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unbeaten tracks in japan-第28章

小说: unbeaten tracks in japan 字数: 每页4000字

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an apology。  A slice of fresh salmon has been produced; and I think
I never tasted anything so delicious。  I have finished the first
part of my land journey; and leave for Niigata by boat to…morrow

I。 L。 B。


A HurryThe Tsugawa Packet…boatRunning the RapidsFantastic
SceneryThe River…lifeVineyardsDrying BarleySummer Silence
The Outskirts of NiigataThe Church Mission House。

NIIGATA; July 4。

The boat for Niigata was to leave at eight; but at five Ito roused
me by saying they were going at once; as it was full; and we left
in haste; the house…master running to the river with one of my
large baskets on his back to 〃speed the parting guest。〃  Two rivers
unite to form a stream over whose beauty I would gladly have
lingered; and the morning; singularly rich and tender in its
colouring; ripened into a glorious day of light without glare; and
heat without oppressiveness。  The 〃packet〃 was a stoutly…built
boat; 45 feet long by 6 broad; propelled by one man sculling at the
stern; and another pulling a short broad…bladed oar; which worked
in a wistaria loop at the bow。  It had a croquet mallet handle
about 18 inches long; to which the man gave a wriggling turn at
each stroke。  Both rower and sculler stood the whole time; clad in
umbrella hats。  The fore part and centre carried bags of rice and
crates of pottery; and the hinder part had a thatched roof which;
when we started; sheltered twenty…five Japanese; but we dropped
them at hamlets on the river; and reached Niigata with only three。
I had my chair on the top of the cargo; and found the voyage a
delightful change from the fatiguing crawl through quagmires at the
rate of from 15 to 18 miles a day。  This trip is called 〃running
the rapids of the Tsugawa;〃 because for about twelve miles the
river; hemmed in by lofty cliffs; studded with visible and sunken
rocks; making several abrupt turns and shallowing in many places;
hurries a boat swiftly downwards; and it is said that it requires
long practice; skill; and coolness on the part of the boatmen to
prevent grave and frequent accidents。  But if they are rapids; they
are on a small scale; and look anything but formidable。  With the
river at its present height the boats run down forty…five miles in
eight hours; charging only 30 sen; or 1s。 3d。; but it takes from
five to seven days to get up; and much hard work in poling and

The boat had a thoroughly 〃native〃 look; with its bronzed crew;
thatched roof; and the umbrella hats of all its passengers hanging
on the mast。  I enjoyed every hour of the day。  It was luxury to
drop quietly down the stream; the air was delicious; and; having
heard nothing of it; the beauty of the Tsugawa came upon me as a
pleasant surprise; besides that every mile brought me nearer the
hoped…for home letters。  Almost as soon as we left Tsugawa the
downward passage was apparently barred by fantastic mountains;
which just opened their rocky gates wide enough to let us through;
and then closed again。  Pinnacles and needles of bare; flushed rock
rose out of luxuriant vegetationQuiraing without its bareness;
the Rhine without its ruins; and more beautiful than both。  There
were mountains connected by ridges no broader than a horse's back;
others with great gray buttresses; deep chasms cleft by streams;
temples with pagoda roofs on heights; sunny villages with deep…
thatched roofs hidden away among blossoming trees; and through
rifts in the nearer ranges glimpses of snowy mountains。

After a rapid run of twelve miles through this enchanting scenery;
the remaining course of the Tsugawa is that of a broad; full stream
winding marvellously through a wooded and tolerably level country;
partially surrounded by snowy mountains。  The river life was very
pretty。  Canoes abounded; some loaded with vegetables; some with
wheat; others with boys and girls returning from school。  Sampans
with their white puckered sails in flotillas of a dozen at a time
crawled up the deep water; or were towed through the shallows by
crews frolicking and shouting。  Then the scene changed to a broad
and deep river; with a peculiar alluvial smell from the quantity of
vegetable matter held in suspension; flowing calmly between densely
wooded; bamboo…fringed banks; just high enough to conceal the
surrounding country。  No houses; or nearly none; are to be seen;
but signs of a continuity of population abound。  Every hundred
yards almost there is a narrow path to the river through the
jungle; with a canoe moored at its foot。  Erections like gallows;
with a swinging bamboo; with a bucket at one end and a stone at the
other; occurring continually; show the vicinity of households
dependent upon the river for their water supply。  Wherever the
banks admitted of it; horses were being washed by having water
poured over their backs with a dipper; naked children were rolling
in the mud; and cackling of poultry; human voices; and sounds of
industry; were ever floating towards us from the dense greenery of
the shores; making one feel without seeing that the margin was very
populous。  Except the boatmen and myself; no one was awake during
the hot; silent afternoonit was dreamy and delicious。
Occasionally; as we floated down; vineyards were visible with the
vines trained on horizontal trellises; or bamboo rails; often forty
feet long; nailed horizontally on cryptomeria to a height of twenty
feet; on which small sheaves of barley were placed astride to dry
till the frame was full

More forest; more dreams; then the forest and the abundant
vegetation altogether disappeared; the river opened out among low
lands and banks of shingle and sand; and by three we were on the
outskirts of Niigata; whose low houses;with rows of stones upon
their roofs; spread over a stretch of sand; beyond which is a sandy
roll with some clumps of firs。  Tea…houses with many balconies
studded the river…side; and pleasure…parties were enjoying
themselves with geishas and sake; but; on the whole; the water…side
streets are shabby and tumble down; and the landward side of the
great city of western Japan is certainly disappointing; and it was
difficult to believe it a Treaty Port; for the sea was not in
sight; and there were no consular flags flying。  We poled along one
of the numerous canals; which are the carriage…ways for produce and
goods; among hundreds of loaded boats; landed in the heart of the
city; and; as the result of repeated inquiries; eventually reached
the Church Mission House; an unshaded wooden building without
verandahs; close to the Government Buildings; where I was most
kindly welcomed by Mr。 and Mrs。 Fyson。

The house is plain; simple; and inconveniently small; but doors and
walls are great luxuries; and you cannot imagine how pleasing the
ways of a refined European household are after the eternal
babblement and indecorum of the Japanese。


(Kinugawa Route。)

From Tokiyo to

               No。 of houses。     Ri。      Cho
Nikko                             36
Kohiaku              6             2        18
Kisagoi             19             1        18
Fujihara            46             2        19
Takahara            15             2        10
Ikari               25             2
Nakamiyo            10             1        24
Yokokawa            2O             2        21
Itosawa             38             2        34
Kayashima           57             1         4
Tajima             25O             1        21
Toyonari           120             2        12
Atomi               34             1
Ouchi               27             2        12
Ichikawa             7             2        22
Takata             42O             2        11
Bange              910             3         4
Katakado            50             1        20
Nosawa             306             3        24
Nojiri             110             1        27
Kurumatoge           3                       9
Hozawa              20             1        14
Torige              21             1
Sakaiyama           28                      24
Tsugawa            615             2        18
Niigata         50;000 souls   

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