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the cruise of the jasper b[1].(杰斯帕·b·之游)-第28章

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belonged to one of the evangelical denominations; the Rev。 Mr。 Calthrop 

affected   clothing   very   like   the   regulation   costume   of   the   Episcopalian 

clergy; but this clothing was now worn and torn and dusty。                   Buttons were 

gone here and there; the knees of the unpressed trousers were baggy and 

beginning to   be   ragged;  and   the   sole   of   one   shoe   flapped   as   he   walked。 

He had a three days' growth of beard and no baggage。 

     When   Cap'n   Abernethy   had   delivered   himself   and   walked   away;   the 

Rev。 Mr。 Calthrop confirmed the story of his own disgrace; speaking in a 

low but clear voice; and with a gentle and wistful smile。 

     〃I am one of the most miserable of sinners; Mr。 Cleggett;〃 he said。                   〃I 

have proved myself to be that most despicable thing; an unworthy minister。 

I was tempted and I fell。〃 

     The    Rev。    Mr。   Calthrop    seemed     to  find   the   sort  of  satisfaction    in 

confessing   his   sins   to   the   world   that   the   medieval   flagellants   found   in 

scoring themselves with whips; they struck their bodies; he drew forth his 

soul and beat it publicly。 

     Cleggett     learned    that   he  had    set  himself    as  a   punishment      and   a 

mortification the task of obtaining his daily bread by the work of his hands。 

It   was   his   intention   to   make    a  pilgrimage     to  Jerusalem;     refusing    all 

assistance   except   that   which   he   earned   by   manual   labor。      After   such   a 

term of years as should satisfy all men (and particularly his own spiritual 

sense) of the genuineness of his penitence; he would apply to his church 

for reinstatement; and ask for an appointment to some difficult mission in 

a wild   and   savage   country。      The   Rev。 Mr。  Calthrop intimated   that if   he 

chose to accept rehabilitation on less arduous terms; he might obtain it; but 

the poignancy of his own sense of failure drove him to extremes。 

     〃Are   you   sure;〃   said    Cleggett   sternly;   〃that   you   are   not   making   a 


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luxury of   this very  penitence itself?         Are   you   sure that it   would   not   be 

more acceptable to Heaven if you forgave yourself more easily?〃 

     〃Alas; yes; I am sure!〃 said Mr。 Calthrop; with a sigh and his calm and 

wistful smile。      〃I   know  myself   too  well!      I know  my  own   soul。        I   am 

cursed with a fatal magnetism which women find it impossible to resist。 

And I am continually tempted to permit it to exert itself。               This is the cross 

that I bear through life。〃 

     〃You should marry some good woman;〃 said Cleggett。 

     〃I   do   not   feel   that   I   am   worthy;〃   said   Mr。   Calthrop   meekly。 〃And 

think   of   the   pain   my   wife   would   experience   in   seeing   me   continually 

tempted by some woman who believed herself to be my psychic affinity!〃 

     〃You   are   a   thought   too   subtle;   Mr。   Calthrop;〃   said   Cleggett   bluntly。 

〃But I suppose you cannot help that。               To each   of us his destiny。        I   am 

prepared;     until   I  see  some    evidence     to  the   contrary;   to  believe    your 

repentance   to   be   genuine。     In   the   meantime;   we   need   a   ship's   chaplain。 

If your conscience permits; you may have the postcombining it; however; 

with the vocation of a common sailor before the mast。                   I am inclined to 

agree    with    you   that  manual     labor   will  do   you   good。    Some      time   or 

another; in her progress around the world; the Jasper B。 will undoubtedly 

touch at a coast within walking distance of Jerusalem。                 There we will put 

you   ashore。     Before   we   sail   you   can   put   in   your   time   holystoning   the 


     〃The     deck   of   the  Jasper    B。;  said   Cleggett;    looking    at  it;  〃to  all 

appearances; has not been holystoned for some years。                    You will find in 

the forecastle several holystones that have never been used; and may begin 

at once。〃 

     Cleggett; if his tastes had not inclined him towards a more active and 

adventurous   life;   would   have   made   a   good   bishop;   for   he   knew   how   to 

combine   justice   and   mercy。       And   yet   few   bishops   have   possessed   his 

rapidity   of   decision;   when   compelled;   upon   the   spur   of   the   moment;   to 

become the physician of an ailing soul。              He had determined in a flash to 

make the man ship's chaplain; that Calthrop might come into close contact 


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                               THE CRUISE OF THE JASPER B。 

with other spiritual organisms and not think too exclusively of his own。 

     The    Rev。   Mr。   Calthrop    thanked     him   with   becoming      gratitude   and 

departed to get the new holystones。 

     By three o'clock that afternoon; with such celerity had the work gone 

forward; Mr。 Watkins; the contractor; announced to Cleggett that his task 

was finished; except for the removal of the rubbish in the hold。                 Cleggett; 

going     carefully   over   the  vessel;   and   examining      the  new    parts  with   a 

brochure   on   the   construction   and   navigation   of   schooners   in   his   hand; 

verified the statement。 

     〃She is ready to sail;〃 said Cleggett; standing by the new wheel with a 

swelling   heart;   and   sweeping   the   vessel   from   bowsprit   to   rudder   with   a 

gradual glance。 

     It was a look almost paternal in its pride; Cleggett loved the Jasper B。 

She was an idea that no one else but Cleggett could have had。 

     〃Sail?〃 said Mr。 Watkins。 

     〃Why not?〃 said Cleggett; puzzled at his tone。 

     〃Oh;   nothing;〃   said   Mr。   Watkins。      〃It's   none   of   my   business。   My 

business was to do the work I was hired to do according to specifications。 

Further than that; nothing。〃 

     〃But why did you think I was having the work done?〃 

     〃Can't say I thought;〃 said Mr。 Watkins。           〃I took the job; and I done it。 

Had an idea mebby you were in the movin' picture game。〃 

     Mr。 Watkins; as he talked; had been regarding Cap'n Abernethy; who in 

turn was looking at the mainmast。             There seemed to be something in the 

very  way   Cap'n Abernethy   looked   at   the   mainmast   which   jarred   on   Mr。 

Watkins。      Mr。   Watkins   dropped   his   voice;   indicating   the   Cap'n   with   a 

curved; disparaging thumb; as he asked Cleggett: 

     〃Is HE going to sail her?〃 

     〃Why not?〃 

     〃Ohnothing;       nothing    at  all;〃  said  Mr。   Watkins。    〃It's  none   o'  MY 


     Cleggett   began   to    be   a  little   annoyed。   〃Have   you;〃     he   said  with 


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dignity; and fixing a rather stern glance upon Mr。 Watkins; 〃have you any 

reason to doubt Cap'n Abernethy's ability as a sailing master?〃 

     〃No;   indeed;〃   said   Mr。   Watkins   cheerfully;   〃not   as   a   sailing   master。 

He may be the best in the world; for all I know。                _I_ never seen him sail 

anything。      I never heard him play the violin; neither; for that matter; and 

he may be a regular jim…dandy on the violin for all I know。〃 

     〃You are facetious;〃 said Cleggett stiffly。 

     〃Meaning I ain't paid to be fresh; eh?〃 said Mr。 Watkins。                  〃And right 

you are; too。      And there's all that junk down in the hold to pass out and 

cart away。〃 

     Cleggett personally supervised this removal; standing on the deck by 

the hatchway and scanning ever

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