贝壳电子书 > 财会税务电子书 > 恶补英文十天背诵10000单词 >



小说: 恶补英文十天背诵10000单词 字数: 每页4000字

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     Every skit in our class show was loudly applauded;from the opening scene to the finale。
     The story is far from plete because the finis is not yet written。
     I will confine my remarks to the causes of the War of 1812;the next speaker will discuss its results。
     Remember that your anwer will be treated as definitive。You will not be permitted to change it。
     Air;water;molasses;and milk are all fluids。
     During November;the military situation situation remained fluid;with advances and retreats by both sides。
     When prices are in a state of flux;many buyers delay purchases until conditions are more settled。
     The discovery of gold in California in 1848 caused a large influx of settles from the East。
     Recently the price of a pound of tomatoes has fluctuated from a high of 45 cents to low of 2 cents。
     Do you have to grope for words;or are you a fluent speaker?
     Poe was the originator of a genre of detective story。
     The bible states that Adam was the progenitor of the human race。
     But for the skill of the presiding officer;the debate would he degenerated into an exchange of insults。
     Name…calling engenders hatred。
     The new manager regenerated the losing team and made it a strong contender for first place。
Greg … gather
     At the airport;the homeing champions were weled by a huge aggregation of admirers。
     The minister addressed the congregation on the meaning of brotherhood。
     The warden believes in segregation of first offenders from hardened criminals。
     The aggregate strength of the allies was imprssive;though individually some were quite weak。
     Except for hermits and recluses;who shun pany;most people are gregarious。
     If the relationship between the first sentence and what follows is not clear;the paragraph lacks coherence。
     There can be no real cohesion in an alliance if the parties have little in mon。
     Apply the sticker according to the directions;or it will not adhere。
     I glued together the fragments of the vase;but they did not cohere。
     Because of her inherent carlessness;I doubt my sister can ever be a good driver。
     A square is a quadrilateral。
     After voting for the rod building program;the legislature took up the collateral issue of how to raise the necessary funds。
     If one side of an equilateral triangle measures three feet;the other two must also be three feet each。
     The building plan shows both a front and a lateral view of the proposed structure。
     A mother has to be a nurse;housekeeper;shopper;cook;teacher;etc。She plays a multilateral role。
     Don’t judge the mattter by my opponent’s unilateral statement。
     Note the alliteration in the line “Sing a song of sixpence。”
     When registering as a new voter;take along your diploma as proof of literacy。
     We translate “laissez…faire”as “absence of government interference;” but its literal meaning is “let do。”
     Mark Twain is one of the greatest figures in our literary history。
     The school’s main goal in working with adults who can neither read nor write is to make them literate。
     A number of luminaries;including a Novel prize winner and two leding authors;will be present。
     I asked the teacher to elucidate a point that was not clear to me。
     To obviate misunderstanding;state the directions in the most lucid way possible。
     With this watch you can tell time in the dark because its hads and dial are luminous。
     Lamp shades are translucent bu tnot transparent。
     The manacles were removed from the prisoner’s wrists。
     After World War I;Syria became a French mandate。
     The walkout ws a clear violation of the court’s mandate against a strike。
     Each student has a learner’s permit and a copy of the “Driver’s manual。”
     Miling;fomerly a manual operation;is now done by machine。
     The uthor’s manuscript is now at the printer。
     The washing machine has emancipated housewives from a great deal of drudgery。
     In today’s lesson I learned how to manipulate the steering wheel。
     A school edition of a novel usually has an appendix containing explanatory notes。 
     The pendant dangling from the chain around her neck looked like a medal;but it was really a watch。
     If you have seen the marks;please tell me whether I passed or failed;don’t me in suspense!
     If you had in your report late;append a note explaining the reason for the delay。
     She wore a green pendant suspended from a silver chain。
     Train service will be suspended from midnight to 4 a。m。 to permit repairs。
     At the first flash of lightning;people scurried for shelter from the impending storm。
     Has a decision been reached on a date for the game;or is the matter still pending?
     Barbara agreed to conduct the meeting pending the election of a permanent chairman。
     Did the king abdicate or was he deposed?
     Cleaning up after the job is the repairman’s responsibility。Don’t let him impose it on you。
     Mr。Marx has postponed the test until tomorrow to give us an extra day to study。
     Today’s snowfall superimposed a fresh two inches on yesterday’s accumulation。
     There is a misspelled word on your paper;”strenght。”Correct it by transposing the last two letters。
     The inscription on Paul’s medal reads “For excellence in English。”
     Both candidates used professional scribes to prepare their campaign speeches。
     How much time did the actors have to memorize the script?
     The petition to nominate Sue for president of the freshman class already has forty…three subscribers。
     When there are not enough volunteers for the armed forces the government conscripts additional men。
     The law prescribes that aliens may not vote。
     Her physician prescribed some pills;a light diet;and plenty of rest。
     The two pills are alike in color and shape;but there the similarity ends。
     “He is as brave as a lion。” Is a simile。
     The letter n in the prefix in is often assimilated with the following letter。 For example;”in”plus “legible”bees”illegible。”
     A bright student assimilates knowledge rapidly。
     Nancy was the star of the show;she simulated the bewildered mother very effectively。
     These gloves are not a pair;they are quite dissimilar。
     The flash of an explosion reaches us before the sound;though the two are simultaneous。
     What an actor says in a soliloguy is heard by no one except the audience。
     Thought I like pany;there are times when I prefer solitude。
     Instead of sining a solo;Brenda would prefer to join with me in a duet。
     After the war;the villagers hope to return to their desolated homes。
     At 5:30 a。m。 the normally crowded intersection looks desolate。
     Franklin D。Roosevelt was the sole candidate to be elected President for a fourth term。
     A hermit leads a solitary existence。
     When President Lincoln took office;the Union faced imminent dissolution。
     Since the memvers lack mutual interests;the club will probably dissolve。
     After our quarrel;Grace and I dissoved our friendship。
     The resolution of our air and water pollution problems will be difficult and costly。
     A witness provided the clue that resolved the mystery。
     A democratic ruler is restricted by a consitution;a legislature;and courts;but a dictator has absolute power;
     As an analogy;Sugar is soluble in water。
     Someone would have found the answer by now if the problem were soluble。
     In a salt water solution;the water is the solvent and the salt is the solute。
     The examiners found the bank solvent;much to the relief of its depositors。
     Our nation abounds in opportunities for well…educated young men and women。
     Fish abound in the waters of Newfoundland。
     On Election Night;the victor’s offices were inundated by congratulatory messages。
     Our team’s sportmanlike conduce redounds to the credit of the school。

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