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st. ives-第67章

小说: st. ives 字数: 每页4000字

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and cursed my fate and my host。  He remembered suddenly that I was 

to attend the Assembly Ball on Thursday; and had only attended to…

night by way of a preparative。  This put it into his head to 

present me to another young lady; but I managed this interview with 

so much art that; while I was scrupulously polite and even cordial 

to the fair one; I contrived to keep Robbie beside me all the time 

and to leave along with him when the ordeal was over。  We were just 

walking away arm in arm; when I spied my friend the Major 

approaching; stiff as a ramrod and; as usual; obtrusively clean。

'Oh! there's a man I want to know;' said I; taking the bull by the 

horns。  'Won't you introduce me to Major Chevenix?'

'At a word; my dear fellow;' said Robbie; and 'Major!' he cried; 

'come here and let me present to you my friend Mr。 Ducie; who 

desires the honour of your acquaintance。'

The Major flushed visibly; but otherwise preserved his composure。  

He bowed very low。  'I'm not very sure;' he said: 'I have an idea 

we have met before?'

'Informally;' I said; returning his bow; 'and I have long looked 

forward to the pleasure of regularising our acquaintance。'

'You are very good; Mr。 Ducie;' he returned。  'Perhaps you could 

aid my memory a little?  Where was it that I had the pleasure?'

'Oh; that would be telling tales out of school;' said I; with a 

laugh; 'and before my lawyer; too!'

'I'll wager;' broke in Mr。 Robbie; 'that; when you knew my client; 

Chevenix … the past of our friend Mr。 Ducie is an obscure chapter 

full of horrid secrets … I'll wager; now; you knew him as St。 

Ivey;' says he; nudging me violently。

'I think not; sir;' said the Major; with pinched lips。

'Well; I wish he may prove all right!' continued the lawyer; with 

certainly the worst…inspired jocularity in the world。  'I know 

nothing by him!  He may be a swell mobsman for me with his aliases。  

You must put your memory on the rack; Major; and when ye've 

remembered when and where ye met him; be sure ye tell me。'

'I will not fail; sir;' said Chevenix。

'Seek to him!' cried Robbie; waving his hand as he departed。

The Major; as soon as we were alone; turned upon me his impassive 


'Well;' he said; 'you have courage。'

'It is undoubted as your honour; sir;' I returned; bowing。

'Did you expect to meet me; may I ask?' said he。

'You saw; at least; that I courted the presentation;' said I。

'And you were not afraid?' said Chevenix。

'I was perfectly at ease。  I knew I was dealing with a gentleman。  

Be that your epitaph。'

'Well; there are some other people looking for you;' he said; 'who 

will make no bones about the point of honour。  The police; my dear 

sir; are simply agog about you。'

'And I think that that was coarse;' said I。

'You have seen Miss Gilchrist?' he inquired; changing the subject。

'With whom; I am led to understand; we are on a footing of 

rivalry?' I asked。  'Yes; I have seen her。'

'And I was just seeking her;' he replied。

I was conscious of a certain thrill of temper; so; I suppose; was 

he。  We looked each other up and down。

'The situation is original;' he resumed。

'Quite;' said I。  'But let me tell you frankly you are blowing a 

cold coal。  I owe you so much for your kindness to the prisoner 


'Meaning that the lady's affections are more advantageously 

disposed of?' he asked; with a sneer。  'Thank you; I am sure。  And; 

since you have given me a lead; just hear a word of good advice in 

your turn。  Is it fair; is it delicate; is it like a gentleman; to 

compromise the young lady by attentions which (as you know very 

well) can come to nothing?'

I was utterly unable to find words in answer。

'Excuse me if I cut this interview short;' he went on。  'It seems 

to me doomed to come to nothing; and there is more attractive 


'Yes;' I replied; 'as you say; it cannot amount to much。  You are 

impotent; bound hand and foot in honour。  You know me to be a man 

falsely accused; and even if you did not know it; from your 

position as my rival you have only the choice to stand quite still 

or to be infamous。'

'I would not say that;' he returned; with another change of colour。  

'I may hear it once too often。'

With which he moved off straight for where Flora was sitting amidst 

her court of vapid youths; and I had no choice but to follow him; a 

bad second; and reading myself; as I went; a sharp lesson on the 

command of temper。

It is a strange thing how young men in their teens go down at the 

mere wind of the coming of men of twenty…five and upwards!  The 

vapid ones fled without thought of resistance before the Major and 

me; a few dallied awhile in the neighbourhood … so to speak; with 

their fingers in their mouths … but presently these also followed 

the rout; and we remained face to face before Flora。  There was a 

draught in that corner by the door; she had thrown her pelisse over 

her bare arms and neck; and the dark fur of the trimming set them 

off。  She shone by contrast; the light played on her smooth skin to 

admiration; and the colour changed in her excited face。  For the 

least fraction of a second she looked from one to the other of her 

pair of rival swains; and seemed to hesitate。  Then she addressed 


'You are coming to the Assembly; of course; Major Chevenix?' said 


'I fear not; I fear I shall be otherwise engaged;' he replied。  

'Even the pleasure of dancing with you; Miss Flora; must give way 

to duty。'

For awhile the talk ran harmlessly on the weather; and then 

branched off towards the war。  It seemed to be by no one's fault; 

it was in the air; and had to come。

'Good news from the scene of operations;' said the Major。

'Good news while it lasts;' I said。  'But will Miss Gilchrist tell 

us her private thought upon the war?  In her admiration for the 

victors; does not there mingle some pity for the vanquished?'

'Indeed; sir;' she said; with animation; 'only too much of it!  War 

is a subject that I do not think should be talked of to a girl。  I 

am; I have to be … what do you call it? … a non…combatant?  And to 

remind me of what others have to do and suffer: no; it is not 


'Miss Gilchrist has the tender female heart;' said Chevenix。

'Do not be too sure of that!' she cried。  'I would love to be 

allowed to fight myself!'

'On which side?' I asked。

'Can you ask?' she exclaimed。  'I am a Scottish girl!'

'She is a Scottish girl!' repeated the Major; looking at me。  'And 

no one grudges you her pity!'

'And I glory in every grain of it she has to spare;' said I。  'Pity 

is akin to love。'

'Well; and let us put that question to Miss Gilchrist。  It is for 

her to decide; and for us to bow to the decision。  Is pity; Miss 

Flora; or is admiration; nearest love?'

'Oh come;' said I; 'let us be more concrete。  Lay before the lady a 

complete case: describe your man; then I'll describe MINE; and Miss 

Flora shall decide。'

'I think I see your meaning;' said he; 'and I'll try。  You think 

that pity … and the kindred sentiments … have the greatest power 

upon the heart。  I think more nobly of women。  To my view; the man 

they love will first of all command their respect; he will be 

steadfast … proud; if you please; dry; possibly … but of all things 

steadfast。  They will look at him in doubt; at last they will see 

that stern face which he presents to all the rest of the world 

soften to them alone。  First; trust; I say。  It is so that a woman 

loves who is worthy of heroes。'

'Your man is very ambitious; sir;' said I; 'and very much of a 

hero!  Mine is a humbler; and; I would fain think; a more human 

dog。  He is one with no particular trust in himself; with no 

superior steadfastness to be admired for; who sees a lady's

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