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the surprising adventures of baron munchausen-第24章

小说: the surprising adventures of baron munchausen 字数: 每页4000字

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hole company were moving out of the room。 He found himself almost alone; deserted by every one。 〃What!〃 said he; 〃and did he turn upon his heel with the most marked contempt? Would he not speak to me? Would he not even hear me utter a word in my defence?〃 His heart died within himnot even a look; a smile from any one。 〃My friends! Do they not know me? Do they not see me? Alas! they fear to catch the contagion of my。 Then;〃 said he; 〃adieu!'tis more than I can bear。 I shall go to my country seat; and never; never will return。 Adieu; fond court; adieu!〃

The venerable Marquis de Bellecourt stopped for a moment ere he entered his carriage。 Thrice he looked back; and thrice he wiped the starting tear from his eye。 〃Yes;〃 said he; 〃for once; at least; truth shall be foundin the bottom of a well!〃

Peace to thy ghost; most noble marquis! a King of kings shall pity thee; and thousands who are yet unborn shall owe their happiness to thee; and have cause to bless the thousands; perhaps; that shall never even know thy name; but Munchausen's self shall celebrate thy glory!

                             CHAPTER XXII

  /Preparations for the Baron's expedition into AfricaDescription   of his chariot; the beauties of its interior decorations; the   animals that drew it; and the mechanism of the wheels。/

Everything being concluded; and having received my instructions for the voyage; I was conducted by the illustrious Hilaro Frosticos; the Lady Fragrantia; and a prodigious crowd of nobility; and placed sitting upon the summit of the whale's bones at the palace; and having remained in this situation for three days and three nights; as a trial ordeal; and a specimen of my perseverance and resolution; the third hour after midnight they seated me in the chariot of Queen Mab。 It was a prodigious dimension; large enough to contain more stowage than the tun of Heidelberg; and globular like a hazel…nut: in fact; it seemed to be really a hazel…nut grown to a most extravagant dimension; and that a great worm of proportionable enormity had bored a hole in the shell。 Through this same entrance I was ushered。 It was as large as a coach…door; and I took my seat in the centre; a kind of chair self… balanced without touching anything; like the fancied tomb of Mahomet。 The whole interior surface of the nutshell appeared a luminous representation of all the stars of heaven; the fixed stars; the planets; and a comet。 The stars were as large as those worn by our first nobility; and the comet; excessively brilliant; seemed as if you had assembled all the eyes of the beautiful girls in the kingdom; and combined them; like a peacock's plumage; into the form of a comet that is; a globe; and a bearded tail to it; diminishing gradually to a point。 This beautiful constellation seemed very sportive and delightful。 It was much in the form of a tadpole! and; without ceasing; went; full of playful giddiness; up and down; all over the heaven on the concave surface of the nutshell。 One time it would be at that part of the heavens under my feet; and in the next minute would be over my head。 It was never at rest; but for ever going east; west; north; or south; and paid no more respect to the different worlds than if they were so many lanterns without reflectors。 Some of them he would dash against and push out of their places; others he would burn up and consume to ashes: and others again he would split into fritters; and their fragments would instantly take a globular form; like spilled quicksilver; and become satellites to whatever other worlds they should happen to meet with in their career。 In short; the whole seemed an epitome of the creation; past; present; and future; and all that passes among the stars during one thousand years was here generally performed in as many seconds。

I surveyed all the beauties of the chariot with wonder and delight。 〃Certainly;〃 cried I; 〃this is heaven in miniature!〃 In short; I took the reins in my hand。 But before I proceed on my adventures; I shall mention the rest of my attendant furniture。 The chariot was drawn by a team of nine bulls harnessed to it; three after three。 In the first rank was a most tremendous bull named John Mowmowsky; the rest were called Jacks in general; but not dignified by any particular denomination。 They were all shod for the journey; not indeed like horses; with iron; or as bullocks commonly are; to drag on a cart; but were shod with men's skulls。 Each of their feet was; hoof and all; crammed into a man's head; cut off for the purpose; and fastened therein with a kind of cement or paste; so that the skull seemed to be a part of the foot and hoof of the animal。 With these skull…shoes the creatures could perform astonishing journeys; and slide upon the water; or upon the ocean; with great velocity。 The harnesses were fastened with golden buckles; and decked with studs in a superb style; and the creatures were ridden by nine postillions; crickets of a great size; as large as monkeys; who sat squat upon the heads of the bulls; and were continually chirping at a most infernal rate; loud in proportion to their bodies。

The wheels of the chariot consisted of upwards of ten thousand springs; formed so as to give the greater impetuosity to the vehicle; and were more complex than a dozen clocks like that of Strasburgh。 The external of the chariot was adorned with banners; and a superb festoon of laurel that formerly shaded me on horseback。 And now; having given you a very concise description of my machine for travelling into Africa; which you must allow to be far superior to the apparatus of Monsieur Vaillant; I shall proceed to relate the exploits of my voyage。

                            CHAPTER XXIII

  /The Baron proceeds on his voyageConvoys a squadron to Gibraltar   Declines the acceptance of the island of CandiaHis chariot   damaged by Pompey's Pillar and Cleopatra's NeedleThe Baron out…   does AlexanderBreaks his chariot; and splits a great rock at the   Cape of Good Hope。/

Taking the reins in my hand; while the music gave a general salute; I cracked my whip; away they went; and in three hours I found myself just between the Isle of Wight and the main land of England。 Here I remained four days; until I had received part of my accompaniment; which I was ordered to take under my convoy。 'Twas a squadron of men… of…war that had been a long time prepared for the Baltic; but which were now destined for the Mediterranean。 By the assistance of large hooks and eyes; exactly such as are worn in our hats; but of a greater size; some hundredweight each; the men…of…war hooked themselves on to the wheels of the vehicle: and; in fact; nothing could be more simple or convenient; because they could be hooked or unhooked in an instant with the utmost facility。 In short; having given a general discharge of their artillery; and three cheers; I cracked my whip; away we went; helter skelter; and in six jiffies I found myself and all my retinue safe and in good spirits just at the rock of Gibraltar。 Here I unhooked my squadron; and having taken an affectionate leave of the officers; I suffered them to proceed in their ordinary manner to the place of their destination。 The whole garrison were highly delighted with the novelty of my vehicle; and at the pressing solicitations of the governor and officers I went ashore; and took a view of that barren old rock; about which more powder has been fired away than would purchase twice as much fertile ground in any part of the world! Mounting my chariot; I took the reins; and again made forward; in mad career; down the Mediterranean to the isle of Candia。 Here I received despatches from the Sublime Porte; entreating me to assist in the war against Russia; with a reward of the whole island of Candia for my alliance。 At first I hesitated; thinking that the island of Candia would be a most valuable acquisition to the sovereign who at that time employed me; and that the most delicious wines; sugar; &c。; in abundance would flourish on the island; yet; when I considered the trade of the East India Company; which would most probably suffer by the intercourse with Persia through the Mediterranean; I at once rejected the proposal; and had afterwards the thanks of the Honourable the 

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