贝壳电子书 > 英文原著电子书 > don quixote(堂·吉珂德) >


don quixote(堂·吉珂德)-第112章

小说: don quixote(堂·吉珂德) 字数: 每页4000字

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your father to stand his ground as well as he can in this battle;
and on no account to allow himself to be vanquished; while I go and
request permission of the Princess Micomicona to enable me to
succour him in his distress; and if she grants it; rest assured I will
relieve him from it。〃
  〃Sinner that I am;〃 exclaimed Maritornes; who stood by; 〃before
you have got your permission my master will be in the other world。〃
  〃Give me leave; senora; to obtain the permission I speak of;〃
returned Don Quixote; 〃and if I get it; it will matter very little
if he is in the other world; for I will rescue him thence in spite
of all the same world can do; or at any rate I will give you such a
revenge over those who shall have sent him there that you will be more
than moderately satisfied;〃 and without saying anything more he went
and knelt before Dorothea; requesting her Highness in knightly and
errant phrase to be pleased to grant him permission to aid and succour
the castellan of that castle; who now stood in grievous jeopardy。
The princess granted it graciously; and he at once; bracing his
buckler on his arm and drawing his sword; hastened to the inn…gate;
where the two guests were still handling the landlord roughly; but
as soon as he reached the spot he stopped short and stood still;
though Maritornes and the landlady asked him why he hesitated to
help their master and husband。
  〃I hesitate;〃 said Don Quixote; 〃because it is not lawful for me
to draw sword against persons of squirely condition; but call my
squire Sancho to me; for this defence and vengeance are his affair and
  Thus matters stood at the inn…gate; where there was a very lively
exchange of fisticuffs and punches; to the sore damage of the landlord
and to the wrath of Maritornes; the landlady; and her daughter; who
were furious when they saw the pusillanimity of Don Quixote; and the
hard treatment their master; husband and father was undergoing。 But
let us leave him there; for he will surely find some one to help
him; and if not; let him suffer and hold his tongue who attempts
more than his strength allows him to do; and let us go back fifty
paces to see what Don Luis said in reply to the Judge whom we left
questioning him privately as to his reasons for coming on foot and
so meanly dressed。
  To which the youth; pressing his hand in a way that showed his heart
was troubled by some great sorrow; and shedding a flood of tears; made
  〃Senor; I have no more to tell you than that from the moment when;
through heaven's will and our being near neighbours; I first saw
Dona Clara; your daughter and my lady; from that instant I made her
the mistress of my will; and if yours; my true lord and father; offers
no impediment; this very day she shall become my wife。 For her I
left my father's house; and for her I assumed this disguise; to follow
her whithersoever she may go; as the arrow seeks its mark or the
sailor the pole…star。 She knows nothing more of my passion than what
she may have learned from having sometimes seen from a distance that
my eyes were filled with tears。 You know already; senor; the wealth
and noble birth of my parents; and that I am their sole heir; if
this be a sufficient inducement for you to venture to make me
completely happy; accept me at once as your son; for if my father;
influenced by other objects of his own; should disapprove of this
happiness I have sought for myself; time has more power to alter and
change things; than human will。〃
  With this the love…smitten youth was silent; while the Judge;
after hearing him; was astonished; perplexed; and surprised; as well
at the manner and intelligence with which Don Luis had confessed the
secret of his heart; as at the position in which he found himself; not
knowing what course to take in a matter so sudden and unexpected。
All the answer; therefore; he gave him was to bid him to make his mind
easy for the present; and arrange with his servants not to take him
back that day; so that there might be time to consider what was best
for all parties。 Don Luis kissed his hands by force; nay; bathed
them with his tears; in a way that would have touched a heart of
marble; not to say that of the Judge; who; as a shrewd man; had
already perceived how advantageous the marriage would be to his
daughter; though; were it possible; he would have preferred that it
should be brought about with the consent of the father of Don Luis;
who he knew looked for a title for his son。
  The guests had by this time made peace with the landlord; for; by
persuasion and Don Quixote's fair words more than by threats; they had
paid him what he demanded; and the servants of Don Luis were waiting
for the end of the conversation with the Judge and their master's
decision; when the devil; who never sleeps; contrived that the barber;
from whom Don Quixote had taken Mambrino's helmet; and Sancho Panza
the trappings of his ass in exchange for those of his own; should at
this instant enter the inn; which said barber; as he led his ass to
the stable; observed Sancho Panza engaged in repairing something or
other belonging to the pack…saddle; and the moment he saw it he knew
it; and made bold to attack Sancho; exclaiming; 〃Ho; sir thief; I have
caught you! hand over my basin and my pack…saddle; and all my
trappings that you robbed me of。〃
  Sancho; finding himself so unexpectedly assailed; and hearing the
abuse poured upon him; seized the pack…saddle with one hand; and
with the other gave the barber a cuff that bathed his teeth in
blood。 The barber; however; was not so ready to relinquish the prize
he had made in the pack…saddle; on the contrary; he raised such an
outcry that everyone in the inn came running to know what the noise
and quarrel meant。 〃Here; in the name of the king and justice!〃 he
cried; 〃this thief and highwayman wants to kill me for trying to
recover my property。〃
  〃You lie;〃 said Sancho; 〃I am no highwayman; it was in fair war my
master Don Quixote won these spoils。〃
  Don Quixote was standing by at the time; highly pleased to see his
squire's stoutness; both offensive and defensive; and from that time
forth he reckoned him a man of mettle; and in his heart resolved to
dub him a knight on the first opportunity that presented itself;
feeling sure that the order of chivalry would be fittingly bestowed
upon him。
  In the course of the altercation; among other things the barber
said; 〃Gentlemen; this pack…saddle is mine as surely as I owe God a
death; and I know it as well as if I had given birth to it; and here
is my ass in the stable who will not let me lie; only try it; and if
it does not fit him like a glove; call me a rascal; and what is
more; the same day I was robbed of this; they robbed me likewise of
a new brass basin; never yet handselled; that would fetch a crown
any day。〃
  At this Don Quixote could not keep himself from answering; and
interposing between the two; and separating them; he placed the
pack…saddle on the ground; to lie there in sight until the truth was
established; and said; 〃Your worships may perceive clearly and plainly
the error under which this worthy squire lies when he calls a basin
which was; is; and shall be the helmet of Mambrino which I won from
him in air war; and made myself master of by legitimate and lawful
possession。 With the pack…saddle I do not concern myself; but I may
tell you on that head that my squire Sancho asked my permission to
strip off the caparison of this vanquished poltroon's steed; and
with it adorn his own; I allowed him; and he took it; and as to its
having been changed from a caparison into a pack…saddle; I can give no
explanation except the usual one; that such transformations will
take place in adventures of chivalry。 To confirm all which; run;
Sancho my son; and fetch hither the helmet which this good fellow
calls a basin。〃
  〃Egad; master;〃 said Sancho; 〃if we have no other proof of our
case than what your worship puts forward; Mambrino's helmet is just as
much a basin as this good fellow's caparison is a pack…saddle。〃
  〃Do as I bid thee;〃 said Don Quixote; 〃it cannot be that
everything in this castle goes by enchantment。〃
  Sancho ha

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