the golden road-第6章
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his hands was a harp with all its strings broken。〃
We left the fir woods as the tale was ended; and on the opposite hill was home。 A dim light in the kitchen window betokened that Aunt Janet had no idea of going to bed until all her young fry were safely housed for the night。
〃Ma's waiting up for us;〃 said Dan。 〃I'd laugh if she happened to go to the door just as Felicity and Peter were strutting up。 I guess she'll be cross。 It's nearly twelve。〃
〃Christmas will soon be over;〃 said Cecily; with a sigh。 〃Hasn't it been a nice one? It's the first we've all spent together。 Do you suppose we'll ever spend another together?〃
〃Lots of 'em;〃 said Dan cheerily。 〃Why not?〃
〃Oh; I don't know;〃 answered Cecily; her footsteps lagging somewhat。 〃Only things seem just a little too pleasant to last。〃
〃If Willy Fraser had had as much spunk as Peter; Miss Cecily King mightn't be so low spirited;〃 quoth Dan; significantly。
Cecily tossed her head and disdained reply。 There are really some remarks a self…respecting young lady must ignore。
If we did not have a white Christmas we had a white New Year。 Midway between the two came a heavy snowfall。 It was winter in our orchard of old delights then;so truly winter that it was hard to believe summer had ever dwelt in it; or that spring would ever return to it。 There were no birds to sing the music of the moon; and the path where the apple blossoms had fallen were heaped with less fragrant drifts。 But it was a place of wonder on a moonlight night; when the snowy arcades shone like avenues of ivory and crystal; and the bare trees cast fairy…like traceries upon them。 Over Uncle Stephen's Walk; where the snow had fallen smoothly; a spell of white magic had been woven。 Taintless and wonderful it seemed; like a street of pearl in the new Jerusalem。
On New Year's Eve we were all together in Uncle Alec's kitchen; which was tacitly given over to our revels during the winter evenings。 The Story Girl and Peter were there; of course; and Sara Ray's mother had allowed her to come up on condition that she should be home by eight sharp。 Cecily was glad to see her; but the boys never hailed her arrival with over…much delight; because; since the dark began to come down early; Aunt Janet always made one of us walk down home with her。 We hated this; because Sara Ray was always so maddeningly self…conscious of having an escort。 We knew perfectly well that next day in school she would tell her chums as a 〃dead〃 secret that 〃So…and…So King saw her home〃 from the hill farm the night before。 Now; seeing a young lady home from choice; and being sent home with her by your aunt or mother are two entirely different things; and we thought Sara Ray ought to have sense enough to know it。
Outside there was a vivid rose of sunset behind the cold hills of fir; and the long reaches of snowy fields glowed fairily pink in the western light。 The drifts along the edges of the meadows and down the lane looked as if a series of breaking waves had; by the lifting of a magician's wand; been suddenly transformed into marble; even to their toppling curls of foam。
Slowly the splendour died; giving place to the mystic beauty of a winter twilight when the moon is rising。 The hollow sky was a cup of blue。 The stars came out over the white glens and the earth was covered with a kingly carpet for the feet of the young year to press。
〃I'm so glad the snow came;〃 said the Story Girl。 〃If it hadn't the New Year would have seemed just as dingy and worn out as the old。 There's something very solemn about the idea of a New Year; isn't there? Just think of three hundred and sixty…five whole days; with not a thing happened in them yet。〃
〃I don't suppose anything very wonderful will happen in them;〃 said Felix pessimistically。 To Felix; just then; life was flat; stale and unprofitable because it was his turn to go home with Sara Ray。
〃It makes me a little frightened to think of all that may happen in them;〃 said Cecily。 〃Miss Marwood says it is what we put into a year; not what we get out of it; that counts at last。〃
〃I'm always glad to see a New Year;〃 said the Story Girl。 〃I wish we could do as they do in Norway。 The whole family sits up until midnight; and then; just as the clock is striking twelve; the father opens the door and welcomes the New Year in。 Isn't it a pretty custom?〃
〃If ma would let us stay up till twelve we might do that too;〃 said Dan; 〃but she never will。 I call it mean。〃
〃If I ever have children I'll let them stay up to watch the New Year in;〃 said the Story Girl decidedly。
〃So will I;〃 said Peter; 〃but other nights they'll have to go to bed at seven。〃
〃You ought to be ashamed; speaking of such things;〃 said Felicity; with a scandalized face。
Peter shrank into the background abashed; no doubt believing that he had broken some Family Guide precept all to pieces。
〃I didn't know it wasn't proper to mention children;〃 he muttered apologetically。
〃We ought to make some New Year resolutions;〃 suggested the Story Girl。 〃New Year's Eve is the time to make them。〃
〃I can't think of any resolutions I want to make;〃 said Felicity; who was perfectly satisfied with herself。
〃I could suggest a few to you;〃 said Dan sarcastically。
〃There are so many I would like to make;〃 said Cecily; 〃that I'm afraid it wouldn't be any use trying to keep them all。〃
〃Well; let's all make a few; just for the fun of it; and see if we can keep them;〃 I said。 〃And let's get paper and ink and write them out。 That will make them seem more solemn and binding。〃
〃And then pin them up on our bedroom walls; where we'll see them every day;〃 suggested the Story Girl; 〃and every time we break a resolution we must put a cross opposite it。 That will show us what progress we are making; as well as make us ashamed if we have too many crosses。〃
〃And let's have a Roll of Honour in Our Magazine;〃 suggested Felix; 〃and every month we'll publish the names of those who keep their resolutions perfect。〃
〃I think it's all nonsense;〃 said Felicity。 But she joined our circle around the table; though she sat for a long time with a blank sheet before her。
〃Let's each make a resolution in turn;〃 I said。 〃I'll lead off。〃
And; recalling with shame certain unpleasant differences of opinion I had lately had with Felicity; I wrote down in my best hand;
〃I shall try to keep my temper always。〃
〃You'd better;〃 said Felicity tactfully。
It was Dan's turn next。
〃I can't think of anything to start with;〃 he said; gnawing his penholder fiercely。
〃You might make a resolution not to eat poison berries;〃 suggested Felicity。
〃You'd better make one not to nag people everlastingly;〃 retorted Dan。
〃Oh; don't quarrel the last night of the old year;〃 implored Cecily。
〃You might resolve not to quarrel any time;〃 suggested Sara Ray。
〃No; sir;〃 said Dan emphatically。 〃There's no use making a resolution you CAN'T keep。 There are people in this family you've just GOT to quarrel with if you want to live。 But I've thought of oneI won't do things to spite people。〃
Felicitywho really was in an unbearable mood that nightlaughed disagreeably; but Cecily gave her a fierce nudge; which probably restrained her from speaking。
〃I will not eat any apples;〃 wrote Felix。
〃What on earth do you want to give up eating apples for?〃 asked Peter in astonishment。
〃Never mind;〃 returned Felix。
〃Apples make people fat; you know;〃 said Felicity sweetly。
〃It seems a funny kind of resolution;〃 I said doubtfully。 〃I think our resolutions ought to be giving up wrong things or doing right ones。〃
〃You make your resolutions to suit yourself and I'll make mine to suit myself;〃 said Felix defiantly。
〃I shall never get drunk;〃 wrote Peter painstakingly。
〃But you never do;〃 said the Story Girl in astonishment。
〃Well; it will be all the easier to keep the resolution;〃 argued Peter。
〃That isn't fair;〃 complained Dan。 〃If we all resolved not to do the things we never do we'd all be on the Roll of Honour。〃
〃You let Peter alone;〃 said Felicity severely。 〃It's a very good resolution and one everybody ought to make。〃
〃I shall not be je