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  • 大小:288K
  • 热度: 80
  • 推荐: 0
  • 收藏: 0
  • 上传日期:2017-03-20


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the eureka stockade 上传者:莫莫言

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The Eureka Stockadeby Raffaello CarboniNOTA BENEIn Person I solicit no subscriptionin writing I hereby ask no favour from my reader. A book must stand or fall by the truth contained in it.What I wish to note is this: I was taught the English language by the Very Reverend W. Vincent Eyre, Vice Rector of the English College, Rome. It has cost me immense pains to rear my English up to the mark; but I could never master the language to perfection. Hence, now and then, probably to the annoyance of my Readers, I could not help the foreign idiom. Of course, a proper edition, in Italian, will be published in Turin.I have nothing further to say.Carboni Raffaello....


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