贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > don quixote(堂·吉珂德) >


don quixote(堂·吉珂德)-第30章

小说: don quixote(堂·吉珂德) 字数: 每页4000字

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on horseback; in hunger and thirst; cold and heat; exposed to all
the inclemencies of heaven and all the hardships of earth。〃
  〃I have little to do with that;〃 replied the innkeeper; 〃pay me what
you owe me; and let us have no more talk of chivalry; for all I care
about is to get my money。〃
  〃You are a stupid; scurvy innkeeper;〃 said Don Quixote; and
putting spurs to Rocinante and bringing his pike to the slope he
rode out of the inn before anyone could stop him; and pushed on some
distance without looking to see if his squire was following him。
  The innkeeper when he saw him go without paying him ran to get
payment of Sancho; who said that as his master would not pay neither
would he; because; being as he was squire to a knight…errant; the same
rule and reason held good for him as for his master with regard to not
paying anything in inns and hostelries。 At this the innkeeper waxed
very wroth; and threatened if he did not pay to compel him in a way
that he would not like。 To which Sancho made answer that by the law of
chivalry his master had received he would not pay a rap; though it
cost him his life; for the excellent and ancient usage of
knights…errant was not going to be violated by him; nor should the
squires of such as were yet to come into the world ever complain of
him or reproach him with breaking so just a privilege。
  The ill…luck of the unfortunate Sancho so ordered it that among
the company in the inn there were four woolcarders from Segovia; three
needle…makers from the Colt of Cordova; and two lodgers from the
Fair of Seville; lively fellows; tender…hearted; fond of a joke; and
playful; who; almost as if instigated and moved by a common impulse;
made up to Sancho and dismounted him from his ass; while one of them
went in for the blanket of the host's bed; but on flinging him into it
they looked up; and seeing that the ceiling was somewhat lower what
they required for their work; they decided upon going out into the
yard; which was bounded by the sky; and there; putting Sancho in the
middle of the blanket; they began to raise him high; making sport with
him as they would with a dog at Shrovetide。
  The cries of the poor blanketed wretch were so loud that they
reached the ears of his master; who; halting to listen attentively;
was persuaded that some new adventure was coming; until he clearly
perceived that it was his squire who uttered them。 Wheeling about he
came up to the inn with a laborious gallop; and finding it shut went
round it to see if he could find some way of getting in; but as soon
as he came to the wall of the yard; which was not very high; he
discovered the game that was being played with his squire。 He saw
him rising and falling in the air with such grace and nimbleness that;
had his rage allowed him; it is my belief he would have laughed。 He
tried to climb from his horse on to the top of the wall; but he was so
bruised and battered that he could not even dismount; and so from
the back of his horse he began to utter such maledictions and
objurgations against those who were blanketing Sancho as it would be
impossible to write down accurately: they; however; did not stay their
laughter or their work for this; nor did the flying Sancho cease his
lamentations; mingled now with threats; now with entreaties but all to
little purpose; or none at all; until from pure weariness they left
off。 They then brought him his ass; and mounting him on top of it they
put his jacket round him; and the compassionate Maritornes; seeing him
so exhausted; thought fit to refresh him with a jug of water; and that
it might be all the cooler she fetched it from the well。 Sancho took
it; and as he was raising it to his mouth he was stopped by the
cries of his master exclaiming; 〃Sancho; my son; drink not water;
drink it not; my son; for it will kill thee; see; here I have the
blessed balsam (and he held up the flask of liquor); and with drinking
two drops of it thou wilt certainly be restored。〃
  At these words Sancho turned his eyes asquint; and in a still louder
voice said; 〃Can it be your worship has forgotten that I am not a
knight; or do you want me to end by vomiting up what bowels I have
left after last night? Keep your liquor in the name of all the devils;
and leave me to myself!〃 and at one and the same instant he left off
talking and began drinking; but as at the first sup he perceived it
was water he did not care to go on with it; and begged Maritornes to
fetch him some wine; which she did with right good will; and paid
for it with her own money; for indeed they say of her that; though she
was in that line of life; there was some faint and distant resemblance
to a Christian about her。 When Sancho had done drinking he dug his
heels into his ass; and the gate of the inn being thrown open he
passed out very well pleased at having paid nothing and carried his
point; though it had been at the expense of his usual sureties; his
shoulders。 It is true that the innkeeper detained his alforjas in
payment of what was owing to him; but Sancho took his departure in
such a flurry that he never missed them。 The innkeeper; as soon as
he saw him off; wanted to bar the gate close; but the blanketers would
not agree to it; for they were fellows who would not have cared two
farthings for Don Quixote; even had he been really one of the
knights…errant of the Round Table。


  SANCHO reached his master so limp and faint that he could not urge
on his beast。 When Don Quixote saw the state he was in he said; 〃I
have now come to the conclusion; good Sancho; that this castle or
inn is beyond a doubt enchanted; because those who have so atrociously
diverted themselves with thee; what can they be but phantoms or beings
of another world? and I hold this confirmed by having noticed that
when I was by the wall of the yard witnessing the acts of thy sad
tragedy; it was out of my power to mount upon it; nor could I even
dismount from Rocinante; because they no doubt had me enchanted; for I
swear to thee by the faith of what I am that if I had been able to
climb up or dismount; I would have avenged thee in such a way that
those braggart thieves would have remembered their freak for ever;
even though in so doing I knew that I contravened the laws of
chivalry; which; as I have often told thee; do not permit a knight
to lay hands on him who is not one; save in case of urgent and great
necessity in defence of his own life and person。〃
  〃I would have avenged myself too if I could;〃 said Sancho;
〃whether I had been dubbed knight or not; but I could not; though
for my part I am persuaded those who amused themselves with me were
not phantoms or enchanted men; as your worship says; but men of
flesh and bone like ourselves; and they all had their names; for I
heard them name them when they were tossing me; and one was called
Pedro Martinez; and another Tenorio Hernandez; and the innkeeper; I
heard; was called Juan Palomeque the Left…handed; so that; senor; your
not being able to leap over the wall of the yard or dismount from your
horse came of something else besides enchantments; and what I make out
clearly from all this is; that these adventures we go seeking will
in the end lead us into such misadventures that we shall not know
which is our right foot; and that the best and wisest thing; according
to my small wits; would be for us to return home; now that it is
harvest…time; and attend to our business; and give over wandering from
Zeca to Mecca and from pail to bucket; as the saying is。〃
  〃How little thou knowest about chivalry; Sancho;〃 replied Don
Quixote; 〃hold thy peace and have patience; the day will come when
thou shalt see with thine own eyes what an honourable thing it is to
wander in the pursuit of this calling; nay; tell me; what greater
pleasure can there be in the world; or what delight can equal that
of winning a battle; and triumphing over one's enemy? None; beyond all
  〃Very likely;〃 answered Sancho; 〃though I do not know it; all I know
is that since we have been knights…errant; o

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