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on sense and the sensible-第4章

小说: on sense and the sensible 字数: 每页4000字

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'the weakness of our' sense; are imperceptible by us; but a mixture by

which they 'i。e。 the 'matter' of which they consist' are wholly

blent together by interpenetration; as we have described it in the

treatise on Mixture; where we dealt with this subject generally in its

most comprehensive aspect。 For; on the supposition we are criticizing;

the only totals capable of being mixed are those which are divisible

into minimal parts; 'e。g。 genera into individuals' as men; horses;

or the 'various kinds of' seeds。 For of mankind as a whole the

individual man is such a least part; of horses 'as an aggregate' the

individual horse。 Hence by the juxtaposition of these we obtain a

mixed total; consisting 'like a troop of cavalry' of both together;

but we do not say that by such a process any individual man has been

mixed with any individual horse。 Not in this way; but by complete

interpenetration 'of their matter'; must we conceive those things to

be mixed which are not divisible into minima; and it is in the case of

these that natural mixture exhibits itself in its most perfect form。

We have explained already in our discourse 'On Mixture' how such

mixture is possible。 This being the true nature of mixture; it is

plain that when bodies are mixed their colours also are necessarily

mixed at the same time; and 'it is no less plain' that this is the

real cause determining the existence of a plurality of colours… not

superposition or juxtaposition。 For when bodies are thus mixed;

their resultant colour presents itself as one and the same at all

distances alike; not varying as it is seen nearer or farther away。

  Colours will thus; too 'as well as on the former hypotheses'; be

many in number on account of the fact that the ingredients may be

combined with one another in a multitude of ratios; some will be based

on determinate numerical ratios; while others again will have as their

basis a relation of quantitative excess or defect not expressible in

integers。 And all else that was said in reference to the colours;

considered as juxtaposed or superposed; may be said of them likewise

when regarded as mixed in the way just described。

  Why colours; as well as savours and sounds; consist of species

determinate 'in themselves' and not infinite 'in number' is a question

which we shall discuss hereafter。


  We have now explained what colour is; and the reason why there are

many colours; while before; in our work On the Soul; we explained

the nature of sound and voice。 We have next to speak of Odour and

Savour; both of which are almost the same physical affection; although

they each have their being in different things。 Savours; as a class;

display their nature more clearly to us than Odours; the cause of

which is that the olfactory sense of man is inferior in acuteness to

that of the lower animals; and is; when compared with our other

senses; the least perfect of Man's sense of Touch; on the contrary;

excels that of all other animals in fineness; and Taste is a

modification of Touch。

  Now the natural substance water per se tends to be tasteless。 But

'since without water tasting is impossible' either (a) we must suppose

that water contains in itself 'uniformly diffused through it' the

various kinds of savour; already formed; though in amounts so small as

to be imperceptible; which is the doctrine of Empedocles; or (b) the

water must be a sort of matter; qualified; as it were; to produce

germs of savours of all kinds; so that all kinds of savour are

generated from the water; though different kinds from its different

parts; or else (c) the water is in itself quite undifferentiated in

respect of savour 'whether developed or undeveloped'; but some

agent; such for example as one might conceive Heat or the Sun to be;

is the efficient cause of savour。

  (a) Of these three hypotheses; the falsity of that held by

Empedocles is only too evident。 For we see that when pericarpal fruits

are plucked 'from the tree' and exposed in the sun; or subjected to

the action of fire; their sapid juices are changed by the heat;

which shows that their qualities are not due to their drawing anything

from the water in the ground; but to a change which they undergo

within the pericarp itself; and we see; moreover; that these juices;

when extracted and allowed to lie; instead of sweet become by lapse of

time harsh or bitter; or acquire savours of any and every sort; and

that; again; by the process of boiling or fermentation they are made

to assume almost all kinds of new savours。

  (b) It is likewise impossible that water should be a material

qualified to generate all kinds of Savour germs 'so that different

savours should arise out of different parts of the water'; for we

see different kinds of taste generated from the same water; having

it as their nutriment。

  (C) It remains; therefore; to suppose that the water is changed by

passively receiving some affection from an external agent。 Now; it

is manifest that water does not contract the quality of sapidity

from the agency of Heat alone。 For water is of all liquids the

thinnest; thinner even than oil itself; though oil; owing to its

viscosity; is more ductile than water; the latter being uncohesive

in its particles; whence water is more difficult than oil to hold in

the hand without spilling。 But since perfectly pure water does not;

when subjected to the action of Heat; show any tendency to acquire

consistency; we must infer that some other agency than heat is the

cause of sapidity。 For all savours 'i。e。 sapid liquors' exhibit a

comparative consistency。 Heat is; however; a coagent in the matter。

  Now the sapid juices found in pericarpal fruits evidently exist also

in the earth。 Hence many of the old natural philosophers assert that

water has qualities like those of the earth through which it flows;

a fact especially manifest in the case of saline springs; for salt

is a form of earth。 Hence also when liquids are filtered through

ashes; a bitter substance; the taste they yield is bitter。 There are

many wells; too; of which some are bitter; others acid; while others

exhibit other tastes of all kinds。

  As was to be anticipated; therefore; it is in the vegetable

kingdom that tastes occur in richest variety。 For; like all things

else; the Moist; by nature's law; is affected only by its contrary;

and this contrary is the Dry。 Thus we see why the Moist is affected by

Fire; which as a natural substance; is dry。 Heat is; however; the

essential property of Fire; as Dryness is of Earth; according to

what has been said in our treatise on the elements。 Fire and Earth;

therefore; taken absolutely as such; have no natural power to

affect; or be affected by; one another; nor have any other pair of

substances。 Any two things can affect; or be affected by; one

another only so far as contrariety to the other resides in either of


  As; therefore; persons washing Colours or Savours in a liquid

cause the water in which they wash to acquire such a quality 'as

that of the colour or savour'; so nature; too; by washing the Dry

and Earthy in the Moist; and by filtering the latter; that is;

moving it on by the agency of heat through the dry and earthy; imparts

to it a certain quality。 This affection; wrought by the aforesaid

Dry in the Moist; capable of transforming the sense of Taste from

potentiality to actuality; is Savour。 Savour brings into actual

exercise the perceptive faculty which pre…existed only in potency。 The

activity of sense…perception in general is analogous; not to the

process of acquiring knowledge; but to that of exercising knowledge

already acquired。

  That Savours; either as a quality or as the privation of a

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