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on sense and the sensible-第10章

小说: on sense and the sensible 字数: 每页4000字

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the current opinion that one sees and hears coinstantaneously is due

merely to the fact that the intervals of time 'between the really

successive perceptions of sight and hearing' escape observation。 But

this can scarcely be true; nor is it conceivable that any portion of

time should be 'absolutely' imperceptible; or that any should be

absolutely unnoticeable; the truth being that it is possible to

perceive every instant of time。 'This is so'; because; if it is

inconceivable that a person should; while perceiving himself or

aught else in a continuous time; be at any instant unaware of his

own existence; while; obviously; the assumption; that there is in

the time…continuum a time so small as to be absolutely

imperceptible; carries the implication that a person would; during

such time; be unaware of his own existence; as well as of his seeing

and perceiving; 'this assumption must be false'。

  Again; if there is any magnitude; whether time or thing;

absolutely imperceptible owing to its smallness; it follows that there

would not be either a thing which one perceives; or a time in which

one perceives it; unless in the sense that in some part of the given

time he sees some part of the given thing。 For 'let there be a line

ab; divided into two parts at g; and let this line represent a whole

object and a corresponding whole time。 Now;' if one sees the whole

line; and perceives it during a time which forms one and the same

continuum; only in the sense that he does so in some portion of this

time; let us suppose the part gb; representing a time in which by

supposition he was perceiving nothing; cut off from the whole。 Well;

then; he perceives in a certain part 'viz。 in the remainder' of the

time; or perceives a part 'viz。 the remainder' of the line; after

the fashion in which one sees the whole earth by seeing some given

part of it; or walks in a year by walking in some given part of the

year。 But 'by hypothesis' in the part bg he perceives nothing:

therefore; in fact; he is said to perceive the whole object and during

the whole time simply because he perceives 'some part of the object'

in some part of the time ab。 But the same argument holds also in the

case of ag 'the remainder; regarded in its turn as a whole'; for it

will be found 'on this theory of vacant times and imperceptible

magnitudes' that one always perceives only in some part of a given

whole time; and perceives only some part of a whole magnitude; and

that it is impossible to perceive any 'really' whole 'object in a

really whole time; a conclusion which is absurd; as it would logically

annihilate the perception of both Objects and Time'。

  Therefore we must conclude that all magnitudes are perceptible;

but their actual dimensions do not present themselves immediately in

their presentation as objects。 One sees the sun; or a four…cubit rod

at a distance; as a magnitude; but their exact dimensions are not

given in their visual presentation: nay; at times an object of sight

appears indivisible; but 'vision like other special senses; is

fallible respecting 'common sensibles'; e。g。 magnitude; and' nothing

that one sees is really indivisible。 The reason of this has been

previously explained。 It is clear then; from the above arguments; that

no portion of time is imperceptible。

  But we must here return to the question proposed above for

discussion; whether it is possible or impossible to perceive several

objects coinstantaneously; by 'coinstantaneously' I mean perceiving

the several objects in a time one and indivisible relatively to one

another; i。e。 indivisible in a sense consistent with its being all a


  First; then; is it conceivable that one should perceive the

different things coinstantaneously; but each with a different part

of the Soul? Or 'must we object' that; in the first place; to begin

with the objects of one and the same sense; e。g。 Sight; if we assume

it 'the Soul qua exercising Sight' to perceive one colour with one

part; and another colour with a different part; it will have a

plurality of parts the same in species; 'as they must be;' since the

objects which it thus perceives fall within the same genus?

  Should any one 'to illustrate how the Soul might have in it two

different parts specifically identical; each directed to a set of

aistheta the same in genus with that to which the other is directed'

urge that; as there are two eyes; so there may be in the Soul

something analogous; 'the reply is' that of the eyes; doubtless;

some one organ is formed; and hence their actualization in

perception is one; but if this is so in the Soul; then; in so far as

what is formed of both 'i。e。 of any two specifically identical parts

as assumed' is one; the true perceiving subject also will be one; 'and

the contradictory of the above hypothesis (of different parts of

Soul remaining engaged in simultaneous perception with one sense) is

what emerges from the analogy'; while if the two parts of Soul

remain separate; the analogy of the eyes will fail; 'for of these some

one is really formed'。

  Furthermore; 'on the supposition of the need of different parts of

Soul; co…operating in each sense; to discern different objects

coinstantaneously'; the senses will be each at the same time one and

many; as if we should say that they were each a set of diverse

sciences; for neither will an 'activity' exist without its proper

faculty; nor without activity will there be sensation。

  But if the Soul does not; in the way suggested 'i。e。 with

different parts of itself acting simultaneously'; perceive in one

and the same individual time sensibles of the same sense; a fortiori

it is not thus that it perceives sensibles of different senses。 For it

is; as already stated; more conceivable that it should perceive a

plurality of the former together in this way than a plurality of

heterogeneous objects。

  If then; as is the fact; the Soul with one part perceives Sweet;

with another; White; either that which results from these is some

one part; or else there is no such one resultant。 But there must be

such an one; inasmuch as the general faculty of sense…perception is

one。 What one object; then; does that one faculty 'when perceiving

an object; e。g。 as both White and Sweet' perceive? 'None'; for

assuredly no one object arises by composition of these

'heterogeneous objects; such as White and Sweet'。 We must conclude;

therefore; that there is; as has been stated before; some one

faculty in the soul with which the latter perceives all its

percepts; though it perceives each different genus of sensibles

through a different organ。

  May we not; then; conceive this faculty which perceives White and

Sweet to be one qua indivisible 'sc。 qua combining its different

simultaneous objects' in its actualization; but different; when it has

become divisible 'sc。 qua distinguishing its different simultaneous

objects' in its actualization?

  Or is what occurs in the case of the perceiving Soul conceivably

analogous to what holds true in that of the things themselves? For the

same numerically one thing is white and sweet; and has many other

qualities; 'while its numerical oneness is not thereby prejudiced'

if the fact is not that the qualities are really separable in the

object from one another; but that the being of each quality is

different 'from that of every other'。 In the same way therefore we

must assume also; in the case of the Soul; that the faculty of

perception in general is in itself numerically one and the same; but

different 'differentiated' in its being; different; that is to say; in

genus as regards some of its objects; in species as regards others。

Hence too; we may conclude that one can perceive 'numerically


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