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twice-told tales- the celestial railroad-第4章

小说: twice-told tales- the celestial railroad 字数: 每页4000字

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and tend to as lofty a religious aim; as those of the sagest

philosophers of old。 In justification of this high praise; I need only

mention the names of the Rev。 Mr。 Shallow…deep; the Rev。 Mr。

Stumble…at…Truth; that fine old clerical character; the Rev。 Mr。

This…to…day; who expects shortly to resign his pulpit to the Rev。

Mr。 That…to…morrow; together with the Rev。 Mr。 Bewilderment; the

Rev。 Mr。 Clog…the…spirit; and; last and greatest; the Rev。 Dr。

Wind…of…doctrine。 The labors of these eminent divines are aided by

those of innumerable lecturers; who diffuse such a various profundity;

in all subjects of human or celestial science; that any man may

acquire an omnigenous erudition; without the trouble of even

learning to read。 Thus literature is etherealized by assuming for

its medium the human voice; and knowledge; depositing all its

heavier particles… except; doubtless; its gold… becomes exhaled into a

sound; which forthwith steals into the ever…open ear of the community。

These ingenious methods constitute a sort of machinery; by which

thought and study are done to every person's hand; without his putting

himself to the slightest inconvenience in the matter。 There is another

species of machine for the wholesale manufacture of individual

morality。 This excellent result is effected by societies for all

manner of virtuous purposes; with which a man has merely to connect

himself; throwing; as it were; his quota of virtue into the common

stock; and the president and directors will take care that the

aggregate amount be well applied。 All these; and other wonderful

improvements in ethics; religion; and literature; being made plain

to my comprehension; by the ingenious Mr。 Smooth…it…away; inspired

me with a vast admiration of Vanity Fair。

   It would fill a volume; in an age of pamphlets; were I to record

all my observations in this great capital of human business and

pleasure。 There was an unlimited range of society… the powerful; the

wise; the witty; and the famous in every walk of life… princes;

presidents; poets; generals; artists; actors; and philanthropists; all

making their own market at the Fair; and deeming no price too

exorbitant for such commodities as hit their fancy。 It was well

worth one's while; even if he had no idea of buying or selling; to

loiter through the bazaars; and observe the various sorts of traffic

that were going forward。

   Some of the purchasers; I thought; made very foolish bargains。

For instance; a young man having inherited a splendid fortune; laid

out a considerable portion of it in the purchase of diseases; and

finally spent all the rest for a heavy lot of repentance and a suit of

rags。 A very pretty girl bartered a heart as clear as crystal; and

which seemed her most valuable possession; for another jewel of the

same kind; but so worn and defaced as to be utterly worthless。 In

one shop; there were a great many crowns of laurel and myrtle; which

soldiers; authors; statesmen; and various other people; pressed

eagerly to buy; some purchased these paltry wreaths with their

lives; others by a toilsome servitude of years; and many sacrificed

whatever was most valuable; yet finally slunk away without the

crown。 There was a sort of stock or scrip; called Conscience; which

seemed to be in great demand; and would purchase almost anything。

Indeed; few rich commodities were to be obtained without paying a

heavy sum in this particular stock; and a man's business was seldom

very lucrative; unless he knew precisely when and how to throw his

hoard of Conscience into the market。 Yet as this stock was the only

thing of permanent value; whoever parted with it was sure to find

himself a loser; in the long run。 Several of the speculations were

of a questionable character。 Occasionally; a member of Congress

recruited his pocket by the sale of his constituents; and I was

assured that public officers have often sold their country at very

moderate prices。 Thousands sold their happiness for a whim。 Gilded

chains were in great demand; and purchased with almost any

sacrifice。 In truth; those who desired; according to the old adage; to

sell anything valuable for a song; might find customers all over the

Fair; and there were innumerable messes of pottage; piping hot; for

such as chose to buy them with their birthrights。 A few articles;

however; could not be found genuine at Vanity Fair。 If a customer

wished to renew his stock of youth; the dealers offered him a set of

false teeth and an auburn wig; if he demanded peace of mind; they

recommended opium or a brandy…bottle。

   Tracts of land and golden mansions; situate in the Celestial

City; were often exchanged; at very disadvantageous rates; for a few

years' lease of small; dismal; inconvenient tenements in Vanity

Fair。 Prince Beelzebub himself took great interest in this sort of

traffic; and sometimes condescended to meddle with smaller matters。

I once had the pleasure to see him bargaining with a miser for his

soul; which; after much ingenious skirmishing on both sides; his

Highness succeeded in obtaining at about the value of sixpence。 The

Prince remarked; with a smile; that he was a loser by the transaction。

   Day after day; as I walked the streets of Vanity; my manners and

deportment became more and more like those of the inhabitants。 The

place began to seem like home; the idea of pursuing my travels to

the Celestial City was almost obliterated from my mind。 I was reminded

of it; however; by the sight of the same pair of simple pilgrims at

whom we had laughed so heartily; when Apollyon puffed smoke and

steam into their faces; at the commencement of our journey。 There they

stood amid the densest bustle of Vanity… the dealers offering them

their purple; and fine linen; and jewels; the men of wit and humor

gibing at them; a pair of buxom ladies ogling them askance; while

the benevolent Mr。 Smooth…it…away whispered some of his wisdom at

their elbows; and pointed to a newly…erected temple… but there were

these worthy simpletons; making the scene look wild and monstrous;

merely by their sturdy repudiation of all part in its business or


   One of them… his name was Stick…to…the…right… perceived in my face;

I suppose; a species of sympathy and almost admiration; which; to my

own great surprise; I could not help feeling for this pragmatic

couple。 It prompted him to address me。

   〃Sir;〃 inquired he; with a sad; yet mild and kindly voice; 〃do

you call yourself a pilgrim?〃

   〃Yes;〃 I replied; 〃my right to that appellation is indubitable。 I

am merely a sojourner here in Vanity Fair; being bound to the

Celestial City by the new railroad。〃

   〃Alas; friend;〃 rejoined Mr。 Stick…to…the…right; 〃I do assure

you; and beseech you to receive the truth of my words; that that whole

concern is a bubble。 You may travel on it all your lifetime; were

you to live thousands of years; and yet never get beyond the limits of

Vanity Fair! Yea; though you should deem yourself entering the gates

of the Blessed City; it will be nothing but a miserable delusion。〃

   〃The Lord of the Celestial City;〃 began the other pilgrim; whose

name was Mr。 Foot…it…to…Heaven; 〃has refused; and will ever refuse; to

grant an act of incorporation for this railroad; and unless that be

obtained; no passenger can ever hope to enter his dominions。

Wherefore; every man; who buys a ticket; must lay his account with

losing the purchase…money… which is the value of his own soul。〃

   〃Poh; nonsense!〃 said Mr。 Smooth…it…away; taking my arm and leading

me off; 〃these fellows ought to be indicted for a libel。 If the law

stood as it once did in Vanity Fair; we should see them grinning

through the iron bars of the prison window。〃

   This incident made a considerable impression on my mind; and

contributed with other circumstances to indispose me to a permanent

residence in the city of Vanity; although; of course; I was not simple

enough to give up my original plan of gliding along easily and

commodiously by railroad。 Still; I grew anxious to be gone。 There

was one strange thing that troubled me; a

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