贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > a millionaire of rough-and-ready >


a millionaire of rough-and-ready-第13章

小说: a millionaire of rough-and-ready 字数: 每页4000字

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was found that the old man was actually able to perform this
service; and exhibited a degree of intellectual activity and
capacity for this kind of work that was unsuspected。  Dr。 Duchesne
was delighted; and divided with admiration between his patient's
progress and the millionaire's sagacity。  〃And there are envious
people;〃 said the enthusiastic doctor; 〃who believe that a man like
him; who could conceive of such a plan for occupying a weak
intellect without taxing its memory or judgment; is merely a lucky
fool!  Look here。  May be it didn't require much brains to stumble
on a gold mine; and it is a gift of Providence。  But; in my
experience; Providence don't go round buyin' up dd fools; or
investin' in dead beats。〃

When Mr。 Slinn; finally; with the aid of crutches; was able to
hobble every day to the imposing counting…house and the office of
Mr。 Mulrady; which now occupied the lower part of the new house;
and contained some of its gorgeous furniture; he was installed at a
rosewood desk behind Mr。 Mulrady's chair; as his confidential clerk
and private secretary。  The astonishment of Red Dog and Rough…and…
Ready at this singular innovation knew no bounds; but the boldness
and novelty of the idea carried everything before it。  Judge Butts;
the oracle of Rough…and…Ready; delivered its decision: 〃He's got a
man who's physically incapable of running off with his money; and
has no memory to run off with his ideas。  How could he do better?〃
Even his own son; Harry; coming upon his father thus installed; was
for a moment struck with a certain filial respect; and for a day or
two patronized him。

In this capacity Slinn became the confidant not only of Mulrady's
business secrets; but of his domestic affairs。  He knew that young
Mulrady; from a freckle…faced slow country boy; had developed into
a freckle…faced fast city man; with coarse habits of drink and
gambling。  It was through the old man's hands that extravagant
bills and shameful claims passed on their way to be cashed by
Mulrady; it was he that at last laid before the father one day his
signature perfectly forged by the son。

〃Your eyes are not ez good ez mine; you know; Slinn;〃 said Mulrady;
gravely。  〃It's all right。  I sometimes make my Y's like that。  I'd
clean forgot to cash that check。  You must not think you've got the
monopoly of disremembering;〃 he added; with a faint laugh。

Equally through Slinn's hands passed the record of the lavish
expenditure of Mrs。 Mulrady and the fair Mamie; as well as the
chronicle of their movements and fashionable triumphs。  As Mulrady
had already noticed that Slinn had no confidence with his own
family; he did not try to withhold from them these domestic
details; possibly as an offset to the dreary catalogue of his son's
misdeeds; but more often in the hope of gaining from the taciturn
old man some comment that might satisfy his innocent vanity as
father and husband; and perhaps dissipate some doubts that were
haunting him。

〃Twelve hundred dollars looks to be a good figger for a dress;
ain't it?  But Malviny knows; I reckon; what ought to be worn at
the Tooilleries; and she don't want our Mamie to take a back seat
before them furrin' princesses and gran' dukes。  It's a slap…up
affair; I kalkilate。  Let's see。  I disremember whether it's an
emperor or a king that's rulin' over thar now。  It must be suthin'
first class and A 1; for Malviny ain't the woman to throw away
twelve hundred dollars on any of them small…potato despots!  She
says Mamie speaks French already like them French Petes。  I don't
quite make out what she means here。  She met Don Caesar in Paris;
and she says; 'I think Mamie is nearly off with Don Caesar; who has
followed her here。  I don't care about her dropping him TOO
suddenly; the reason I'll tell you hereafter。  I think the man
might be a dangerous enemy。'  Now; what do you make of this?  I
allus thought Mamie rather cottoned to him; and it was the old
woman who fought shy; thinkin' Mamie would do better。  Now; I am
agreeable that my gal should marry any one she likes; whether it's
a dook or a poor man; as long as he's on the square。  I was ready
to take Don Caesar; but now things seem to have shifted round。  As
to Don Caesar's being a dangerous enemy if Mamie won't have him;
that's a little too high and mighty for me; and I wonder the old
woman don't make him climb down。  What do you think?〃

〃Who is Don Caesar?〃 asked Slinn。

〃The man what picked you up that day。  I mean;〃 continued Mulrady;
seeing the marks of evident ignorance on the old man's face;〃I
mean a sort of grave; genteel chap; suthin' between a parson and a
circus…rider。  You might have seen him round the house talkin' to
your gals。〃

But Slinn's entire forgetfulness of Don Caesar was evidently
unfeigned。  Whatever sudden accession of memory he had at the time
of his attack; the incident that caused it had no part in his
recollection。  With the exception of these rare intervals of
domestic confidences with his crippled private secretary; Mulrady
gave himself up to money…getting。  Without any especial faculty for
itan easy prey often to unscrupulous financiershis unfailing
luck; however; carried him safely through; until his very mistakes
seemed to be simply insignificant means to a large significant end
and a part of his original plan。  He sank another shaft; at a great
expense; with a view to following the lead he had formerly found;
against the opinions of the best mining engineers; and struck the
artesian spring he did NOT find at that time; with a volume of
water that enabled him not only to work his own mine; but to
furnish supplies to his less fortunate neighbors at a vast profit。
A league of tangled forest and canyon behind Rough…and…Ready; for
which he had paid Don Ramon's heirs an extravagant price in the
presumption that it was auriferous; furnished the most accessible
timber to build the town; at prices which amply remunerated him。
The practical schemes of experienced men; the wildest visions of
daring dreams delayed or abortive for want of capital; eventually
fell into his hands。  Men sneered at his methods; but bought his
shares。  Some who affected to regard him simply as a man of money
were content to get only his name to any enterprise。  Courted by
his superiors; quoted by his equals; and admired by his inferiors;
he bore his elevation equally without ostentation or dignity。
Bidden to banquets; and forced by his position as director or
president into the usual gastronomic feats of that civilization and
period; he partook of simple food; and continued his old habit of
taking a cup of coffee with milk and sugar at dinner。  Without
professing temperance; he drank sparingly in a community where
alcoholic stimulation was a custom。  With neither refinement nor an
extended vocabulary; he was seldom profane; and never indelicate。
With nothing of the Puritan in his manner or conversation; he
seemed to be as strange to the vices of civilization as he was to
its virtues。  That such a man should offer little to and receive
little from the companionship of women of any kind was a foregone
conclusion。  Without the dignity of solitude; he was pathetically

Meantime; the days passed; the first six months of his opulence
were drawing to a close; and in that interval he had more than
doubled the amount of his discovered fortune。  The rainy season set
in early。  Although it dissipated the clouds of dust under which
Nature and Art seemed to be slowly disappearing; it brought little
beauty to the landscape at first; and only appeared to lay bare the
crudenesses of civilization。  The unpainted wooden buildings of
Rough…and…Ready; soaked and dripping with rain; took upon
themselves a sleek and shining ugliness; as of second…hand
garments; the absence of cornices or projections to break the
monotony of the long straight lines of downpour made the town
appear as if it had been recently submerged; every vestige of
ornamentation swept away; and only the bare outlines left。  Mud was
everywhere; the outer soil seemed to have risen and invaded the
houses even to their most secret recesses; as if outraged Nature
was trying to revenge 

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