贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > robert falconer >


robert falconer-第43章

小说: robert falconer 字数: 每页4000字

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first handful of barley cut; and Shargar was there; of course。

It was a glorious day of blue and gold; with just wind enough to set

the barley…heads a…talking。  But; whether from the heat of the sun;

or the pain of his foot operating on the general discouragement

under which he laboured; Robert turned faint all at once; and

dragged himself away to a cottage on the edge of the field。

It was the dwelling of a cottar; whose family had been settled upon

the farm of Bodyfauld from time immemorial。  They were; indeed; like

other cottars; a kind of feudal dependents; occupying an acre or two

of the land; in return for which they performed certain stipulated

labour; called cottar…wark。  The greater part of the family was

employed in the work of the farm; at the regular wages。

Alas for Scotland that such families are now to seek!  Would that

the parliaments of our country held such a proportion of

noble…minded men as was once to be found in the clay huts on a

hill…side; or grouped about a central farm; huts whose wretched look

would move the pity of many a man as inferior to their occupants as

a King Charles's lap…dog is to a shepherd's colley。  The utensils of

their life were mean enough: the life itself was often elixir

vitaea true family life; looking up to the high; divine life。  But

well for the world that such life has been scattered over it; east

and west; the seed of fresh growth in new lands。  Out of offence to

the individual; God brings good to the whole; for he pets no nation;

but trains it for the perfect globular life of all nationsof his

worldof his universe。  As he makes families mingle; to redeem each

from its family selfishness; so will he make nations mingle; and

love and correct and reform and develop each other; till the

planet…world shall go singing through space one harmony to the God

of the whole earth。  The excellence must vanish from one portion;

that it may be diffused through the whole。  The seed ripens on one

favoured mound; and is scattered over the plain。  We console

ourselves with the higher thought; that if Scotland is worse; the

world is better。  Yea; even they by whom the offence came; and who

have first to reap the woe of that offence; because they did the

will of God to satisfy their own avarice in laying land to land and

house to house; shall not reap their punishment in having their own

will; and standing therefore alone in the earth when the good of

their evil deeds returns upon it; but the tears of men that ascended

to heaven in the heat of their burning dwellings shall descend in

the dew of blessing even on the hearts of them that kindled the

fire。'Something too much of this。'

Robert lifted the latch; and walked into the cottage。  It was not

quite so strange to him as it would be to most of my readers; still;

he had not been in such a place before。  A girl who was stooping by

the small peat fire on the hearth looked up; and seeing that he was

lame; came across the heights and hollows of the clay floor to meet

him。  Robert spoke so faintly that she could not hear。

'What's yer wull?' she asked; then; changing her tone;'Eh! ye're

no weel;' she said。 'Come in to the fire。  Tak a haud o' me; and

come yer wa's butt。'

She was a pretty; indeed graceful girl of about eighteen; with the

elasticity rather than undulation of movement which distinguishes

the peasant from the city girl。  She led him to the chimla…lug (the

ear of the chimney); carefully levelled a wooden chair to the

inequalities of the floor; and said;

'Sit ye doon。  Will I fess a drappy o' milk?'

'Gie me a drink o' water; gin ye please;' said Robert。

She brought it。  He drank; and felt better。  A baby woke in a cradle

on the other side of the fire; and began to cry。  The girl went and

took him up; and then Robert saw what she was like。  Light…brown

hair clustered about a delicately…coloured face and hazel eyes。

Later in the harvest her cheeks would be ruddynow they were

peach…coloured。  A white neck rose above a pink print jacket; called

a wrapper; and the rest of her visible dress was a blue petticoat。

She ended in pretty; brown bare feet。  Robert liked her; and began

to talk。  If his imagination had not been already filled; he would

have fallen in love with her; I dare say; at once; for; except Miss

St。 John; he had never seen anything he thought so beautiful。  The

baby cried now and then。

'What ails the bairnie?' he asked。

'Ow; it's jist cuttin' its teeth。  Gin it greits muckle; I maun jist

tak it oot to my mither。  She'll sune quaiet it。  Are ye haudin'


'Hoot; ay。  I'm a' richt noo。  Is yer mither shearin'?'

'Na。 She's gatherin'。  The shearin' 's some sair wark for her e'en

noo。  I suld hae been shearin'; but my mither wad fain hae a day o'

the hairst。  She thocht it wud du her gude。  But I s' warran' a day

o' 't 'll sair (satisfy) her; and I s' be at it the morn。  She's

been unco dowie (ailing) a' the summer; and sae has the bairnie。'

'Ye maun hae had a sair time o' 't; than。'

'Ay; some。  But I aye got some sleep。  I jist tuik the towie

(string) into the bed wi' me; and whan the bairnie grat; I waukit;

an' rockit it till 't fell asleep again。  But whiles naething wad du

but tak him till 's mammie。'

All the time she was hushing and fondling the child; who went on

fretting when not actually crying。

'Is he yer brither; than?' asked Robert。

'Ay; what ither?  I maun tak him; I see。  But ye can sit there as

lang 's ye like; and gin ye gang afore I come back; jist turn the

key 'i the door to lat onybody ken that there's naebody i' the


Robert thanked her; and remained in the shadow by the chimney; which

was formed of two smoke…browned planks fastened up the wall; one on

each side; and an inverted wooden funnel above to conduct the smoke

through the roof。  He sat for some time gloomily gazing at a spot of

sunlight which burned on the brown clay floor。  All was still as

death。  And he felt the white…washed walls even more desolate than

if they had been smoke…begrimed。

Looking about him; he found over his head something which he did not

understand。  It was as big as the stump of a great tree。  Apparently

it belonged to the structure of the cottage; but he could not; in

the imperfect light; and the dazzling of the sun…spot at which he

had been staring; make out what it was; or how it came to be up

thereunsupported as far as he could see。  He rose to examine it;

lifted a bit of tarpaulin which hung before it; and found a rickety

box; suspended by a rope from a great nail in the wall。  It had two

shelves in it full of books。

Now; although there were more books in Mr。 Lammie's house than in

his grandmother's; the only one he had found that in the least

enticed him to read; was a translation of George Buchanan's History

of Scotland。  This he had begun to read faithfully; believing every

word of it; but had at last broken down at the fiftieth king or so。

Imagine; then; the moon that arose on the boy when; having pulled a

ragged and thumb…worn book from among those of James Hewson the

cottar; he; for the first time; found himself in the midst of The

Arabian Nights。  I shrink from all attempt to set forth in words the

rainbow…coloured delight that coruscated in his brain。  When Jessie

Hewson returned; she found him seated where she had left him; so

buried in his volume that he did not lift his head when she entered。

'Ye hae gotten a buik;' she said。

'Ay have I;' answered Robert; decisively。

'It's a fine buik; that。  Did ye ever see 't afore?'

'Na; never。'

'There's three wolums o' 't about; here and there;' said Jessie; and

with the child on one arm; she proceeded with the other hand to

search for them in the crap o' the wa'; that is; on the top of the

wall where the rafters rest。

There she found two or three books; which; after examining them; she

placed on the 

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