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小说: 恶补英文十天背诵10000单词 字数: 每页4000字

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     You do not have to defrost this refrigerator because it is equipped with an automatic defroster。
     The Alumni Association is not under the control of the school。 It is a pletely autonomous group。
     Before 1789;France was an aristocracy。
     When the Revolution of 1789 began;many members of the French aristocracy fled to other lands。
     Germany under Adolf Hitler ws an autocracy。
     The mayor was criticized for setting up an inefficient bureaucracy unresponsive to the needs of the people。
     France helped the Thirteen Colonies establish the firse New World democracy。
     If only millionaires can afford to run for office;we shall quickly bee a plutocracy。
     Many are opposed to a technocracy because they do not wish to be ruled by technical experts。
     An aristocrat would like to see noblemen in control of the government。
     Winston Churchill was born an aristocrat;he was the son of Sir Randolph Churchill。
     The Senator used to be a Republican but is now a Democrat。
     No responsible leader;only a demagogue;would tell the people that;if elected;he will solve all their problems。
     The high rate of absence in the lower grades last spring was caused by the measles epidemic。
     Federal aid was granted to the depressed area where unemployment had risen to epidemic proportions。
     The adoption of the 19th Amendment;giving women the franchise greatly democratized the United States。
     A nation cannot be considered democratic unless its leaders are chosen by the people in free elections。
     A two…week vacation is wonderful for fatigue;but will not cure baldness or improve vision。 It is no panaca。
     The huge crowds in Times Squake grew noisier as the old year ticked away;and when midnight struck there was pandemonium。
     The opposing knights;mounted and in full panoply;awaited the signal for the tournament to begin。
     The top of the Empire State Building affords an excellent panorama of New York City and the surrounding area。
     Not until THE GREAT DICTATOR did Charlie Chaplin play a speaking part。 All his previous roles were in pantomime。
     The Pan…American Highway links all of the countries of the Western Hemisphere rom Alaska to Chile。
     It is an anachronism to say that william Shakespeare “typed” his manuscripts。
     One of the earliest accounts of King Arthur occurs in a 12th…century chronicle of the kings of Britain。
     Bruce named all the Presidents;but he made an error in chronology when he placed Ulysses S。Grant after Abraham Lincoln;instead of after Andrew Johnson。
     The magazines in this file are not in chronological order。 I found the February issue after the October one。
     The clocks in the library need to be synchronized; one is a minute and a half behind the other。
     The millionaire who was caught shoplifting was found to be suffering from kleptomania。
     For a student with an A average to quit school two months before graduation is sheer mania。
     Though I am still fond of stamp collecting;I no longer have the mania for it that I originally had。
     The deranged behavior of John’s brother leaves little doubt that he is a maniac。
     The preson arrested for setting the fire had been suspected of pyromania on two previous occasions。
     The customer protested in such a loud; violent;and maniacal manner that onlookers thought he had lost his sanity。
     There are four different encyclopedias in the reference section of our school library。
     Patients recovering from broken limbs are housed in the hopital’s orthopedic ward。
     A new teacher usually receives a great deal of help from the more experienced pedagogues。
     Mr。Brown’s lessons are usually excellent。 He is a master of pedagogy。
     When the baby developed a fever; Mother telephoned the pediatrician
     From the number of baby carriages outside his office;you can tell that Dr。Enders specializes in pediatrics。
     A student who wears braces on his teeth is obviously under the care of an orthodontist。
     American and English orthography are very much alike。
     A deformity of the spine is a condition that requires the attention of an orthopedist。
     There ws no religious liberty in the Massachusetts Bay Colony。 Roger Williams;for example; was banished because he did not accept orthodox Puritan beliefs。
     Vaccination was rejected as unorthodox when Dr。 Jenner first suggested it。
Gen; Gena…race
     Diana can trace her descent from an ancestor who fought in the Civil War。 I know much less about my own genealogy。
     According to legend;the Trojan War had its genesis in a dispute between three Greek goddesses。
     If dairies did not homogenize milk;the cream would be concentrated at the top instead of being evenly distributed。
     Many different racial and cultural groups are to be found in the heterogeneous population of a large city。
     The dancers for the ballet were selected for similarity of height and build so that they might present a homogeneous appearance。
     When the barometer indicates a rapid drop in air pressure;it  means a storm is ing。
     Unlike ordinary clocks and watches;chronometers are little affected by temperature changes or vibration。
     Some giant redwood trees measure 325 feet in height and up to 30 feet in diameter。
     When water meters are installed;it will be easy to tell how much water each home is using。
     A meter is 3。37 inches longer than a yard。
     All eyes;except the driver’s;were fastened on the odometer as it moved from 9;999。9 to 10;000 miles。
     The intensity of a source of light;such as an eletric liht bulb;can be measured with a photometer。
     I advised Dad to slow down as we were in a 30…mile…an…hour zone and his speedometer registered more than 40。
     As the planes sped by;we were impressed by the perfect symmetry of their V…formation。
     Japan was our antagonist in the World War II。
     Brutus is the main character in William Shakespeare’s JULIUS CAESAR; and Antony is his antagonist。
     The antibiotic penicillin stops the growth of bacteria causing pneumonia;tonsillitis;and certain other diseases。
     When the body is invaded by foreign agents such as bacteria or viruses;the antibodies go to work against them。
     By telephone;the physician prescribed the exact antidote to be given immediately to the poison victim。
     A few of the neighbors have an antipathy to dogs;but most are ond of them。
     The wound was carefully washed;then an antiseptic;tincture of iodine;was applied。
     We are injected with diphtheria antitoxin produced in horses beause the antitoxin manufactured by our bodies may not be enough to prevent diphtheria。
     “Temporary” is the antonym of “permanent”。
     The word “radar” is an acronym for Radio Detecting And Range。
     “Fair”and “fare” are homonyms。
     Notice the onomatopoeia in these lines by the poet John Drydth:” The double;double;double beat/Of the thundering drum。”
     O。Henry is pseudonym of William Sydney Porter。
     “Building” is a synonym for “edifice。”
     When you write a letter to the editor;be sure to sign it。 Responsible publications eill not print anonymous letters。
     The patient with the skin disorder is under the care of a dermatologist。
     The tiny cells from which hairs grow are located in the dermis。
     Although very thin;the epidermis serves to protect the underlying dermis。
     The lifelike models of animals that you see in museums are the work of taxidermists。
     A hypodermic syringe is used for injecting medication beneath the skin。
     The science of agronomy helps farmers obtain larger and better crops。
     Being a gastronome;my uncle is well acquainted with the best restaurants in the city。
     The fleeing murderer escaped the bullets of two pursuing policeman ran itno a third who proved to be his nemesis。
     We would have ended the season without a defeat if not for our old nemesis;Greeley High。
     The first astronomical observations 

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