贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > gulliver of mars(火星上的格列弗) >


gulliver of mars(火星上的格列弗)-第4章

小说: gulliver of mars(火星上的格列弗) 字数: 每页4000字

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easy for two persons to converse from shore to shore across the Atlantic 

without   any   intervening   medium;   he   would   have   been   laughed   at   as   a 

possibly     amusing      but  certainly    extravagant     romancer。      Yet    that   pic… 

turesque   lie   of   yesterday   is   amongst   the   accomplished   facts   of   today! 

Therefore I am encouraged to ask your in… dulgence; in the name of your 

previous errors; for the following and any other instances in which I may 

appear     to  trifle  with   strict  veracity。    There     is  no   such    thing   as  the 


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                                     GULLIVER OF MARS 

impossible in our universe! 

     When my friendly companion found I could not under… stand him; he 

looked serious for a minute or two; then shortened his brilliant yellow toga; 

as   though   he   had   ar…   rived   at   some   resolve;   and   knelt   down   directly   in 

front of   me。     He   next   took   my   face   between his   hands;   and   putting   his 

nose within an inch of mine; stared into my eyes with all his might。                     At 

first I was inclined to laugh; but before long the most curious sensations 

took hold of me。 They commenced with a thrill which passed all up my 

body; and next all feeling save the consciousness of the loud beating of my 

heart ceased。       Then it seemed that boy's eyes were inside my head   and 

not outside; while along with them an intangible something pervaded my 

brain。 The sensation at first was like the application of ether to the skina 

cool; numbing emotion。           It was followed by a curious tingling feeling; as 

some dormant cells in my mind answered to the thought…transfer; and were 

filled   and    fertil…  ised!   My     other   brain…cells    most    distinctly   felt  the 

vitalising   of   their   companions;   and   for   about   a   minute   I   experi…   enced 

extreme   nausea   and   a   headache   such   as   comes   from   over…study;   though 

both passed swiftly off。         I presume that in the future we shall all obtain 

knowledge   in   this   way。   The   Professors   of   a   later   day   will   perhaps   keep 

shops for the sale of miscellaneous information; and we shall drop in and 

be inflated with learning just as the bicyclist gets his tire pumped up; or 

the    motorist     is   recharged     with    electricity    at   so   much     per    unit。 

Examinations will then become matters of capacity in the real meaning of 

that   word;    and   we    shall  be   tempted     to  invest   our   pocket…money       by 

advertisements of 〃A cheap line in Astrology;〃 〃Try our double…strength; 

two… minute course of Classics;〃 〃This is remnant day for Trig… onometry 

and Metaphysics;〃 and so on。 

     My  friend   did   not   get   as   far   as   that。 With   him  the   process   did   not 

take more than a minute; but it was startling in its results; and reduced me 

to an extraordinary state of hypnotic receptibility。             When it was over my 

instructor tapped with a finger on my lips; uttering aloud as he did so the 


     〃Know none; know some; know little; know morel〃 again                      and again; 

and the strangest part of it is that as he spoke I did know at first a little; 


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                                    GULLIVER OF MARS 

then    more;   and   still  more;   by  swift   accumulation;     of   his  speech   and 

meaning。      In fact; when pre… sently he suddenly laid a hand over my eyes 

and then let go of my head with a pleasantly put question as to how I felt; I 

had no difficulty whatever in answering him in his own tongue; and rose 

from the ground as one gets from a hair…dresser's chair; with a vague idea 

of looking round for my hat and offering him his fee。 

     〃My word; sir!〃 I said; in lisping Martian; as I pulled down my cuffs 

and put my cravat straight; 〃that was a quick process。               I once heard of a 

man who learnt a language in the moments he gave each day to having his 

boots blacked; but this beats all。       I trust I was a docile pupil?〃 

     〃Oh; fairly; sir;〃 answered the soft; musical voice of the strange being 

by me; 〃but your head is thick and your brain tough。              I could have taught 

another in half the time。〃 

     〃Curiously   enough;〃       was   my   response;   〃those    are   almost  the   very 

words   with   which   my   dear   old   tutor   dismissed   me   the   morning   I   left 

college。     Never mind; the thing is done。         Shall I pay you anything?〃 

     〃I do not understand。〃 

     〃Any honorarium; then?          Some people understand one word and not 

the other。〃    But the boy only shook his head in answer。 

     Strangely enough; I was not greatly surprised all this time either at the 

novelty     of  my   whereabouts      or   at  the  hypnotic    instruction    in  a  new 

language just received。        Per… haps it was because my head still spun too 

giddily with that flight in the old rug for much thought; perhaps be… cause 

I did not yet fully realise the thing that had happened。 But; anyhow; there 

is the fact; which; like so many others in my narrative; must; alas! remain 

unexplained for the moment。           The rug; by the way; had completely disap… 

peared; my friend comforting me on this score; however; by saying he had 

seen it rolled up and taken away by one whom he knew。 

     〃We   are   very   tidy   people   here;   stranger;〃   he   said;   〃and   everything 

found Lying about goes back to the Palace store… rooms。                 You will laugh 

to see the lumber there; for few of us ever take the trouble to reclaim our 


     Heaven knows I was in no laughing mood when I saw that enchanted 

web again! 


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                                      GULLIVER OF MARS 

     When I had lain and watched the brightening scene for a time; I got up; 

and having stretched and shaken my clothes into some sort of order; we 

strolled   down   the   hill   and   joined   the   light…hearted   crowds   that   twined 

across the plain and through the streets of their city of booths。               They were 

the prettiest; daintiest folk ever eyes looked upon; well…formed and like to 

us as could be in the main; but slender and willowy; so dainty and light; 

both the men and the women; so pretty of cheek and hair; so mild of aspect; 

I felt; as I strode amongst them; I could have plucked them like flowers 

and   bound   them   up   in   bunches   with   my   belt。 And   yet   somehow   I   liked 

them   from   the   first   minute;   such   a   happy;   careless;   light…hearted   race; 

again I say; never was seen before。             There was not a stain of thought or 

care on a single one of those white foreheads that eddied round me under 

their peaked; blossom…like caps; the perpetual smile their faces wore never 

suffered rebuke anywhere; their very movements were graceful and slow; 

their   laughter    was    low   and   musical;     there  was    an   odour    of  friendly; 

slothful happiness   about   them  that   made   me   admire   whether   I   would   or 


     Unfortunately I was not able to live on laughter; as they appeared to be; 

so presently turning to my acquaintance; who had told me his name was 

the plain monosyllabic An;  and clapping my hand   on his shoulder as he 

stood lost in sleepy reflection; said; in a good; hearty way; 〃Hullo; friend 

Yellow…jerkin!        If   a  stranger    might    set  himself    athwart    the   cheerful 

current of your meditations; may such a one ask how far 'tis to the nearest 

wine…shop   or   a   booth   where   a   thirsty   man   may   get   a   mug   of   ale   at   a 

moderate reckoning?〃 


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