               〃I am very fond of 


     〃Then     I  couldn't  possibly    go  on;〃   Denis    replied。   〃I   only   make 


     There was a silence。       Mr。 Barbecue…Smith stood with his back to the 

hearth; warming himself at the memory of last winter's fires。 He could not 

control his interior satisfaction; but still went on smiling to himself。             At 

last he turned to Denis。 

     〃You write;〃 he asked; 〃don't you?〃 

     〃Well; yesa little; you know。〃 

     〃How many words do you find you can write in an hour?〃 

     〃I don't think I've ever counted。〃 

     〃Oh; you ought to; you ought to。         It's most important。〃 


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                                    CROME YELLOW 

     Denis exercised his memory。           〃When I'm in good form;〃 he said; 〃I 

fancy    I  do   a  twelve…hundred…word        review    in  about   four   hours。    But 

sometimes it takes me much longer。〃 

     Mr。  Barbecue…Smith   nodded。         〃Yes;  three  hundred   words   an   hour at 

your best。〃     He walked out into the middle of the room; turned round on 

his heels; and confronted Denis again。            〃Guess how many words I wrote 

this evening between five and half…past seven。〃 

     〃I can't imagine。〃 

     〃No; but   you   must guess。      Between five   and half…past   seven   that's 

two and a half hours。〃 

     〃Twelve hundred words;〃 Denis hazarded。 

     〃No; no; no。〃      Mr。 Barbecue…Smith's expanded face shone with gaiety。 

〃Try again。〃 

     〃Fifteen hundred。〃 


     〃I   give   it   up;〃   said   Denis。 He   found   he   couldn't   summon   up   much 

interest in Mr。 Barbecue…Smith's writing。 

     〃Well; I'll tell you。    Three thousand eight hundred。〃 

     Denis opened his eyes。        〃You must get a lot done in a day;〃 he said。 

     Mr。   Barbecue…Smith       suddenly     became     extremely    confidential。    He 

pulled up a stool to the side of Denis's arm…chair; sat down in it; and began 

to talk softly and rapidly。 

     〃Listen to me;〃 he said; laying his hand on Denis's sleeve。             〃You want 

to make your living by writing; you're young; you're inexperienced。                   Let 

me give you a little sound advice。〃 

     What   was   the   fellow   going   to   do?  Denis   wondered:       give   him   an 

introduction to the editor of 〃John o' London's Weekly〃; or tell him where 

he   could   sell   a   light   middle  for   seven   guineas?   Mr。   Barbecue…Smith 

patted his arm several times and went on。 

     〃The secret of writing;〃 he said; breathing it into the young man's ear 

〃the secret of writing is Inspiration。〃 

     Denis looked at him in astonishment。 

     〃Inspiration。。。〃 Mr。 Barbecue…Smith repeated。 

     〃You mean the native wood…note business?〃 


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     Mr。 Barbecue…Smith nodded。 

     〃Oh;   then   I   entirely   agree   with   you;〃   said   Denis。    〃But   what   if   one 

hasn't got Inspiration?〃 

     〃That      was    precisely    the    question     I  was    waiting     for;〃   said   Mr。 

Barbecue…Smith。          〃You   ask   me   what   one   should        do   if   one   hasn't   got 

Inspiration。      I   answer:     you   have   Inspiration;   everyone   has   Inspiration。 

It's simply a question of getting it to function。〃 

     The clock struck eight。          There was no sign of any of the other guests; 

everybody was always late at Crome。                Mr。 Barbecue…Smith went on。 

     〃That's   my  secret;〃   he   said。     〃I   give   it   you   freely。〃 (Denis   made   a 

suitably     grateful    murmur      and    grimace。)      〃I'll  help    you   to   find   your 

Inspiration; because I don't like to see a nice; steady young man like you 

exhausting his vitality and wasting the best years of his life in a grinding 

intellectual labour that could be completely obviated by Inspiration。                     I did 

it myself; so I know what it's like。              Up till the time I was thirty…eight I 

was     a   writer   like   youa    writer    without    Inspiration。      All    I  wrote    I 

squeezed out of myself by  sheer hard work。                   Why;  in those days I   was 

never   able   to   do   more   than   six…fifty   words   an   hour;   and   what's   more;   I 

often     didn't   sell  what    I  wrote。〃      He    sighed。     〃We      artists;〃  he   said 

parenthetically;        〃we    intellectuals      aren't   much      appreciated      here     in 

England。〃        Denis     wondered       if  there   was   any    method;     consistent;     of 

course;   with   politeness;   by   which   he   could   dissociate   himself   from   Mr。 

Barbecue…Smith's   〃we。〃           There   was   none;   and   besides;   it   was   too   late 

now;   for   Mr。   Barbecue…Smith   was   once   more   pursuing   the   tenor   of   his 


     〃At thirty…eight I was a poor; struggling; tired; overworked; unknown 

journalist。      Now;     at  fifty。。。〃   He    paused     modestly      and   made     a  little 

gesture;     moving     his   fat  hands    outwards;     away     from   one    another;    and 

expanding   his   fingers   as   though   in   demonstration。           He   was   exhibiting 

himself。      Denis   thought   of   that   advertisement   of   Nestle's   milkthe   two 

cats on the wall; under the moon; one black and thin; the other white; sleek; 

and fat。 Before Inspiration and after。 

     〃Inspiration       has   made     the   difference;〃      said   Mr。    Barbecue…Smith 

solemnly。       〃It came quite suddenlylike a gentle dew from heaven。〃                     He 


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                                     CROME YELLOW 

lifted his hand and let it fall back on to his knee to indicate the descent of 

the dew。      〃It was one evening。        I was writing my first little book about 

the Conduct   of   Life'Humble   Heroisms'。          You   may  have   read   it; it has 

been a comfortat least I hope and think soa comfort to many thousands。 

I   was   in   the   middle   of   the   second   chapter;   and   I   was   stuck。 Fatigue; 

overworkI had only written a hundred words in the last hour; and I could 

get no further。      I sat biting the end of my pen and looking at the electric 

light; which hung above my table; a little above and in front of me。〃                   He 

indicated the position of   the lamp with   elaborate care。             〃Have you   ever 

looked   at   a   bright   light   intently   for   a   long   time?〃   he   asked;   turning   to 

Denis。 Denis didn't think he had。           〃You can hypnotise yourself that way;〃 

Mr。 Barbecue…Smith went on。 

     The gong sounded in a terrific crescendo from the hall。                 Still no sign 

of the others。     Denis was horribly hungry。 

     〃That's    what    happened     to  me;〃   said   Mr。   Barbecue…Smith。       〃I   was 

hypnotised。      I   lost  consciousness      like  that。〃   He    snapped    his   fingers。 

〃When I came to; I found that it was past midnight; and I had written four 

thousand   words。       Four   thousand;〃   he   repeated;   opening   his   mouth   very 

wide on the 〃ou〃 of thousand。 〃Inspiration had come to me。〃 

     〃What a very extraordinary thing;〃 said Denis。 

     〃I was afraid of it at first。     It didn't seem to me natural。         I didn't feel; 

somehow; that it was quite right; quite fair; I might almost say; to produce 

a literary composition unconsciously。            Besides; I was afraid I might have 

written nonsense

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