贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > don quixote(堂·吉珂德) >


don quixote(堂·吉珂德)-第76章

小说: don quixote(堂·吉珂德) 字数: 每页4000字

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Anselmo's house as he had been wont; striving to do honour to him
and to the occasion; and to gratify him in every way he could; but
when the wedding days were over and the succession of visits and
congratulations had slackened; he began purposely to leave off going
to the house of Anselmo; for it seemed to him; as it naturally would
to all men of sense; that friends' houses ought not to be visited
after marriage with the same frequency as in their masters' bachelor
days: because; though true and genuine friendship cannot and should
not be in any way suspicious; still a married man's honour is a
thing of such delicacy that it is held liable to injury from brothers;
much more from friends。 Anselmo remarked the cessation of Lothario's
visits; and complained of it to him; saying that if he had known
that marriage was to keep him from enjoying his society as he used; he
would have never married; and that; if by the thorough harmony that
subsisted between them while he was a bachelor they had earned such
a sweet name as that of 〃The Two Friends;〃 he should not allow a title
so rare and so delightful to be lost through a needless anxiety to act
circumspectly; and so he entreated him; if such a phrase was allowable
between them; to be once more master of his house and to come in and
go out as formerly; assuring him that his wife Camilla had no other
desire or inclination than that which he would wish her to have; and
that knowing how sincerely they loved one another she was grieved to
see such coldness in him。
  To all this and much more that Anselmo said to Lothario to
persuade him to come to his house as he had been in the habit of
doing; Lothario replied with so much prudence; sense; and judgment;
that Anselmo was satisfied of his friend's good intentions; and it was
agreed that on two days in the week; and on holidays; Lothario
should come to dine with him; but though this arrangement was made
between them Lothario resolved to observe it no further than he
considered to be in accordance with the honour of his friend; whose
good name was more to him than his own。 He said; and justly; that a
married man upon whom heaven had bestowed a beautiful wife should
consider as carefully what friends he brought to his house as what
female friends his wife associated with; for what cannot be done or
arranged in the market…place; in church; at public festivals or at
stations (opportunities that husbands cannot always deny their wives);
may be easily managed in the house of the female friend or relative in
whom most confidence is reposed。 Lothario said; too; that every
married man should have some friend who would point out to him any
negligence he might be guilty of in his conduct; for it will sometimes
happen that owing to the deep affection the husband bears his wife
either he does not caution her; or; not to vex her; refrains from
telling her to do or not to do certain things; doing or avoiding which
may be a matter of honour or reproach to him; and errors of this
kind he could easily correct if warned by a friend。 But where is
such a friend to be found as Lothario would have; so judicious; so
loyal; and so true?
  Of a truth I know not; Lothario alone was such a one; for with the
utmost care and vigilance he watched over the honour of his friend;
and strove to diminish; cut down; and reduce the number of days for
going to his house according to their agreement; lest the visits of
a young man; wealthy; high…born; and with the attractions he was
conscious of possessing; at the house of a woman so beautiful as
Camilla; should be regarded with suspicion by the inquisitive and
malicious eyes of the idle public。 For though his integrity and
reputation might bridle slanderous tongues; still he was unwilling
to hazard either his own good name or that of his friend; and for this
reason most of the days agreed upon he devoted to some other
business which he pretended was unavoidable; so that a great portion
of the day was taken up with complaints on one side and excuses on the
other。 It happened; however; that on one occasion when the two were
strolling together outside the city; Anselmo addressed the following
words to Lothario。
  〃Thou mayest suppose; Lothario my friend; that I am unable to give
sufficient thanks for the favours God has rendered me in making me the
son of such parents as mine were; and bestowing upon me with no
niggard hand what are called the gifts of nature as well as those of
fortune; and above all for what he has done in giving me thee for a
friend and Camilla for a wife… two treasures that I value; if not as
highly as I ought; at least as highly as I am able。 And yet; with
all these good things; which are commonly all that men need to
enable them to live happily; I am the most discontented and
dissatisfied man in the whole world; for; I know not how long since; I
have been harassed and oppressed by a desire so strange and so
unusual; that I wonder at myself and blame and chide myself when I
am alone; and strive to stifle it and hide it from my own thoughts;
and with no better success than if I were endeavouring deliberately to
publish it to all the world; and as; in short; it must come out; I
would confide it to thy safe keeping; feeling sure that by this means;
and by thy readiness as a true friend to afford me relief; I shall
soon find myself freed from the distress it causes me; and that thy
care will give me happiness in the same degree as my own folly has
caused me misery。〃
  The words of Anselmo struck Lothario with astonishment; unable as he
was to conjecture the purport of such a lengthy preamble; and though
be strove to imagine what desire it could be that so troubled his
friend; his conjectures were all far from the truth; and to relieve
the anxiety which this perplexity was causing him; he told him he
was doing a flagrant injustice to their great friendship in seeking
circuitous methods of confiding to him his most hidden thoughts; for
be well knew he might reckon upon his counsel in diverting them; or
his help in carrying them into effect。
  〃That is the truth;〃 replied Anselmo; 〃and relying upon that I
will tell thee; friend Lothario; that the desire which harasses me
is that of knowing whether my wife Camilla is as good and as perfect
as I think her to be; and I cannot satisfy myself of the truth on this
point except by testing her in such a way that the trial may prove the
purity of her virtue as the fire proves that of gold; because I am
persuaded; my friend; that a woman is virtuous only in proportion as
she is or is not tempted; and that she alone is strong who does not
yield to the promises; gifts; tears; and importunities of earnest
lovers; for what thanks does a woman deserve for being good if no
one urges her to be bad; and what wonder is it that she is reserved
and circumspect to whom no opportunity is given of going wrong and who
knows she has a husband that will take her life the first time he
detects her in an impropriety? I do not therefore hold her who is
virtuous through fear or want of opportunity in the same estimation as
her who comes out of temptation and trial with a crown of victory; and
so; for these reasons and many others that I could give thee to
justify and support the opinion I hold; I am desirous that my wife
Camilla should pass this crisis; and be refined and tested by the fire
of finding herself wooed and by one worthy to set his affections
upon her; and if she comes out; as I know she will; victorious from
this struggle; I shall look upon my good fortune as unequalled; I
shall be able to say that the cup of my desire is full; and that the
virtuous woman of whom the sage says 'Who shall find her?' has
fallen to my lot。 And if the result be the contrary of what I
expect; in the satisfaction of knowing that I have been right in my
opinion; I shall bear without complaint the pain which my so dearly
bought experience will naturally cause me。 And; as nothing of all thou
wilt urge in opposition to my wish will avail to keep me from carrying
it into effect; it is my desire; friend Lothario; that thou shouldst
consent to become the instrument for effecting this purpose that I

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