贝壳电子书 > 财会税务电子书 > 恶补英文十天背诵10000单词 >



小说: 恶补英文十天背诵10000单词 字数: 每页4000字

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There are myriad of stars in the sky at night; we cannot count them。
Thousands of men and women are working in the quarry to get stones for use in building the castle。
Poverty and disease are mon in the slums。
He tinkled his coins together in his pocket。
The swimmer caught in the whirlpool struggled to keep from drowning。
We ended our blockade of the enemy’s port when peace was established。
The fox likes to live in a burrow; it’s warm in winter and cool in summer。
Destruction and suffering are corollaries of war。
Many flattering relatives fawned on the rich old man。
He groped for the light switch in the dark basement。
He turned the latch of the door and opened it so gently。
The soldiers were filled with nostalgia by hearing my old favorite song。
The notes of the hunting horn resounded through the forest。
The fireman splintered the locked door with an ax to save the boy in the room。
No one in the place survived the crash; it crashed down into splinters。
A truce was declared at Christmas between the two armies。
There is not a single grammar book on the vernacular of this African tribe。
Lesson 18
The use of anesthetics is less than a hundred years old。
The fire on the hill was a beacon to the villagers that the enemy was ing。
The coroner concluded that the death of the old woman was accidental。
They decided to settle their quarrel by a duel。
Peach trees can be grafted on plum trees。
“First e; first served” is an impersonal remark。
A large iceberg loomed through the thick; gray fog。
As the speaker made a funny joke; peals of laughter rang through the auditorium。 The missing cattle are discovered in the annual roundup。
The cowboy worked all night to gather the cattle that had straggled behind the rest of the herd。
He was suspected of having ulterior motives for making his generous offer; but in fact his offer was from the bottom of his heart。
The old Chippendale chair was sold at a good price at the auction。
The old man is famous for super calligraphy。
Jean felt unable to cope with driving in heavy traffic after her accident。
Please get some cucumbers in the vegetable section; I’ll make pickles。
Her grandfather is 90 years old; and every mealtime she has to prepare gruel for him by boiling oatmeal in water。
She hustled off her children to school and started working。
Every year the army and the navy hold maneuvers for practice。
She maneuvered her car into a narrow parking space with ease。
He was in a terrible plight; trapped at the back of the cave。
I came to the meeting to scoff; but the speaker persuaded me。
She was stunned by the news of her mother’s death。
A vulture usually lives on the flesh of dead animals。
After his store burned; the storekeeper became a bankrupt。
It suddenly began to shower; and we took refuge in the cavern。
Chrysanthemum usually blooms in fall and shows great varieties in the size and color of its flower。
The inhabitants of the port are occupied mainly with fishery。
In a gust of uncontrollable anger he broke the picture in pieces。
She tried to ingratiate herself with the teacher by offering some precious gifts。
The reason why we lost the war was not just because of a shortage of munitions。
The wretched slaves prostrated themselves before their master。
The campfire smoldered for several hours after the blaze died down。
The hail beat a loud tatoo on the windowpane。
In a democratic system it is the people that wield the power。
In his letter he alluded me to a matter which I had pletely forgotten。
A chisel and a hammer are indispensable tools for a sculptor。
Mal crickets make a chirping noise by rubbing their front wings together。
As we stepped into the bush; birds flitted from tree to tree。
It was rather high…handed to punish the child for the accident。
The child lagged behind others because he was very tired。
You naughty boy! I told you not to play on the road。
We used to hear the rattle of the milk bottles in the early morning。
Soot is caused by inplete burning and makes smoke dark。
The Ohio River is one of the tributaries of the Mississippi River。
The workmen mended the road; but a heavy storm undid their work。
The children began to undo the string round the parcel to see what was in it。
The rider belabored his tired horse with a stick。
After dinner they walked around the circumference of the lake。
In case of failure of direct descendants; the throne devolves upon the nearest prince。
Don’t fret too much; everything will be all right。
The wild geese honked high in the autumn sky。
The government decided to levy a tax on tobacco; it had been free from tax。
The new rule overrides all the previous ones。
The scattered soldiers were rallied in the vale for the next attack。
Many people sprawled on the beach in their bathing suits。
The old man trudged through the deep snow back towards home。
Lesson 19
The soldiers lay in ambush; waiting for the signal to open fire。
The major ambushed his troops in the woods on both sides of the road。
He is always bragging about what he can do with a car。
Be sure that you cleanse the wound before bandaging it。
The professor will deliver a discourse on the poetic style of John Keats。
In World War II the general made it a point of pride to dig his own foxhole。
The inflammation of his knee made it difficult for him to walk。
The huge stone is so heavy that we cannot move it without a lever。
In arithmetic we use the Arabic notation (1;2;3; and so on) or sometimes the Roman notation (I; II; III; and so on)
A large ransom was asked for the safe return of the child。
He sopped a piece of bread in milk; it was too crisp to eat。
His cheek tingled from the slap she had given him。
A large percentage of the budget is for armaments。
On Sunday she gets up late in the morning and has a brunch around 10:30。
His coffin was laid to rest in a deep grave。
The mother envisioned her little girl as a prima ballerina。
The gangster who had taken part in the robbery was arrested by the police。
The ink had faded so that many words were illegible。
The rebellion was started by some malcontents who had been dissatisfied with the policy。
We will take a rest in the pavilion until the game starts。
The prisoners escaped out of the jail under the shroud of night。
The room soon filled with the water spurting from the broken pipe。
He put varnish on the tabletop to protect it; but somebody has scratched it。
Many old ballads are sung to new words。

The butt of pipe stuck out from the wall where the sink had been removed。
The goat butted the boy and knocked him down。
You will have to call the consul before your passport is expired。
Memories of happier days were enshrined in the old man’s heart。
He gobbled the ice cream so fast that he got a headache。
We had to listen to a long harangue about our own shortings。
He spent the whole afternoon mowing the grass in the back yard。
In the Middle Ages; many people used to go as pilgrims to Jerusalem and to other holy places in Europe。
The formers sheared the wool from the sheep。
He strangled her to death by a cord put around her neck。
The kernel of the walnut is eaten by itself or used in cakes or cookies。
Beavers are noted for their sill in building dams across streams。
The cavalry is many superiors in mobility to the infantry。
The floor creaked as he stepped on a loose board。
The fir remains green all year and its needles are distributed evenly around the branch。
During the heavy storm; airplanes should be kept in the hangar。
The kernel of the argument is who discovered the islands first。
What seems to be a cold often turns out to be the beginning of measles。
With a huge puff the balloon was blown up and then suddenly burst。
Sleet forms when rain falls through a layer of cold air。
A woman; after marriage; usually drops her surname and takes that of her husband。
Woman often wears wigs over their real hair for beauty of fashion。
Bleached bones lay on the hot sands of the desert。
Chariots were used in ancient times for fighting; racing; and in processions。
He has been crippled since he broke his leg。 Now he can’t walk without a pair of crutches。
She flirted with many men but loved only one。
They were very pleased to see some gulls flying in the sky; full of hope

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