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the country doctor-第47章

小说: the country doctor 字数: 每页4000字

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d an end of all joy and happiness; they make a fool of the Empress; and fly the white flag out at the windows。 The Emperor's closest friends among his generals forsake him at last and go over to the Bourbons; of whom no one had ever heard tell。 Then he bids us farewell at Fontainbleau:

〃 'Soldiers!' 。 。 。 (I can hear him yet; we were all crying just like children; the Eagles and the flags had been lowered as if for a funeral。 Ah! and it was a funeral; I can tell you; it was the funeral of the Empire; those smart armies of his were nothing but skeletons now。) So he stood there on the flight of steps before his chateau; and he said:

〃 'Children; we have been overcome by treachery; but we shall meet again up above in the country of the brave。 Protect my child; I leave him in your care。 LONG LIVE NAPOLEON II。!'

〃He had thought of killing himself; so that no one should behold Napoleon after his defeat; like Jesus Christ before the Crucifixion; he thought himself forsaken by God and by his talisman; and so he took enough poison to kill a regiment; but it had no effect whatever upon him。 Another marvel! he discovered that he was immortal; and feeling sure of his case; and knowing that he would be Emperor for ever; he went to an island for a little while; so as to study the dispositions of those folk who did not fail to make blunder upon blunder。 Whilst he was biding his time; the Chinese and the brutes out in Africa; the Moors and what…not; awkward customers all of them; were so convinced that he was something more than mortal; that they respected his flag; saying that God would be displeased if any one meddled with it。 So he reigned over all the rest of the world; although the doors of his own France had been closed upon him。

〃Then he goes on board the same nutshell of a skiff that he sailed in from Egypt; passes under the noses of the English vessels; and sets foot in France。 France recognizes her Emperor; the cuckoo flits from steeple to steeple; France cries with one voice; 'Long live the Emperor!' The enthusiasm for that Wonder of the Ages was thoroughly genuine in these parts。 Dauphine behaved handsomely; and I was uncommonly pleased to learn that people here shed tears of joy on seeing his gray overcoat once more。

〃It was on March 1st that Napoleon set out with two hundred men to conquer the kingdom of France and Navarre; which by March 20th had become the French Empire again。 On that day he found himself in Paris; and a clean sweep had been made of everything; he had won back his beloved France; and had called all his soldiers about him again; and three words of his had done it all'Here am I!' 'Twas the greatest miracle God ever worked! Was it ever known in the world before that a man should do nothing but show his hat; and a whole Empire became his? They fancied that France was crushed; did they? Never a bit of it。 A National Army springs up again at the sight of the Eagle; and we all march to Waterloo。 There the Guard fall all as one man。 Napoleon in his despair heads the rest; and flings himself three times on the enemy's guns without finding the death he sought; we all saw him do it; we soldiers; and the day was lost! That night the Emperor calls all his old soldiers about him; and there on the battlefield; which was soaked with our blood; he burns his flags and his Eaglesthe poor Eagles that had never been defeated; that had cried; 'Forward!' in battle after battle; and had flown above us all over Europe。 That was the end of the Eaglesall the wealth of England could not purchase for her one tail…feather。 The rest is sufficiently known。

〃The Red Man went over to the Bourbons like the low scoundrel he is。 France is prostrate; the soldier counts for nothing; they rob him of his due; send him about his business; and fill his place with nobles who could not walk; they were so old; so that it made you sorry to see them。 They seize Napoleon by treachery; the English shut him up on a desert island in the ocean; on a rock ten thousand feet above the rest of the world。 That is the final end of it; there he has to stop till the Red Man gives him back his power again; for the happiness of France。 A lot of them say that he is dead! Dead? Oh! yes; very likely。 They do not know him; that is plain! They go on telling that fib to deceive the people; and to keep things quiet for their tumble…down government。 Listen; this is the whole truth of the matter。 His friends have left him alone in the desert to fulfil a prophecy that was made about him; for I forgot to tell you that his name Napoleon really means the LION OF THE DESERT。 And that is gospel truth。 You will hear plenty of other things said about the Emperor; but they are all monstrous nonsense。 Because; look you; to no man of woman born would God have given the power to write his name in red; as he did; across the earth; where he will be remembered for ever! 。 。 。 Long live 'Napoleon; the father of the soldier; the father of the people!' 〃

〃Long live General Eble!〃 cried the pontooner。

〃How did you manage not to die in the gorge of the redoubts at Borodino?〃 asked a peasant woman。

〃Do I know? we were a whole regiment when we went down into it; and only a hundred foot were left standing; only infantry could have carried it; for the infantry; look you; is everything in an army〃

〃But how about the cavalry?〃 cried Genestas; slipping down out of the hay in a sudden fashion that drew a startled cry from the boldest。

〃He; old boy! you are forgetting Poniatowski's Red Lancers; the Cuirassiers; the Dragoons; and the whole boiling。 Whenever Napoleon grew tired of seeing his battalions gain no ground towards the end of a victory; he would say to Murat; 'Here; you! cut them in two for me!' and we set out first at a trot; and then at a gallop; ONE; TWO! and cut a way clean through the ranks of the enemy; it was like slicing an apple in two with a knife。 Why; a charge of cavalry is nothing more nor less than a column of cannon balls。〃

〃And how about the pontooners?〃 cried the deaf veteran。

〃There; there! my children;〃 Genestas went on; repenting in his confusion of the sally he had made; when he found himself in the middle of a silent and bewildered group; 〃there are no agents of police spying here! Here; drink to the Little Corporal with this!〃

〃Long live the Emperor!〃 all cried with one voice。

〃Hush! children;〃 said the officer; concealing his own deep sorrow with an effort。 〃Hush! HE IS DEAD。 He died saying; GLORY; FRANCE; AND BATTLE;' So it had to be; children; he must die; but his memory never!〃

Goguelat made an incredulous gesture; then he whispered to those about him; 〃The officer is still in the service; and orders have been issued that they are to tell the people that the Emperor is dead。 You must not think any harm of him because; after all; a soldier must obey orders。〃

As Genestas went out of the barn; he heard La Fosseuse say; 〃That officer; you know; is M。 Benassis' friend; and a friend of the Emperor's。〃

Every soul in the barn rushed to the door to see the commandant again; they saw him in the moonlight; as he took the doctor's arm。

〃It was a stupid thing to do;〃 said Genestas。 〃Quick! let us go into the house。 Those Eagles; cannon; and campaigns! 。 。 。 I had quite forgotten where I was。〃

〃Well; what do you think of our Goguelat?〃 asked Benassis。

〃So long as such stories are told in France; sir; she will always find the fourteen armies of the Republic within her; at need; and her cannon will be perfectly able to keep up a conversation with the rest of Europe。 That is what I think。〃

A few moments later they reached Benassis' dwelling; and soon were sitting on either side of the hearth in the salon; the dying fire in the grate still sent up a few sparks now and then。 Each was absorbed in thought。 Genestas was hesitating to ask one last question。 In spite of the marks of confidence that he had received; he feared lest the doctor should regard his inquiry as indiscreet。 He looked searchingly at Benassis more than once; and an answering smile; full of a kindly cordiality; such as lights up the faces of men of real strength of character; seemed to give him in advance the favorable reply for which he sought。 So he spoke:

〃Your lif

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