贝壳电子书 > 财会税务电子书 > 恶补英文十天背诵10000单词 >



小说: 恶补英文十天背诵10000单词 字数: 每页4000字

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The moonlight on the lake enhanced the beauty of the scene。
The criminal has been imprisoned in a dry cell for almost 10 years。
Do not bear malice toward him; he is a good mean by nature。
The driver was prosecuted for exceeding the speed limit on the express way。
He started an inquiry into the cause of the fire; and prosecuted it for several weeks。
We were all amused by the satirical parison of life at college and in the army。
They subscribe to a monthly magazine in addition to several daily newspapers。
He subscribed a large amount of money to the collection for the hospital。
We heard a weird shriek from the darkness of the ruined castle。
A guilty man apprehends danger in every sound。
The thief who had stolen the jewels was apprehended by the police and was put in jail。
She mutes from Cambridge to London every day。
Heat and smoke emitted by the fire made it difficult for the firemen to put it out。
The soldiers fortified the position on the hill by building earthworks and erecting log walls。
The government inflicted excessively heavy ine taxes on the people。
She cut and painted pieces of paper that mimicked flowers so well that some people thought they were real。
Her calm voice reassured the frightened child; and he felt much better。
An exciting new serial story will begin in our next week’s issue。
The tactics of pretending to cross the river and of making a retreat fooled the enemy。
Lesson 16
He that never was acquainted with adversity has seen the world but on one side。
My new shoes have made blisters on my heels。
The clatter of metal plates was heard from the kitchen。
Most of telephone dials use digital numbers。
He cannot work today; he got a gash in his hand while axing。
Even militarily weak and small nations have defied UN decisions with impunity。
Plants grow much faster and stronger when they are given manure。
Glass is not porous; it doesn’t allow liquid to pass through。
There are a lot of shacks in the run…down part of the town near the railroad。
The average life span of people has increased considerably since the 19th century。
The strong winds twitched the paper out of her hand。
The French battleships were placed within the power of Nazi Germany in accordance with armistice terms。
It would be a breach of duty for the guard to leave before his replacement es。
To help a new student get oriented furthers the ity of the school。
Some prisoners in the dungeon will be released tomorrow。
He is a gregarious man; he enjoys the panionship of a large number of friends。
The explorers incurred great dangers when they tried to cross the rapids。
She has a small mole on the left side of her nose。
The mole digs holes and passes underground and makes its home in them。
He has applied for a patent on his latest invention。
This coffee is very hot。 Do not drink it quickly; but sip it。

Sulfur is found abundantly in volcanic regions。
This year’s upsurge in rice production is due to the new method of cultivation。
Grandfather was an austere man; he used to be silent and very strict to us/
When I was in hospital; she called on me with a bouquet of roses in her hand。
In the Pacific Ocean there are many coral atolls that are ring like islands。
A group of schoolmasters are holding a forum on new ways of teaching history。
On rainy days the students play games in the gym。
“Not like that” he interjected while explaining how to take the machine into pieces。
Some mushrooms are good to eat; some; such as toadstools; are poisonous。
They escaped from the wrecked ship on a raft。
The children looked like Negroes; their faces were smeared with soot。
One end of a pencil is tapered off to a point。
I have read this French play via English translation。
Newspapers are often called barometers of public opinion。
He plied with the doctor’s order that should take a rest at home。
A coxb spends too much money and time on his clothes and appearance。
In summer the house next door is hidden luxuriant foliage。
She made her plan for her annual summer hegira to the Miami Beach。
The hunters traced the footmarks of a tiger and at last they found him in his lair。

The child had a terrible nightmare and awoke crying。
This reservoir is large enough to supply water to the entire city。
He bought some sod to put in the bare spots of his lawn yard。
Rake up the trashes in the yard and burn it。 We will have some guests tonight。
The furniture will stay in the warehouse until they pay the storage cost。
She volcano belched a staggering mount of fire; smoke; and ashes。
It’s such a chore to do the shopping every day。
When she was asked a sudden question; her face turned crimson in embarrassment。
The fugitive had already packed and bought his ticket。
Two women were quarrelling on the street; surrounded by a horde of people。
Usually a linguist is skilled in a number of languages besides his won。
The price of the petroleum has been raised too high during the last few years。
Mary rumpled her dress by sitting on the floor。
A person sneezes when he has a cold。
She twined her arms around his neck and kissed him。
When we got inside the factory; we couldn’t hear the guide explain because of the whirring of the motors。
Lesson 17
An alloy is often harder; lighter; and stronger than the pure metals of which it is posed。
The streets were not lighted at night during the blackout。
Who is supposed to cater for your daughter’s wedding next week?
He is cramming facts and dates for his history examination tomorrow。
He crammed as many candy bars into his pockets as they would hold。
If you paid 200 for the watch; you were fleeced。 I saw it in a department store for 70/
The jungle is the natural habitat of wild animals and plants。
I lost my key to the door; and I went to the locksmith to get a new one。
He panted excitedly giving us the news as he had just heard it。
Don’t use that old cart; it’s rickety。
He has been stigmatized as a coward and liar。
Having been in the desert without water for two days; his thirst was unquenchable。
The astronauts of the United States are returning to the earth from the moon。
One age bequeaths its knowledge to the next。
In the United States there is a census every ten years。
Everyone of the city was asked to join the crusade for better housing。
The stream was so deep that we could not ford it。
The dog hovers around the kitchen door every mealtime。
They were all dressed up to attend the masquerade。
He got a free ticket to the play by masquerading as a friend of the actors。
The phoenix is believed to live for 500 years and then burn itself and be born again from the ashes。
Some people prefer the dark bread made from rye to the white bread made from wheat。
In the film he jumps off a running car and performs other dangerous stunts。
The most exciting game in hockey; was Harvard versus Yale。
Above all the artillery was the deciding factor in the battle。
In the early days of the West many states paid a bounty for captured criminals。
When he got a shot against typhus; the child clenched his teeth in pain。
I saw a burglar; with a dirk in his hand; getting into the room where she was sleeping。
The murderer entreated the judge for mercy; but was sentenced to the gallows。
My steak; though delicious; was mostly fat and bones。 Most of it was inedible。
The morale of the football team was very low after its defeat。
We are more prone to make mistakes when we are tired。
We fell prone on the ground and drank water from the spring。
The robbers grasped the peril of their position and scuttled away。
The carpet was fastened to the floor with tacks。
After his parents’ death; the court made him a ward of his aunt。
The terrible avalanche buried the whole village; and very Jew people survived it。
I was so in a hurry that I left my briefcase at home。
The apartment is not modious enough for his family to live in。
The bourbon dynasty ruled France for more than two hundred years。
After he got out of the bar; he suddenly began to yell drunken gibberish on the sidewalk。
I invoked his forgiveness many times; but failed to move him。
There are myriad of stars in the sky at night; we cannot count them。
Thousands of men and women are working in the quarry to get s

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